
SCP - 001| The Apocalypse

What if SCP-682 was a steed for SCP-053, And they were just something bigger, they were a symbol of death and harbinger of apocalypse. If so what other harbingers are contained in SCP facilities? What happens if they meet?

Rowan_Mcc · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

SPC-3456 | Class - Keter

SCP-3456 is an atrocity even within Keter class, it is currently not contained within any SCP facilities. This anomaly is a group of entities resembling centaurs from greek mythology, these are skeleton like beings attached to horses, they were first discovered by going through a journal of a WW1 infantryman by the name of Dave Harkand. These anomalies tend to be found in regions with highly saturated bloodshed and war, they have been known to torture and capture humans for test subjects.

They are suspected of being an offspring of a higher being and are called the orcadian horsemen, they seem to have multiple abilities making it a formidable force on a battlefield, abilities such as teleportation, materialisation, invulnerability, immortality, and the ability to incite fear into their enemies with high pitched screeching. They enjoy toying with their victims, they'll stalk them, they'll set traps for them and finally once they get fed up of the chase they torture them and finally mutilate them. The scariest part as that they know when anyone is watching and are seen to smile at any observer, the smile to send a shiver down your spine.

It has been found that these anomalies have one weakness and a weird one at that. They cannot step foot on a bridge that crosses a river or lake, the reason is unknown but any observers of SCP-3456 are recommended to have a g class amnestic and relocated to the SCP site near a river or lake in case they pop up to kill the observer.

The scariest information about them is that they have been spotted almost bi annually recently and the frequency of sightings is only increasing. there is an unknown cause for this, but ever since SCP-053 has been secured more chaos has ensued, it makes you think. If she is death, then SCP-3456 must be War.

Something big is happening and hopefully I will not be around to see it!


A/N: The second horseman War, now i know this is a bit of a stretch as they are multiple anomalies in one but it's a perfect example of what War will bring