
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs


"Denovan!" he quickly looked back and was surprised to see her "Lady Ana, thank god you're safe!" he quickly wrapped her in a cloth "Where's Father?" she asked as she frantically looked around

"They are now at the western border. Undertakers have also attacked there" he replied and wiped her tears "Why are you crying?" he confusedly asked "Denovan" her face was pitiful as she clutched on his clothes.

"Callista is still inside" she said making him surprised "But she's the one who told us to evacuate the people before the attack even started. How come she's left inside?" he exclaimed as she sniffed

"Then how did you manage to get out?" Ignis asked after hearing their conversation "Callista casted levitation magic on me" she replied "Do you think she's still fighting inside?" Denovan worriedly asked.

"Even if she is, she won't be able to defeat all of them. She hadn't fully recovered her mana yet" Ignis said "Why? What happened?" Anastasia asked as the only way for a mage to lose mana was when they overused their magic.

"I also don't know but it happens to her in random times" he said so she was more confused. "Ana!" they all turned to the one who shouted and saw Ivan running towards them

"Where's Callista?" he asked seeing she was nowhere to be found "She's still inside" Denovan answered with a sigh "What?" Ivan frustratedly messed his hair "That idiot!" he shouted.

Almost all of them ducked unconsciously when they heard a loud explosion from the Palace and when Anastasia turned to see where it came she covered her mouth from a gasp.

She stumbled back feeling her legs weaken as Denovan caught her "What's wrong?" he asked seeing her horrified look "Callista is there" she breathed out.

Denovan didn't know what to say as he turned to where the explosion came from and saw that it was from the throne room. Before he was given the chance to process the information Anastasia had just told her, another explosion was seen but much stronger than the last one.

It was so strong that the building collapsed, judging by the size of it, it seems like the whole throne room and the floors below it had all turned to ashes.

He could hear Anastasia crying "I-It can't be.. She's not dead, right?" Ivan also has a frightened look "I-I don't know" he hesitantly answered and looked down also not knowing what to do. Even Ignis didn't know what to do as he looked around and accidentally caught sight of Wendy by the fountain.

'If you ever need help just call my name'

He had always noted that on his mind but never really took it seriously. But every time he did, Callista was always there. He didn't know how she knew but she always appears whenever he said her name. He knew she was still here but doesn't know where. If he said her name right now will she appear again?

Ignis hesitated as he clenched his hands "Callista.." her name rolled of his tongue softly catching the attention of the other three.

Anastasia hiccuped between her cries as she looked at him "Come here right now— Callista!" he shouted her name at the end that caught all of their attention. Denovan was so surprised by his sudden actions that he had his mouth wide open while Ivan was dumbfounded.

They rarely even heard him talk but now he's shouting?!

As Wendy landed on the water from the fountain, she disappeared. Nothing happened until a minute later. Lines of water began floating upwards and circled together as if making a whirlpool.

All of their attention was on the water and if you focused carefully you could see a woman inside. It was as if the droplets of water was dancing with each other, Ignis was the first one who noticed it and after realizing who it was he began running towards it surprising the others.

He subconsciously raised his arms as if trying to catch something when the water started disappearing showing a woman in a pink dress inside with her eyes closed.

She was like a new born Goddess waking up to the world. As if the magic making her float had disappeared she began falling, Ignis who was already sprinting swiftly caught her.

"You... I might as well just kill you myself if you do this again" he scolded as her eyelashes fluttered open showing those beautiful pair of grey eyes as he was greeted with a cheeky grin.

He answered with a glare and put her down on her feet "Scaring Ana like that, who do you think you are?" he said and started pinching her rosy cheeks "Itsh hurtsh" she complained her eyes watering from the pain he was giving.

He let her go seeing she was about to cry as she rubbed on her cheeks with a pout "I know I'm cute but you shouldn't bully me like this!" she huffed

"Callista!" a shout out was heard after a body threw itself into her arms. Callista winced at the sudden pain "You shouldn't do that again, you dumbo!" Anastasia glared at her with teary eyes "I should've killed you myself" followed by Ivan

"Are you crying?" Callista asked with furrowed brows seeing his teary eyes making him scoff "In your dreams! Dirt got into my eyes" he retorted as he wiped on his eyes making her roll her eyes

"Thank you for coming back" Denovan said with a happy smile "Denovan, I really want to marry you right now. Your the only one who didn't scold me" she said and acted as if she was about to cry making him laugh

"By the way, how did you escape?" Anastasia curiously asked as she finally let go of her as the others also gave her curious stares

"Well, about that. I already knew I don't have the strength to fight all of them at once and needed recovering but that damn jerk was already getting on my nerves. After I had exploded the throne room I transferred all of my mana to Wendy so you can say that I used Wendy as a shell for a few minutes. Ignis called me which triggered my magic source so I was forced to appear again" she explained with no stop

"So we just had to call you to bring you back?!" Ivan can't believe what he had just heard while Anastasia understood.

Ignis and Callista was like Alexander and the Protector. That explains why Callista always knew where Ignis was or what he was currently feeling wether it was boredom or tiredness.

Although she had many more questions that needed answers she was still thankful for all the answers she received today. Knowing Callista's identity was like understanding her a little more than before. She stared at the girl who was currently bickering with Ivan again and can't help but smile.

She was their protector.

She was happy that no one was hurting with this incident today. As for her Father and the others, she knew they have the ability to get rid of anything that blocked their path so she wasn't that worried.

Wether she was a Protector or a Commoner, how she views Callista won't change. The first time they met, she didn't really care about her social status and would even forget she was a commoner. She was just herself.

The two-faced bitch, bad personality, and sharped tongued Callista. That was she was known for and she doesn't think it will ever change. Wether Anastasia was the chosen one or not, to others such as Denovan, she was just Anastasia. The girl he grew up with.

So as for her other questions, she can get answers for another day.

And finally, the fight has ended.


"Then, it's decided. You'll be staying at the monastery"

Callista felt like she was just splashed by extremely cold water after hearing the Emperor's verdict. Regan's annoying smirk wasn't helping at all. She was the one who saved the people from the attack so why was she the one getting punished?!

-End of BOOK 1-

Book 2 is out now!!

Namely ‘Scions of the Prophecy: Mad King’s War’

_sylveriacreators' thoughts