
Chapter 75: Fizbo (Part 6)

-Living Room-

Luke was standing in front of his friends with a green lizard on his head, swinging its tail cutely.

Jungle Tanya was next to him in her forest ranger attire with multiple buttons opened on her top, revealing the next tattoo and a little cleavage.

Her hair was tied up, revealing the nape of her head, and she wore fingerless gloves for some reason.

She clapped and said to the children, "Alright, let's give Luke a big hand for being so brave!"

The room burst with loud clapping noises and cheers as all the children started clapping together for Luke's bravery.

Dylan, Haley, Alex, and Ryan were standing in the right corner of the living room, near the door of the back lawn.

Alex rocks a patterned white shirt and has removed her jacket. Haley also had opened up her hood, and Ryan was still rocking his dark blue-colored Hugo boss uniform.

Dylan adorned a stylish black biker jacket, a dark brown shirt, and black pants. Dylan also has a blue plate in their hand filled with food.

Once the cheers and clapping ended, Luke asked with his eyes looking up, trying to look at the lizard chilling on top of his head, "Feels so weird. What does it eat?"

Tanya replied naughtily, "Oh, just boys' and girls' brains!" as she said the end of her sentence, she bent down to Luke's height and turned her head towards the rest of the children to scare them as well.

In the corner, Alex mumbled, "Well, at least Luke's got nothing to worry about."

"Just Luke?" Ryan whispered, leaning into Alex's left ear.

She giggles and heads with Ryan to the kitchen to get something to eat while holding hands. Meanwhile, Dylan asked Haley, "Is there mayo in this?"

With her arms crossed, Haley looked upward to see Dylan's face and answered, "No, you are good."

"So, I was thinking we could go slip away-" She said, hinting at the obvious.

As Haley was about to finish her sentence, Tanya was finally ready with her next animal. She asked the crowd, "So, does anyone wanna pet the iguana?"

Dylan immediately answered, "Hell's yeah!" and ditched Haley after keeping his plate on a dark brown table nearby before heading straight to the front of the exhibition.

Haley looked at him in dissatisfaction as her boyfriend prioritized touching a gross lizard rather than making out with a pretty girl like her.

Right at this moment, Ryan and Alex came back. Ryan was carrying two blue camping chairs, while Alex was carrying a blue plate filled with food.

"Let me, my lady." Ryan opened up the chair for Alex first before his. He held Alex's hand and escorted her to the chair like a princess.

Haley watched the couple with a burning gaze, and then she directed the gaze to Dylan.

Ryan sat on the far left so that Alex could sit right next to Haley without noticing the big sis' reaction, allowing the plot to progress without a hassle.

Still standing, Haley asked curiously while crossing her arm, "Where did you get these chairs?"

Alex replied, "Camping chairs mind you, they are Ryan's."

Ryan added, "Yeah, I saw there wasn't any space to sit down, so I had the butler deliver it at the door while we were getting food."

Haley said mockingly, "Butler, huh? I wish we had one of those."

Ryan turned to her with a grin, "Well, we can't all have what we want now, can we? Anyways where is Dylan?"

He hit her right where it hurts the most.

Alex pointed in the front, and Ryan saw that the plot had just begun as it was now Dylan's turn to touch the Iguana, meaning they had made it back in the nick of time.

It was slightly strange for Ryan as in the show, right after Alex mumbled, Dylan immediately had the scene of the Iguana.

It was also why when Alex first invited him to get something to eat, he was initially hesitant but gave in because he was a much more casual guy in plot episodes.

Then again, seeing the line of kids behind Dylan made sense that Dylan wouldn't be the first to touch the Iguana in a more realistic scenario like his.

Either way, Ryan was happy and surprised that the plot hadn't changed too much. It being predictable is what Ryan wanted, as Fizbo was a chaotic episode, and unpredictability was too risky with a flipping crossbow in the mix.

As Ryan finished thinking, the plot started back up as Dylan picked up the Iguana with both hands and asked, "What's his name?"

Tanya answered while smiling, "Her name is Lizzy."

Dylan nodded in understanding and awe, "Oh, I totally get that."

Observing Dylan from her seat, Alex told Haley, "You don't deserve this."

Haley couldn't help but fall into her sister's scheme, "What?"

Alex answered, "Hot reptile chic-" before being interrupted by Ryan, who said, "Open wide." as he fed her pringle chips with his left hand.

Alex, caught off guard by Ryan, opened her mouth and let Ryan feed her with a red blush on her face. Meanwhile, Haley looked at Ryan feeding Alex and felt something strange.

After chewing and eating the chips, Alex continued, "As I was saying, you know she probably has her own apartment. Also, obviously, okay touching gross stuff…."

In disgust, Ryan pulled his face to the side, "Come on, Alex, not when we are eating."

"Sorry." She replied with a grin, not feeling sorry at all.

Haley looked at Alex and said while fake smiling, "They're just talking."

Ryan, hearing this agreed and said, "Yeah, Alex, I think you might be overthinking. Dylan is a simple man. He won't possibly even consider flirting even if an actress was hitting on him."

Alex retorted sarcastically, "You are right. Maybe Dylan is far too simple to get sucked in by a single lady with tons of cool tattoos."

Ryan then pondered for a sec and replied, "Maybe you are right, but I am sure we can make out if they are flirting, and so far, it doesn't look like it."

As Ryan finished saying this, Tanya hit Dylan's arm lightly and giggled.

Ryan then corrected himself, "Okay, there might be some flirting." Meanwhile, Haley's smile turned into a solemn face, and she started thinking of something.

-Yellow bouncing castle-

Four men are standing outside the bouncy castle and staring inside, smiling with happiness and satisfaction.

Jay, who was exiting the house, noticed this crowd and asked, "Hey, what am I missing, guys?" he then got a clear view and went, "Ah geez, Gloria."

Gloria, upon seeing Jay goes, "Jay, look! I go high! Look, look!" as she continues to jump like a kid inside the bouncy castle.

Jay felt disgusted by the men's behavior. "Guys hit the road. Come on, you're family men. Come on, ASAP." he waves his hand in the air, telling them to leave.

The family men started to leave, leaving only Jay calling for Gloria. A couple booth over, Phil was standing in front of the rock wall watching Luke climbing it halfway to the top.

(A/N: Sad that Phil was busy and missed Gloria jumping. Oh well, there will be opportunities in the future.)

"Great job, buddy. Now comes the fun part, repelling down." Phil said.

Luke, high up on the climbing wall, attached with a metal wire, replied hesitatingly, "It's really high."

While pointing his fingers at Luke, Phil shouted, "You have NOTHING to FEAR, but FEAR itself."

He continued in a low-pitched voice as he looked at the ground, "…and the concrete."

Phil comforted his son again, "I am right here, buddy."

Luke finally trusted his father's words, "Okay, just catch me."

-Commentary Starts-

Phil sat alone on a yellow sofa before the stairs and started speaking.

"I am brave. Rollercoasters? Love them. Scary movies? I've seen Ghostbusters, like, seven times."

"I regularly drive through neighborhoods that have only recently been gentrified. So yeah, I'm pretty much not afraid of anything…."

-Commentary Ends for Now-

Cameron, or should I say Fizbo arrives suddenly in front of Phil, followed by Mitchell at the back, and playfully shouts, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, everybody! Quite your clowning around 'cause that's my job!"

Phil, who sees Fizbo, the clown, retreats a few steps until he gets past the clown's point of view. His happy face instantly looks disturbed and horrified.

-Commentary Starts Again-

Phil continued, his face perturbed, "But that thing, it scares me. Never shared that with the fam, so shhh. I do have an image to maintain."

"I am not sure where the fear comes from. My mother says it's because I found a dead clown in the woods when I was a kid, but… who knows?"

-Commentary Ends-

"Ahh~" Ryan opened his mouth as Alex fed him a potato chip. "So sweet." He said as he bit the chip.

"It's salty silly." Alex retorted.

"I know. The sweet part is you." Ryan said with a wink.

This is today's chapter although 1.5k long counted as one. I will be going ham starting tomorrow so expect long or multiple chapter as the due date for debt payment is far too close.

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