
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Green and Blue | Part 7

They were so surprised that they were frozen in place except for Emily who had ran to her and pulled her to face her.


She was glaring at her with tears in her eyes "I never said that" what she said was true. It was a one-sided promise. Her mother fell to the ground with an arrow stabbed in her chest.

The tree had ice in its branches and trunk as Ignis threw another white ball it suddenly broke into multiple pieces.

Emily felt empty "How could you do that.." her voice was like a whisper as her hands clenched. They all felt the sudden drop in temperature and the strong gust of wind building up. "I should've killed myself" She added as the ground suddenly started becoming frozen and yet Callista was calm.

She's about to go rogue.

This was a bad sign. Once she goes rogue no one would be able to stop and she wouldn't able to stop herself until she dies or everything is destroyed.

"She's still alive.." everybody turned to Hugo when he suddenly spoke and that even caught Emily's attention "She didn't shoot her in the heart. If we can go there in time we might still be able to save her," he said in a raspy voice.

"Mother.." a flash of hope flashed into Emily's eyes as she disappeared with the wind. Ivan quickly followed her and disappeared in a flicker of lightning only leaving a trace of where he stood.

"Brat, you shouldn't keep on doing that," Hugo said and looked at her as she turned away "You shouldn't be a villain to your friend" he added "She's not my friend," she said and walked into the portal she had made and disappeared.

"You must be the man who she recommended to the twins" Denovan politely smiled "Yes" he nodded and stared in the direction she disappeared to "That brat.. if she continues to do that she will really be alone" he muttered that they could perfectly hear in this silent area.

When Ivan saw her, he quickly asked a question "You can heal her right?" he asked and glanced at Emily who was trying her best to heal her but nothing was happening "I can" she replied "I'm only begging this once" he said and bowed.

"Please, save her!" Callista sighed "Although I'm happy seeing you make a fool out of yourself I wouldn't do any better" she shrugged "What do you mean? You just said you can!" he said.

"I did but I never said it will succeed. Once I heal her I would only make it worse. I will not only fully destroy her but I'll also take the chance of her reincarnation" she said and turned to Emily who was crying helplessly.

What she said was true and not because she didn't want to. Once she does try to heal she will only lessen the possibility she'll survive. A forest spirit is full of holy magic because they were made by the Goddess Alka as a gift to nature. It was a funny existence, to be honest. They were a gift to nature to take of it and yet they were no different from animals who are caged and in need of survival.

"But there is someone who will be able to heal her though," she said "Who is it? Please tell me!" Emily begged when she heard it "You couldn't remember the person who saved you from death?" she asked with a raised brow.

"You mean her Highness?" she asked "She is the only one able to do it" Ivan also came to the realization "So why don't you beg her instead?" Callista said and glanced behind to see the others. Anastasia nervously took a step back "I can't promise you that I can do it" she said.

"Ana, you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to" Ivan worriedly said seeing her reaction "Oh, wow. What unfairness. You don't want to force her but you force me?" Callista commented with a gasp that they all ignored.

Emily suddenly walked forward "P-Please, I beg you princess" she bowed down "Please save my mother" she cried "I will do anything! just please save her! " she sobbed and Anastasia bit her lip when she suddenly felt Denovan curled their pinky fingers "Lady Ana, don't force yourself," he said when she looked up at him so she smiled finally able to calm down.

He would always do that. It was normal but for some reason today was different. Her heart fluttered to the point her cheeks flushed.

She shyly looked away and turned to her "I'll try. I'll be responsible for anything that will happen" Emily cried louder when she heard that as Anastasia walked forward.

Ivan glanced at Callista who was staring at Anastasia kneel in front of the woman's dying body "How did you know?" he asked and nudged her shoulder as she clicked her tongue in irritation

"Know what?" she asked back as if wanting to finish this conversation "That Ana can heal her," he said pointing his chin to Anastasia "It's not that hard to know, dimwit" she glared and turned to Anastasia who reached out to the woman.

"Ana has a big magic core and it's full of pure holy magic. Her soul is not even tainted, like she was carved by the Goddess herself" she said "I know, right? But it also has its disadvantages that makes me worried, especially the countless times the Undertakers have been attacking. If she's not strong enough, then she might become like the others that will worship the darkness" he sighed.

"Your worrying is useless" she scowled "Will you shut up? It's my decision if I get worried or not and don't forget that I'm still angry at you for what you did to Emily" she rolled her eyes at his glare "Stupid people fit each other" she provoked "Why you..!" the two started fighting from a corner making Denovan sigh.

'Where's Ignis?' he thought.

He looked around to find him but to no avail, he was nowhere to be found. "Let me help you, Your Highness" Marin stepped out after following them. She went out of the Student Council Office to look for Caspian but the whole Abnormal Class had already evacuated the building so she had no choice but to look for Callista or anyone. Thus why she's here.

Anastasia silently nodded at her as she continued healing the woman. Marin wasn't able to do anything but she started singing to enhance Anastasia's healing ability. Marin's soft and nostalgic singing was the only thing that can be heard as they all stared at Anastasia. Sooner than later, they were blinded by a light.


After that incident, Anastasia asked all of them who had witnessed it to make it a secret that she was the one who healed the woman. The Academy buildings that were destroyed were restored by Architects and Mages. The faculty was also given orders that the students had to take stricter swordsmanship classes as a precaution.

"Headmaster, this..." Calvin was still astonished as he stood in front of the Headmaster.

He remembered that Regan had ordered all of the faculty to evacuate the school grounds and when they were out Calvin saw Callista and the others and tried going back to save them, until he was stopped by Regan. He still didn't know what the Headmaster was thinking at that moment and didn't expect much but who would've thought that they were going to be the ones in shock?

"I told you, Calvin. You didn't have to worry" Regan smiled "But still..! You can't just let the students fight like that!" he said "I heard the Mel brothers are back?" he asked to change the topic and avoid Calvin's scolding.

"Yes, after a month of continuous absents the Mel brothers had finally returned" he confirmed "Calvin, you're a great Professor. I had a smooth time running this Academy with your help but the next time you see Callista fighting, do not intervene, just let her do her thing" he said and Calvin was dumbfounded.

Headmaster, maybe you forgot that Callista is also a student!

He wanted to complain and cry but shut his mouth "But if you decided that you will, then call for me before you do anything" he said and Calvin was baffled at his words "Headmaster, if Callista is like what you said she is, it doesn't ignore the fact that she is still a student" he argued making him smile "I'm telling you. That little brat is much stronger than you think" she said.


Ignis felt relieved when he saw them succeed and was about to go back when Sofia stopped him. "Ignis, I want to ask a question," she said and he stayed silent waiting for her next words so she bit her lip "Do you see me as your fiancee?" she finally said after a moment of silence.

"You...deserve someone better. I'm sorry"

It felt like lightning had struck her as she stood in place as Ignis began walking away leaving those simple words. "How silly.." she cried teardrops running down her cheeks.

Who else would be better than you?

It was funny how she had already expected and yet was still crying like a little child that had her candy stolen. She was the first one who met him, the first one who loved him, and the first one to everything, but why did it end like this? Why was she so better?


Emily blushed when Ivan hugged her after her mother was taken away to get healed "Please don't do that again. You don't how frightened I was when you were so prepared to get killed by an arrow" he said so softly that it made Callista's ears hurt "I-I'm sorry" she bashfully replied and allowed him to hug her.


Now her eyes hurt too.

Callista was ready to scowl at them when she sensed his presence so she quickly looked back and felt extremely delighted when she saw him. "Ignis!" she chirped and came running towards him and jumped into his arms.

"Were you okay? You didn't get hurt, didn't you? Did that princess bitch touch you or anything?" she asked like she was asking a puppy "Callista, you shouldn't call her that" she pouted when he scolded her "Fine" she unwillingly said.

"But I'm only saying the truth especially that son of a bitch Siege" she muttered earning her a flick in the forehead "That hurts!" she complained "Then stop talking bullshit at them like that," he said and Callista wanted to cry in anger. Who are they for Ignis to even protect them like this? Her hatred for those northern siblings had deepened.


Little by little all of them started separating which left Emily and Callista in awkward silence as they walked back to the dormitory. Emily took a deep breath to build up her courage "Callista" she bravely called out as she fiddled with her finger, a small habit she does when she's nervous or shy.

Callista stopped walking and glanced back at her as she was walking ahead of her. "After what happened today, I know our relationship won't be the same as before.." she started slowly.

"So? What are you trying to say?" she asked and raised a brow so Emily blinked at her before her fiddling fingers fell to her sides.

"I've known that you were hiding something. Some part of me felt like you were holding back or faking a smile. I expected it, but I'm still so shocked to see the real you. You can say that I'm being naive, I liked what you showed me because that's the version of you I saw first" she bitterly smiled and clutched her palms together and looked down.

"Now that I think about it, I don't understand. You didn't hesitate to point that arrow at me, stabbed my mother without even thinking about my feelings, and laughed at me for cherishing the people I love. And yet, you were always so patient. You always smiled whenever I come near you that I didn't even think that maybe you were just faking all of that. So what I'm trying to say is, did you once even treat me as your friend?" she anxiously studied Callista's blank expression as she bit her lip.

And then, Callista walked away.

It was a simple action but it had given her the answer to her question. "I see. So that's how it is" that were her words but she was sobbing as tears streamed down her face.

What did she expect? That Callista, who deceived others with her innocent facade, at least treated her as a friend.

She feels like a fool.

"Aren't you coming?"

Her breathing hitched when she heard that and looked up to see Callista staring at her as if she was waiting. "Look, if you're going to cry, then at least do it in the dorms. I don't want to be accused of bullying you" she said and even if it was a face she hadn't seen before it lifted a rock off her chest.

Emily understood.

She can't understand at the same time.

She understood that Callista was somehow welcoming her and letting her enter her life again and that's what she didn't understand.

And yet, she smiled. "I-I'm coming!"