
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

Resentful husband(1)

The bright light of the incandescent bulb illuminated every inch of the attic, yet Jane was nowhere to be seen. As his gaze fell upon the spot where Jane had fallen when he closed the door, he noticed a trace of blood on the white tiles and even on the wall nearby. His eyes moved around the room and he suddenly realized that the window had been broken open.

He walked over and looked down, the tall trees casting shadows in the light. A branch extended right up to the window. After a while, he took out his phone and made a call.

It was already 3 a.m. and Mark Cooper, who had been sound asleep, was particularly impatient when his phone rang. But due to his special professional nature, anyone calling him in the middle of the night was most likely related to a crime. As a habit, he answered the call. It was John's voice on the other end, "Come to Lavender Manor."

"At this hour? What do you want me to do?" Mark was really tired and his tone was full of anger.

However, John did not pay attention to his anger at all and simply said, "You have ten minutes to get here."

Mark Cooper sighed, hung up the phone, and hurriedly got dressed, grabbing his car keys.

When he arrived at Lavender Manor and looked up, the attic light was on, causing his heart to skip a beat. Was John going to kill Jane in the middle of the night and have him, a forensic expert, dispose of the body?

Countless images flashed through his mind as he approached the scene in the attic. But when he arrived, he realized he had been overthinking things.

"She's gone, there's blood on the ground. Analyze it and tell me what happened," John stood at the attic window with a solemn expression. Mark Cooper looked over and felt like the darkness outside was seeping into John's eyes. He couldn't see any emotions in them.

It was the middle of the night, but John seemed to be full of emotions. "Obviously, she ran away. What else is there to analyze?"

John persisted, staring at the mottled bloodstains on the ground.

Mark Cooper stood with his neck stiff, spouting nonsense, "Maybe it was a home invasion murder, someone killed her and took the body away."

"Mark Cooper!" With just those words, John became angry, his black eyes glowing with menace as if he wanted to eat Mark Cooper alive. Mark Cooper's heart skipped a beat.

No matter how deeply Jane hurt John, he did not want anything bad to happen to her. Is that what this means?

"You can analyze it, but you have to promise me one thing," John stared at Mark Cooper, his lips pursed, waiting for him to speak.

Mark Cooper met John's gaze, "You can't see Jane for a year, and you can't inquire about her at all."

John's gaze burned, staring fixedly at Mark Cooper without flinching or speaking.

Under his powerful aura, Mark Cooper licked his lips and gritted his teeth, "Six months?"

John remained unmoved.

"Three months?" Mark Cooper gritted his teeth.

John continued to stare, his impatience showing in his expression. Mark Cooper faltered, "20 days?"

John nodded, "Analyze."

Mark Cooper lowered his head, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. Twenty days was better than nothing, at least it would give Vivian West a few quiet days.

After a professional analysis, Mark Cooper concluded, "Someone climbed up from outside and pried open the boards here on the attic. Jane climbed out from the inside. As for the blood on the ground, it was caused by coughing, not physical injury."

John's lips tightened. He didn't expect Jane to have an accomplice and to have the audacity to come and take her away.

Mark Cooper looked at John's grim expression and frowned, "John, a gentleman's word is his bond. Don't forget that you can't find Jane for 20 days."

John's expression turned cold, "I know."