
Scrounger: My sister became stronger by leeching from me.

In a land beyond yonder, lay two twins. Both without their memories, they survived from hand to mouth. Or even worse, hand to the floor. Yet one fortuitous(?) encounter with a cowardly demon lord and their life starts changing upside down as forces beyond their scope of mind slowly start emerging in the world. How will a boy who looks like a girl, a parasite sister who can only leech after her brother, and a butler who's actually a demon king survive in this world?

Karma_Akabane_2510 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Names

We woke up in Almia's Tent... I recalled yesterday's events.

I shook Daki, who was sleeping next to me.

"Wake up!!!!" I shouted.

Almia had her eyes closed and was seated next to us. She was holding the ornate sword that was buried in the earth.

"Oh, good to see you awake," said Almia... I turned my face to see her.

"Slime-e.... and B-Baal..." Those were my murmured words.

"huh?" Those words appeared to puzzle her.

"Our names, which we pick by ourselves."

"Do you know what their names mean?"

"We never utilized them since we don't,"

"Oh, I see. Well, slime is simply a weak and chubby monster unlike you. Meanwhile... Baal is the name of a very high-ranking demon from the underworld. Simply putting, Baal was the first king of Hell."

"I knew it!" Daki, who had been only partially awake earlier, shouted in delight at learning the meaning of the names she had selected.

"I control the underworld. you!!! look at me, feeble beast."

"You don't actually become the ruler of hell just by picking a name like that, you know."

"You cannot work with those, I repeat. You would require a more pleasant name "uttered Almia.

"Huh? Just why would we do that?"

"Because of your names, society will only make fun of you."

"But Kryun is a far worse name than we are."

"It still has a human name,"

"I'm not interested in changing my name. Anyone who tries to make fun of my name will just have to compensate by becoming my servant. "Daki yelled.

I shrugged, "Good luck with that~"

"This is going nowhere," murmured Almia.

"Additionally, this is for you." Daki removed a pin from her hair that was in good condition because she had stored it carefully up to this point.

"Huh? what for ? "questioned ALmia.

I said "We want to avoid owing anyone anything. This is for providing us with meals."

"You weren't required to" interrupting Almia's speech, Baal covertly inserted the pin in her hair.

"Getting Baal to part up her beloved pin was difficult."

Baal screamed, "You mean my sole hairpin!"

I yawned.

=====3 Days Later=====

"It took an awfully long time to get here," spoke Miyamoto.

We stood in front of a cave. Despite the fact that it was a brilliant day with bright sunlight, the entryway was completely dark.

"This is only the beginning, my dear comrade. We will journey through this house of unknowns in order to find the treasures that have remained undiscovered for a thousand years." Kryun used a tone befitting a leader.

"Oh see, a simple-minded moron." Baal talked in a disinterested manner, using her customary sarcastic tones.

"Kids, get ready! What you encounter there will be one hell of an experience." Grisaia's comments were intended to uplift Baal and me, but we weren't interested in anything but the money.

"I still don't see why I should give up a portion of my share." Moore didn't appear to have recovered from the stress of losing some of his gold.

"I fail to see why we must exploit two children as monster bait." Almia opposed the idea from the start but since she was the only one who opposed it, her opinion held low value.

"I fail to see the need for two loudmouths in instead of some normal ones". A distinct form of anguish affected Kyrun, who had endured continual insults from Baal and me.

So why are we still standing here? questioned Baal.

My remarks dealt Kryun another blow, "Probably because the self-proclaimed leader wants to look cool."

After saying that, I moved in the direction of the door.

Kryun yelled, "I AM NOT SELF PROCLAIMED!!!!?"

"Yes, yes. Pretty Face now starts to move." When Grisaia spoke, everyone else went to the entrance after her.

"Oh my, a musclehead is in command now." Baal made a caustic remark once more.

"I appreciate your bravery, but keep your insults for Kryun."

Everyone went through the completely dark entryway and was transferred to an empty, dark hall.

[Lumen Semita]

The Hall where we were standing was filled with white light thanks to magic done by Moore.

In front, there was a gate with some writing on it.

This time, [dkript] Almia cast a spell at the strange writing on the enormous gate.

The words were translated on a floating screen.

Baal and I were unable to read it since we never went to school. Our main priority had always been to survive.

Almia said the words aloud as she read.

{Warning to those who dared to infiltrate Navitas' home.}

"Who is Navitas?"

"Probably the final boss or the Labyrinth Master."

"I'm hoping they're not a freak." The things that Baal said were growing worse thanks to spending time with these unusual humans.

"Don't worry kids, just do your work and I'll ensure your safety from those weirdos," Grisaia responded to Baal in her customary carefree fashion.

Kryun came forward and unholstered his blade from the sheath.

"Get in formation."

The door was destroyed by his slash.

Some plant-like monsters on the opposite side were crushed when the door collapsed. Wines then entered the space and made an effort to take hold of everyone. But they were all destroyed in approximately half a minute.

"That wasn't even an exercise, poor thing. I had high hopes." Grisaia appeared to be dissatisfied.

"It's just the gate, I guess. Why were you hoping for more?" Moore answered.

"It would be more powerful if the dungeon just had one floor."

I hadn't been able to process what had transpired.

"You guys knew this was going to happen?"

"Kids, they are simple traps. If you're an explorer, you should be aware of this information." Kryun was smirking when he boasted of his knowledge for some reason.

Everyone kept moving forward toward the gate and crossed a bridge that led to an odd location populated by creatures that resembled wolves. They were larger in size and they gave off endless bloodlust.

"Oii Kid, they are all over the place. You two will infiltrate the center and create a commotion, allowing me to quickly chop through them."

"Are you certain you are not attempting to murder us? After all, you despise my sister and me."

"I don't have such types of guts with Grisaia around, so don't worry."

Grisaia laughed, "Yea, he won't do anything."

Incapable of denying their instructions. We followed instructions exactly and as said. After making a commotion all the scattered creatures ran towards us, but with a single strike, Kryun dispatched all the strange creatures.

"I had no idea fools like him could be so powerful. Maybe I had to pay a price for my intelligence by becoming weak?" Kryun's forehead developed another stress line as a result of Baal's remark about him.

"Do not forget, You probably intended to steal from us when we caught you trying to follow us. That isn't wise, in my opinion."

"Woah, a 40-year-old is attempting to debate with an 11-year-old about wisdom, what a worthless world, one may think." Kryun's comments drew my response.

"You little!!!!!!!!! I JUST TURNED 24 YEARS OLD!"

"Well, You don't look like one," said Baal.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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