
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Her Protector

Ignis groaned in complaint "Didn't they already double checked this earlier? Isn't it the servants responsibility to check if everything's ready especially the damn fireworks?" he scowled

"Young Duke I guess you won't get tired from doing this" Denovan said that he replied with a grunt. People from inside started going out when a servant announced that the fireworks display will start so it became noisier outside.

"Do you think the Emperor will be okay?" Denovan asked referring to the sudden attack in the Western border of the Empire. The Emperor's presence was needed together with the Grand Duke and the Commander of the Silver Knights.

"Although the incident was suspicious they have no choice but to go at the last minute" Ignis sighed as they stared at the fireworks in the sky but his eyes sharpened when he sensed something.

"Do you feel that?" he asked Denovan who was immediately alert "Yeah. What is that?" he had his eyebrows furrowed when a butterfly suddenly flew between them "Wendy?" Denovan called and Callista's voice could be heard.

"Evacuate the people for me. Don't ask questions, just do it"

The both of them looked at each other "What do you think she's planning to do Young Duke?" he asked "Didn't you hear? Don't ask questions" he replied and waved at a servant as Denovan stared at him dumbfounded.

"Silently evacuate the people in the Imperial Palace without alerting the guests" Ignis ordered the servant "Yes, Young Duke" the man obediently bowed and run back inside.

Ignis looked up at the fireworks and squinted his eyes when he noticed something. He quickly reached out for Denovan after finding out what it is and pulled him towards him. A fireball hit the ground followed by another , the cheers of the people was replaced by panicked screams.

"Just what the hell is happening?" Denovan asked as he looked around. The garden had been destroyed and trees were set in fire while servants began guiding the people to safety.

While Callista sneezed "Damn those Undertakers! I'll really kill all of them once I see them!" she complained as she sniffed.

She rubbed her nose with a finger "Have you delivered the message?" she asked when Wendy appeared "Good. Now, help me find Ana" she said and sneezed again so she waved her hand in the air to get rid of it.

She lifted her skirt as she followed Wendy through the garden and inside the Palace "Isn't this the direction to the throne room? In all of places, why is she there?!" she complained again as her heels clacked on the floor at the empty hallway.

Seeing how the Palace began to be quiet and the guards are nowhere to be found it seems like Ignis had followed her instructions.

She pushed open the double doors to the throne room while catching her breath "Shit. I'm not wearing heels ever again" she gasped for air. Hearing her voice, Anastasia looked back and was surprised to see her "Callista? I thought you were at the ballroom?" she asked.

"Well, I was" she rolled her eyes and walked towards her "What are you doing here alone? Staring at the throne?" she calmly asked so Anastasia looked back at the throne "Well, yes. I was thinking if...I'm really ready for this new responsibility" she said and looked down on her palms

"Honestly, I'm scared. What if I don't reach their expectations? What if I fail to be like my Father?" Callista silently stared at her as she sighed "The Emperor became a great ruler like he is now because of the years he had sat on the throne. You will become a great ruler through time, you can't force yourself to be one" she said making Anastasia look up at her.

"You're right" she smiled. Something hit the wall with a loud bang making the throne room shake as a fireball hit the Palace. "What's happening?" Anastasia asked in alert

"I have to get you out of here Ana" she said and held her arm and reached her hand out to the wall. A magic circle appeared on her palm as she made the wall explode in front of them

"Wait, what's happening?" Anastasia asked as numerous heavy footsteps can be heard from outside the door "The jerk thought it was fun to ambush us today" she said and smacked her lips in disdain

"W-What?" Anastasia widened her eyes in surprise "Why didn't you say so!" she shouted. Callista ignored her and raised her hand and pressed her pointing and index finger in the middle of her collar bones as she casted a spell.

"What are you doing?" Anastasia asked in confusion seeing the spell she casted on her "Levitation spell" she replied and they both turned their heads to the door banging

"We have no time" Callista said and pulled her towards the hole she just made "What about you? How are you going to escape?" Anastasia asked and held her wrist

"I'm not" Callista replied "Then escape with me. Cast a spell on yourself too" Anastasia said as her grip tightens on her wrist. Callista noticed this so she squeezed her hand "I can't. My mana hasn't fully restored yet so I'm only able to cast a spell on you" she said.

"Then how can you possibly escape them? Although I haven't seen how many Undertakers are outside but judging by how strong the banging on the door is I don't think you'll be able to survive" Anastasia frantically shook her head as she persuaded her

"Anastasia" Callista's tone held a hint of warning make her freeze "Callista, just come with me" she clutched on her arm as if not wanting to let go of her. "Ana, you have an Empire you need to rule in the future while I don't even have anywhere to call home" she coldly said and her knuckles turned white just by forcing her to let go.

What she said was a fact, Anastasia was different from her. She had people who love her and even a Father who would sacrifice anything for her happiness. While her, she doesn't even have anything to go back to.

"That's not true! We're here! Emily and the others! Even Ignis! You can go back to us!" she shouted her vision blurring from the tears.

Callista was surprised.

When was the last time a person cried for her like that? No one. That was the answer, no one. No one really had the thought that she maybe felt lonely. Maybe because of her bad attitude? Now that she thinks about it, since she entered the Academy it was like people cried or became sad on her behalf of Emily, Gael, Jackson, Caspian. Even Anastasia.

"Ana" her voice was soft when she called her name and Anastasia instantly stopped crying seeing her soft smile.

Callista remembered Duke Alexander's words that day in this throne room. She had always been confused at what role she plays in the Academy, why Lea wanted her to attend the Academy.

But deep inside her, she had already known what it was the day she heard Duke Alexander's word but it seems like she didn't want to believe it. But destiny is forcing her to accept it either way.

"Once the protector falls, the shield will protect the sun from the dark" Anastasia stiffened. She was not too stupid not to understand what she meant by those words.

"No!" she shouted when Callista suddenly pushed her making her land in nothing but in the air. Callista was now facing her back to her as the doors was finally pushed open letting in shadow figures. "Callista!" she reached out her hand wanting to go back to her. Trying to reach her.

It was like all the questions to Callista's identity was now answered at that moment. Why even how mean Callista was it was like some kind of connection pulling all five of them together.

Why did she decide to be a hero now? Why can't she remain to be a villain?

Callista looked back by her shoulder and flashed her annoying smirk as her eyes changed color that made Anastasia stop struggling as she began to fly away.

"Callista! No!"

She was the protector.