
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Green and Blue | Part 6


Callista paused and looked behind to see Emily catching their breath followed by Denovan, Anastasia, and Adam. "Emily?" Ivan was also stunned that he came running towards her and pulled her into a hug "Thank goodness your okay" he sighed in relief.

"Thank you for your concern, Lord Haven" she smiled up at him "But how is this possible? Callista clearly said that it can't be stopped," he said and glanced at the three people and all three of them turned to Anastasia.

"It was because of Lady Anastasia," Emily said and Ivan was somehow not surprised "But that's not important" she quickly changed the subject and turned to the woman "Callista, what do you think you're trying to do with Mom?" she asked so she tilted her head with a blank stare

"What do you think?" she said and looked at the woman who is the cause of all this "As much as I want to hear your family story, I would much prefer to live a peaceful and comfortable Academy life," she said "But you can't do that!" she shouted.

"Emily, look at it yourself. All this is happening because of you and your mother" Callista bluntly said "Callista!" Ivan warned with gritted teeth "Then I don't have any choice but to force you" they were stunned when ice appeared on the ground and attacked Callista and caged her with the thick ice with it surrounding her

"No!" Ivan was about to step in when Denovan stopped him "Do not intervene," he said "But Callista is going to hurt her," he said.

"Ivan, it's their problem"

"Are you hearing yourself, Denovan?!"

"You know that too, Ivan. If you intervene, Callista would only get angrier than she is right now"

Ivan bit his lip as he was right. Callista was not someone he could afford to fight with. She was far stronger than him. He knew that. All of them knew that. He doesn't have a choice but trust Callista, doesn't he?

The ice that was caging her suddenly shattered like broken glass "I don't have time for this" Callista said as she glared at Emily.

"All of us are trying hard to fix the problem you made. You nearly killed students. Ifit wasn't for the Professors fast actions,everyone would've died on this school grounds. Just imagine what would've happened if you had put that thing in the Capital?" she said and chuckled.

"I'm honestly even helping you. The Headmaster.." Emily froze when he was mentioned "If he hadn't known I was here he had already killed that adopted mother of yours without hesitation," she said.

"What difference is it when you're just going to do the same?" she cried "The difference? Emily, you'll at least be able to see your mother's corpse" they all stiffened at her words.

She was only going to stab her but if it was the Headmaster not even a body will remain, is what she meant.

They couldn't believe that such horrible words were said "And do you think I'm the only one fighting here? Emily, if I will not be the to kill her, then another person will" as she said that an ice mountain suddenly appeared from a distance and at the top was Sofia.

The leaves were about to attack them when Adam reached out to stop them from hitting them "Please make your decision" he said. Ivan looked at Emily and felt helpless when he saw her crying. Who wouldn't? Her mother is going to be killed and the friend she had believed was kind and innocent was a heartless bitch.

"Is there no other way?" Emily asked big tears streaming down her face "There is" she said, "Then tell us!" Ivan said "I'll kill you" she stared at Emily without blinking as they froze "What? You're joking right?" Callista didn't answer "You..!" Ivan was about to pounce when Denovan stopped him.

"I'm sure Callista has an explanation," he said and glanced at her "The only way for the tree to disappear is to get rid of the caster. If that happens then your mother might be saved" she explained and Emily was so surprised she didn't move.

"Callista, isn't that too much?" Anastasia also protested "Okay" they all looked at Emily in surprise "Mom raised me and because of her, I'm still alive right now so I wouldn't mind sacrificing myself to save her," she said with determination.

"You can't!" Ivan shouted so Emily bitterly smiled at him "If she dies, then I am also as good as dead, Lord Haven" she said "You can't! I won't let you!" he said "But it's my decision. You don't have a right to stop me" she said with a smile so Ivan bit his lip.

"Emily, I didn't save you just for you to die" Anastasia also said "I'm sorry" she apologetically smiled and bowed at them "Thank you, everyone, for everything," she said and turned to Callista.

"Thank you for being my friend even if it's not until the very end" she sincerely said making her sigh "Then the decision is made," she said and raised the bow "Callista, you can't do this!" Ivan shouted

"Ivan" he turned to Denovan who was seriously looking at him "It's her decision" Ivan was still disagreeing but who was he to do that? "Is there no other way?" Anastasia muttered and anxiously chewed on her lip.

"Promise me that you'll kill me without pain. You know that I don't get along with pain" Emily said "Okay" she only nodded so she closed her eyes and waited for her death.

It was true. She was the one who put that tree in the Academy. She was starting to get stressed out with Hera's bullying and her Mother was not answering her letters making her depressed.

She couldn't take it anymore and took out all her frustration in the garden where her negative emotions were formed and killed a male student. She got more depressed. She was willing to pay for her sins but Hera suddenly appeared and began talking bad about her Father again.

She was alright with that, maybe because she had not met him since she was born thus no emotional attachment. But it was different when her Mother was mentioned from Hera's mouth.

Emily stayed silent the whole time as Hera talked bad about her Mother and when she left she vent out her frustrations again and all her negative emotion was focused in that area thus making a poisonous tree. It was so quick, when she left the garden the tree suddenly grew and the students around her began fainting. She panicked.

Who would've thought that her ending would be like this? Maybe it's her karma.

When everyone thought Callista would let go of the arrow she suddenly turned her upper body to the opposite direction and shot the arrow.