
Scribbles Of My Life

Dinma, a beautiful girl in her 30s, who had been through it in her last relationship and was still going through it but only surviving by focusing on the love from her family. Cheta had only been in the country for a few months and it was because he had taken over his family business after the death of his father. Dinma had just finished buying some things at the cloth market and was going home when Cheta got into the same bus with her after his car had broken down and like every romantic story, it was love at first sight. From that day, they spent everyday together but is that going to be enough?

chidima_ebere · Urban
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29 Chs

A Little Of The City.

I woke late the next morning, and Cheta was out of the house already. He left a handwritten note on the bedside lamp, "Baby, I'm out for the meeting. I'll be back by lunch. The driver is ready to take you out when you are ready. I love you baby. Don't forget to eat breakfast". I read the note and got out of bed. Then I walked into the bathroom for a bath and when I got out of the bathroom, my phone was ringing. It was a call from Chioma, I took the call.

"Hey Nma, good morning", Chioma said when I connected the call

"Hello Chioma, good morning", I said

"Are you ready for our date?", she asked me

"I just got out of the bathroom, but I'm sure I'll be dressed and ready", I said

"Okay, I think we should meet at the salon"

"Okay, that's perfect", I said

"I'll send the address of the salon to you", Chioma said to me, still on the phone

"Okay, I'll meet you there then", I said and disconnected the call.

I got out of the towel and put on the colourful shirts and tank top, I had picked out for the day, it was a simple date, so I didn't want to over-dress but I still wanted to look beautiful.

When I was done getting dressed, I went downstairs for breakfast. It was only me in the dining and I had Chioma waiting for me too, so it was a quick breakfast. I finished eating and rang the bell, the housekeeper walked into the living room.

"Good morning ma'am", he said,

"Good morning. Please do you know where I can find the driver?", I asked him

"I'll get him for you ma'am"

"Thank you", I said and he walked out of the living room. I continued what I was doing on my phone, I had woken up to a notification, Cheta had tagged me on the picture he posted of us together, so I was reposting it while thinking about what post to make of the 2 of us. I was still thinking about what to do when the housekeeper returned to the living room.

"Ma'am, the driver is waiting outside for you", he said

"Thank you", I said

He walked out of the living room.

I got up, picked up my purse, and left the house. I got into the car.

"Good morning ma", the driver greeted me

"Good morning"

"Please where are we going to ma?", he asked me

I took my phone out and gave him the address to the salon, I was going to meet Chioma. Then he started the ignition of the car and we drove out of the compound. We got to the salon and I got out of the car, Chioma was also just getting to the salon too.

We hugged each and walked into the salon together.

"So what do you want to do exactly, ma?", the salon attendant was asking us

"I want to do a mani and a pedi and then wash my hair and reweave it", Chioma said

"Well, a mani and a pedi too but I want to get braids. I think I'm tired of wearing wigs"

"Okay, what kind of braids?", she asked me

"Big braids, something fancy but not tiny braids", I said

"Okay, I know exactly what to do. We will start with the manicure and pedicure", she said.

We followed her to the workstation and sat down, then 2 people started working on our feet, and that was when Chioma told her she was doing a bridal pedicure and manicure, so they knew what to do. While I had my feet soaked, someone was loosening my hair, then I went over to wash and dry it, and then I went back to continue with my nails. Then a few minutes later, they started braiding my hair, Chioma and I didn't really talk about anything because it was a little noisy there and we could barely hear ourselves. After we were done at the salon, Chioma suggested we went to a lounge for a while before going back home and we were hungry anyway, so it was an excuse to get food too. We got into our different cars, Chioma was driving, and we drove to the lounge, it was while I was in the car that Cheta called me.

"Hey baby, how is your date going?", he asked me over the phone.

"Fine, we just finished at the salon.. are you home?", I asked him

"I just got home. Are you coming home?", he asked, still on the phone

"No, we are going to get drinks and food",

"You want me to join you?", he asked

"If you want. I'll let you know where we go to, then you can join us.", I said

"Okay. Talk later", he said and then hung up.

We got to the lounge and I texted Cheta with the address to the place. We walked in and got our seats. Then the waiter came over and took our orders, then walked away.

"Cheta is joining us", I told Chioma.

She laughed and shook her head, "These men, Nick texted me too, he is coming", she said

"What? So much for a girl's day," I said and laughed

The waiter brought over our drinks and promised us that our food was coming, so we started sipping our drinks, then Nick walked over to our table

"Hey ladies", Nick said, with a smile.

Chioma got up and hugged him, and he kissed her, then he sat down next to her and asked if we had ordered.

"Yes, but I didn't order for you", Chioma said to him

"Okay", he said and he gestured to one of the waiters.

The waiter walked over to our table and took his order, then I ordered a drink and food Cheta and he walked away.

"So how was your date?", he asked us.

Chioma stretched her hands out, showing him, "It was fun.", she said with a smile.

"It was fun, I even braided my hair", I said.

"I can see that. You, ladies, look very beautiful", Nick said.

"Thank you, Nick", I said

Cheta walked into the lounge and started calling me on the phone, I had to stand up and wave him over to our table, then he saw us and walks over, he pulled me close to him and hugged me.

"Wow! Baby, you look very beautiful", he said as he hugged me. Then he turned to Chiom and Nick and said, "Hey love birds"

"How far?", Nick said

"Hey Cheta", Chioma said.

Cheta sat down next to me, pulled me closer, he whispered in my ears, "You look very beautiful, baby"

"Thank you, my love"

The waiter walked over to our table, carrying Nick and Cheta's cocktails, he put it down and walked away.

"I don't even have to ask how your day was, I can tell just by looking at you ladies", Cheta said

"Thank you Cheta", Chioma said.

Then the waiter walked to our table, carrying our food, he put them down and walked away and we started eating immediately, or should I say I started eating immediately, I was so famished, I couldn't wait. Well, we went on eating, and talking about our day and what had happened in between. When we finished our food, we ordered more cocktails, continued talking, and enjoyed the music playing in the background. We left at almost midnight because we were all exhausted from the activities of the day. We walked to the car park together and then went our separate ways after we had bid each other goodbye. Cheta had sent the driver home when he got to the lounge earlier that evening, so I got in the car with Cheta and we drove back to the house.

"What will you be doing tomorrow, baby?", Cheta asked me

"I'll be working...I have to finish the script so that I can send the first draft tomorrow"


"Did you have anything planned?", I asked Cheta

"No, I have a meeting tomorrow, so I wanted to know what you will be doing while I'm out", he said

"Okay, I'll be home, working waiting for my man to come home", I said with a smile

Cheta chuckled.

"I like the sound of that, baby"

"Of course, you will", I said and we laughed.

We got home a few minutes later and went up to the room. When we got into the room, I got undressed and got into the shower, while Cheta sat on the bed, working on something on his laptop. I got out of the shower and walked into the room to get ready for bed and Cheta was still working.

"What are you working on?", I asked him

"We are being audited next week, that's what the meeting we had today was about. We are trying to get our books in order"

"That's why you still have a meeting tomorrow?"

"Yes, but we should be done tomorrow"

"I think you should go and take a shower, you can continue when you are done", I said.

"Okay, I'll do that now", he said and got up from the bed.

He walked into the bathroom and shut the door while I got dressed and got in bed with my laptop. I was exhausted but I wanted to see if I could do a little writing before I started feeling sleepy. A few minutes later, Cheta walked out of the bathroom, with a towel around his waist, he walked over to the wardrobe and took out shorts, which he put on without a shirt. He walked back to the bed, sat down and picked up his laptop. We both worked for a few hours until we were both exhausted.

"Tired yet?", he asked me.

I nodded.

"Then let's go to bed, we can continue tomorrow"

"I was thinking the same thing", I said.

"Then let's do that"

We both shut down our laptops and turned off the light.

"Come here baby", he said

I moved closer to him and he held me in his arms, he kissed me lightly,

"Good night, my love", he said

"Good night baby"

I shut my eyes slowly but right before I slept off, I thought about all Cheta was dealing with and how strong he was trying to be with the "No Sex" relationship. I mean it's not easy for me either but I know how difficult it could be for a man and for him to put all of that aside for me because he loved me, I appreciated that. Well, let me try and sleep a little, I have a long day ahead of me.