
SCP - 001| The Apocalypse

What if SCP-682 was a steed for SCP-053, And they were just something bigger, they were a symbol of death and harbinger of apocalypse. If so what other harbingers are contained in SCP facilities? What happens if they meet?

Rowan_Mcc · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

SCP-273 | Class - Euclid

SCP-273 Is found to be complacent and docile, she has very little requests for her imprisonment, she has the appearance of a middle aged woman of Indian descent. She is known as the human phoenix for her pyrokinesis, She states that she is hungry almost constantly and is to be fed raw meat almost 12 hours, but she does not consume the food as it combusts if it comes in close contact with her.

she has the a normal containment room for euclid SCPs, basically just a big metal box with only a door, the only method of observation is cameras in the top corners of the room. It is known to eat any human that enters the room although this does not seem like a conscious decision, and it seems she can eat any organic matter, she tends to become upset when she consumes living beings, but she cannot help for her hunger is too strong.

It is found that if SCP-273 does not satiate her hunger she becomes consumed in a pillar of fire that has destructive property and it is found that every single piece of food in Site [REDACTED] was burnt to ash and even some staff of the site were found burnt to ash as well. She is known to go into a crazed state where she only feeds and exclaims that she is 'hungry'.

The o5 Council have restricted access to this SCP as they believe she is an important anomaly in this upcoming 'apocalypse' event, now labeled SCP-001 or The Apocalypse. They believe SCP-273 Is Famine, the last horsemen has yet to be determined.


A/N: Now I have added in my own details and edited some to make it fit in the Famine horsemen. Next I am going to cover death herself.