
Screw being a hero, I want my slacker life!

"I just want my slacker-life, is it that hard?!" When an overworked to death university student gets another chance in life in the BNHA universe, but doesn't want to become what everyone else wants to be; a hero --- Bakugou Hitori is the only kid in the world who despises the thought of wanting to be a hero. Wanting nothing more then living in riches and their slacker life, Hitori doesn't need anything else to please them, that includes romance. So why do they keep getting caught in the middle of conflict!? And why is everyone praising him like a God!? --- "Why would I want to be a hero, when I could slack off all day?" [Story also on Wattpad under the user @DrunkenXLupin]

BlackLupin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 4

"Tsk. Just let me do this for you dimwit!" Katsuki held his brother's foot in place, trying to stop him from struggling. "Stop moving!"

Hitori looked down at Katsuki with a blank expression, but his voice didn't sound so pleased. "It's fine Katsuki, I can put on shoes myself." 

Hitori cupped his brother's face, his cold hands touched Katsuki's much warmer face. He watched Katsuki with his usual stoic glance, his eyes empty and hollow. Seeing Katsuki try and put on his shoes for him wasn't new, but Hitori couldn't help but wonder,

'Am I even looking at Bakugou Katsuki…'

Ever since Katsuki got his quirk at age four, three months before Hitori, he became extremely overprotective of his younger brother. 

Katsuki would treat Hitori as if he were made of glass. He'd always treat his younger brother with utmost care - even if it was only in his actions and not words. You could clearly see the favoritism given to Hitori and how drastically different Katsuki treats anyone else, including their parents. 

Hitori's thoughts were thrown away as soon as his eyes met with a pair of blazing crimson ones. Comparing his much duller reddish-brown irises, Katsuki's eye color just beamed brightly, making the crimson color flourish. 

Katsuki stared into his brother's eyes, his senses drifting away and was attracted to that hollow gaze. He leaned his head closer to his brother's chest and looked up, but Katsuki still had his grasp on Hitori's ankles. Hitori sighed after trying to escape his brother's grasp but gave up after knowing that Katsuki wouldn't let him go. He's done this before and he'll do it again even if Hitori keeps saying no.

Katsuki grinned triumphantly after feeling all the struggle and movement stop, and his grip on Hitori's ankle softened. Hitori's skin, fair and unblemished, appeared even softer against the rough texture of Katsuki's palms.

"Stupid Katsuki," Hitori mumbled. 

But even when saying these kinds of words to Katsuki, he didn't react or seem to mind. Katsuki never cared that his brother called him names or anything Hitori does actually, he'd just take it with no questions asked. 

Hitori moved his hand over Katsuki's head and ran his pale, slender fingers through his brother's spiky ash-blond hair. Katsuki's hair was actually surprisingly soft and not spiky to the point that it could stab things as Hitori managed. His hair was spiky in shape, but that was it. Katsuki also didn't protest, he always seemed to enjoy the gesture. 

While Hitori continued to toy with Katsuki's hair, twirling strands of blonde locks in between his fingers. Katsuki moved their feet around, slipping on shoes on his two feet. 

Katsuki helping Hitori tidy up his uniform or any clothing became something common for the older blonde to do. His younger brother - despite being much more mature and sophisticated than him - couldn't even tie a tie properly without choking himself.

While Hitori was busily distracted, leaning his hand along with his body on the wooden floorboards where he sat, Katsuki examined his brother's ankles that he clutched in his hands. 

They were so thin and small that he could wrap his whole hand around them and still connect his fingers. His brother's skin was silky smooth, porcelain and pearl-like, a lot different from Katsuki's much healthier looking complexion. 

Katsuki rubbed his thumb across Hitori's skin, more specifically, a red mark that wrapped around both ankles. Katsuki's gaze darkened and his piercing red eyes glared at his hands. He was the one who created those markings on Hitori's skin.

Since Hitori had delicate skin that was prone to bruising from even slight pressure, Katsuki couldn't help but grimace and clench his fists.

"Hurry up Katsuki, we're gonna be late if you mess around any longer," Hitori urged, a touch of impatience lacing his words. He tugged on Katsuki's hair with a slight force.

Katsuki couldn't help but let out a grumble of annoyance, but knew that Hitori was right. 

"Alright, alright! Don't rush me!" Katsuki quipped, he extended a hand for Hitroi to grab and pulled the latter up. 

Katsuki stepped towards the door and Hitori followed closely behind. Katsuki instinctively turned the handle himself, holding it open for Hitori to walk out first. 

They walked down the walk path and onto the early morning streets, the sunlight cast a warm golden glow over the begins below. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers.

Walking side by side, Katsuki and Hitori strode in silence down the streets of the Shizuoka Prefecture. The morning rush engulfed them, with people scurrying about their daily lives. Students and adults all hurrying to get where they should be in time.

But anyone with eyes would spare a glance at the two blondes. Their striking appearances stood out amidst the sea of people going about their daily routines. Yet, it was Hitori who captured the main attention of onlookers.

Hitori's golden hair sat on his shoulder, and unlike Katsuki's spiky locks, his hair was more wavy and silky smooth. Soft lips that added a touch of warmth to his otherwise dead facial features. The gentle curve of their lips spoke of a quiet grace, lending an air of serenity to their expression of how bored they actually were.

A subtle weariness in Hitori's reddish-brown irises, carried a hint of fatigue as he had seen more than his fair share of sleepless nights, the shadows beneath his eyes hinted at that. There was a subtle hint of lifelessness hidden behind his stoic expression.

Hitori's complexion, though pale and sickly, had an otherworldly allure. His porcelain skin was like a canvas, flawless and radiant. His figure possessed a beauty that both women and men couldn't help but to take a look, drawing them in with enigmatic charm.

However, anyone who dared to let their gaze linger too long on the blond was met with an imposing glare to their souls. 

Katsuki exuded an aura that deterred prying eyes, meeting the devil himself would have been better. His presence commanded a deathly aura and intimidated those who dared to stare. People quickly averted their gazes and redirected their attention, choosing to carry on with their lives rather than risk incurring facing an angry overprotective brother. 

Of course, Hitori wasn't oblivious to this act from Katsuki. Though, he may or may not take it with the wrong intention...

'Why the hell is he flipping everyone off, every, single, day? I know that his whole character is angry and pissy, but try not to kill someone with me right here, Katsuki…'

Hitori believed that the curious gazes from onlookers were directed towards Katsuki, not himself. And with each step they took, Hitori couldn't help but feel that Katsuki's disgruntled demeanor stemmed from his disdain for the attention they received.

'Should I just leave after him? Maybe I should. Katsuki's getting more Katsuki-er by the day'

And so, Hitori, with his understanding of Katsuki's character, always walked behind him in his shadow. He always made a conscious effort to make himself inconspicuous, to fade into the background and escape the attention that Katsuki's presence naturally attracted.

But Katsuki seemed to notice this and clicked his tongue. "The hell you slowing down for? You said you didn't want to be late, Hitori!" 

"Right right, let's get going." 

The two siblings continued their walk to school and soon approached the school gates. Katsuki led the way into the school with an overconfident stride and a scowl appeared as soon as he stepped in. While Hitori kept his walking speed the same and watched as his brother walked into the school in front of him. 

Hitori did not mind this and took a separate path to Katsuki as soon his friends skipped up to him and waved Katsuki to come over. 

Hitori never gave a second glance at the people Katsuki surrounded himself with. They definitely weren't a good influence to Katsuki, but it was not his place to say anything since Katsuki didn't care and at the end of the day, Hitori wasn't stupid enough to be hypocritical.

And, Hitori never forgot Katsuki's core personality and his very questionable actions. They were practically the same as in the original series. He wouldn't change until around the 33rd volume, where maybe he calmed down a little. 

Hitori walked forward into the entrance building, but his eyes trailed back to where Katsuki and his friends walked off to, mainly at one of the friends and their lips.

They were chapped and Hitori could practically see the smoke escaping from his lips, even with the lingering stench of nicotine coming off their clothes. Katsuki also noticed all of this and he rescinded with a simple scoff before leading the people off to somewhere in school.

Hitori let out a soft sigh, but knowing Katsuki's character in general, he wouldn't join his friends in their little addiction. 

He pushed open the glass doors and stepped inside. The aura was murky and quite damp, lifeless with little color, and the color that did exist was from the very anime-like hair colors of some students. 

One in particular; a green blob.

In the corner of Hitori's eye was a blob of green skittering around the shoe lockers, it seemed to be looking for something as it kept turning and twisting around. Hitori couldn't help but let out a subtle chuckle and after a while of watching the green blob struggle, they decided to call out.


Hitori only uttered a single word, yet the blob of green seemed to have grown imaginary puppy ears that shot up and rushed to where they heard their name being called.

Izuku's eyes were dim when he was scurrying through the lockers, school was never Izuku's favorite place to be as he never had any fond memories of this place, or experiences. But when he heard that monotone, yet soft voice, his emerald eyes lit up like stars shining brightly in the midnight sky. 

It was like he saw an angel descend from the heavens who came to greet him with their presence. 

That angel was the one person who made Izuku's school life bearable, the one who lightened up his world despite it being dragged down by darkness.

"Hitori-kun!" Izuku immediately pounced towards Hitori, who took a few steps back before Izuku could even graze his clothes. 

Izuku quickly retracted his arms and backed away from Hitori and immediately started to apologize. "I'm sorry Hitori-kun! I forgot..!" 

"Don't worry about it too much," Hitori quickly resorted, not wanting the green blob to continuously bow down and mutter apologies.

'And be grateful Katsuki wasn't here'

Hitori didn't say those words out loud, since it seemed like a bad idea to bring up Katsuki in front of Izuku. 

The school bell soon rang through the halls and students began to hurry to their classes. Hitori did so as well, quickly changing shoes and walking to his. 

Izuku quickly ran up to Hitori and skittishly followed behind him. 

This was a daily routine of the green blob to greet him in the morning and follow him to class before they separate. Hitori never bothered with Izuku other than a small greeting, but Izuku seemed to be happy with just that.

Izuku glanced up at Hitori's leading figure in front of him and took notice that Hitori seemed to be taller than before. He quickly figured out that it wasn't Hitori who was taller, but his shoes. 

Hitori was much weaker in physical strength compared to Izuku - and anyone near his age group - but he was still much taller and academically smarter than the people around him. Hitori somehow, with little nutrients in his body and barely acceptable nourishments, was nearly 5'7/170 cm tall. Plus, the sole of his shoes added more height, so he was practically 5'7/170 cm.

Getting into the more crowded places of the hall, people all around Hitori and Izuku were whispering into each other's ears. Their stares and comments were all noticed by both Izuku and Hitori, it's just that they took it a bit differently. 

Izuku's perspective of the situation and what he could hear and know from this was positive for Hitori and negative towards himself - which was normal and happened on a daily basis. What they were all mumbling about was how a goddess like Hitori himself, would hang out with a quirkless loser like him. 

Izuku knew all these rumors about him and Hitori ever since day one and how it speculated some not-so-kind factors placed on his own reputation - if Izuku even had one in the first place.

However, Hitori viewed it completely differently than expected.

'Are they still talking about me..? I know that kids are annoying, but could you guys at least not talk shit in front of my face'

Instead of taking all the whispered compliments from the onlookers as something good, Hitori heard it as insults and mockery. 

His stoic demeanor on the outside, mysterious personality and good looks made him extremely popular among the females of their school. Sometimes even the guys could not help but to take a sneak peek over at the stoic goddess!

Hitori picked up his pace and Izuku followed after noticing it.

His eyes traced Hitori's blond hair swaying off from his shoulder and glided through the air behind him. His slim figure was mostly covered by his gakuran but you could still define where his figure was. 

A pale neck slid into view from underneath his gakuran's collar, and Izuku couldn't help but to blush and look away. 


Watching the second hand on the clock placed up on the wall with a sharp gaze, Hitori's attention was fixed on the time. Once it ticked to '3:30', the bell struck, its resounding echo permeating throughout the school halls and classrooms.

"And that's all for today's class," a teacher standing on a stage in front of a classroom announced, as he stacked the papers in his hand and packed them into his briefcase. "Remember to review this week's context. You all should be prepared for the upcoming test."

He pushed his clear glasses up the bridge of his nose. "This test goes for 80% of your grade, so don't fail if you want to graduate." The teacher's voice carried a weight of expectation and a touch of warning. "I don't want to see any of your faces next year. But I wish you the best of luck."

The students stood up and bowed their heads lower to their teacher.

"Thank you, Hiro Sensei!" 

Class 3-A expressed their appreciation for this last year of middle school and their teacher, and Hitori also followed suit, bowing his head and expressing his thanks in his usual monotone voice.

"Good. I'll see you all on the day," Hiro acknowledged before dismissing the class for the last time. 

He walked out of the classroom, shutting the door behind him. The students began to pack up their books and papers, their chatter filling the room.

"I'm actually sad that we're graduating," a female student shared her feelings with her friends, receiving nods of agreement.

"Yeah… And we won't be able to see Hiro Sensei again. I'll miss him." 

"I don't want to go to high school! Not without Hiro Sensei!" one of the students whined.

"Hey! All you guys say is that you care about Hiro Sensei, what about your friends?" someone playfully teased, sparking an animated conversation among the groups.

This is what most friend groups were talking about while packing up. Arguing and contemplating about their futures and what to do with their lives. 

Hitrori caught all these conversations and questions his classmates had but kept a stoic expression on while packing his books into their leather courier bag, neatly arranging his things so that nothing would get destroyed. 

"Hey, Bakugou-kun!" 

A few students who sat near Hitori and often engaged in conversation with him, walked up to him while waving.

Hitori looked towards their direction, acknowledging them with a slight hum, but taking a small step back to keep a distance between them.

The male student who called out to Hitori, paused in his steps. His natural body reaction to Hitori's response was shown by flushed cheeks. The Goddess himself actually acknowledged him and he couldn't help but be grateful. 

Hitori's hair swayed swiftly with his elegant movements and his long, delicate fingers tucked some strands of his long blond hair behind his ear, which revealed a silver piercing on the lobe of his ear. His lashes emphasizing his ethereal eyes with his God-gifted features and delicate, porcelain skin were made more beautiful by the sun setting gently behind them. The window which Hitori stood in front of was like a canvas, and he was the image painted by the Gods.

'Thank Kami, I can die peacefully now…'

The friends and classmates of the male student couldn't help but to be jealous of him. He was blessed by their goddess's beauty and grace, so they couldn't help but want to strangle him for taking their chance.

One of his friends pushed the guy away and presented themself to Hitori with a smile.

"We were wondering if you'd go to the party with us?"

"Yeah! The whole class is going to be there tonight, so why don't you come along?"

The whole class was going to attend the party and wanted to invite him, even though they all knew what kind of person he was and it'll be difficult to convince them. Hitori never liked going to places with crowds of people, but there were some instances where they'd come along with some convincing.

Hitori hesitated for a moment, looking down into his bag, contemplating the invitation. "I'm not sure..."

"Come on Bakugou-kun! It's the last time any of us are going to be together!"

The students crowded around Hitori's desk all looking at him with puppy dog eyes, pleading him to agree. Unable to do anything about it, Hitori sighed. 

"What time and where?"

The students rejoiced after hearing Hitori's decision and began making plans with their friends, excited that Hitori had agreed to join them. Many of them were pumped up, all wanting this to be the best party experience for Hitori, their goddess.

All of them looked at each other with flames in their eyes, nodding, understanding that they were going to make everything perfect. 

"Six PM sharp! We're hosting the party at XXXX mall!"

"We'll see you later, Bakugou-kun!"

The students around his desk began to separate, giving him room to breathe. Many of them smiled at Hitori while walking off all giddy and skipping on their way. You could see their happiness radiate off them.

"Don't be late Bakugou-kun!" one of them called out before leaving the classroom with a huge smile.

Hitori could hear them out of the classroom all squealing and beaming with excitement about how 'the stoic Goddess' agreed to their 'stupid mortal invitation'. This made Hitori shudder.

'Why do they still call me a…goddess?'

Hitori gave them a weak wave in return, but after they all left, he rested his shoulders in a slouch and sighed. He rubbed his tired eyes with a soft motion with his fingers, trying to get the information around his head that he actually agreed to go to the party. 


Hitori looked up at the clock still ticking down time on the wall above. 

'3:36. I should go find those two blobs before anything stupid happens'

For some reason, Hitori felt like something important happened today. There was a feeling of unease as he walked out of the classroom. Sliding the door shut behind him, he made his way over to the green and blond blobs classroom.

'Mhm...What should I wear?'