
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Ducathen's Library

"I don't think this is a good idea.." Callista shook her head and hesitantly looked up at him "What do you mean? Callista, it's faster if we teleport" Ivan said "But I.." she tried protesting but she was already blinded by the light.

She stumbled as she reached for the bookshelf for support and covered her mouth when she was about to barf. "You will pay for this.." she warned and closed her mouth when she felt herself vomiting. "Ivan? Callista?" they both turned towards the person who spoke and saw Hoshi.

"Oh? What brought the both of you here?" and behind him Brazen appeared "We need to go to the Ducathen's Library, Father" Ivan said "Ivan, I've told you many times to come from the Tower's entrance. You know there are many old people inside the Tower and they would have a heart attack whenever you appeared out of thin air" he reminded him.

"Right. Sorry about that" Ivan chuckled "But the Magic library? Why do you want to go there all of a sudden?" Hoshi asked "First of all, why are you here?" Callista asked back and pointed at him with a raised brow.

"Allister assigned him to me so he's currently working for me right now" Brazen said "Father, do you even know who he is?" Ivan asked "Of course! He's the ninth hero is he not? Isn't it just wonderful that a person who people regarded as heroes would be working below me?" he even smacked Hoshi's back making him glare at the Grand Mage

"That's fun than anything else! HAHAHAHA!" it was obvious that Brazen was pissing Hoshi off "Then please call me if you have anything you want" Hoshi sighed knowing that he can't anything about tha Grand Mage.

"And Grand Mage please go back to your study. I can hear your apprentice calling you and is echoing inside the tower" he said in order to get rid of Brazen "You're really no fun, Hoshi" he pouted as Hoshi pushed him away "Lets go" Ivan said as Callista stared at the two men's retreating backs

"Your Father is really annoying" she straightforwardly said and Ivan could only shake his head. It was like she didn't fear anything by calling the respectable Grand Mage annoying.

"Yeah, he's always been like that, that's why we were close when I was a child" he shrugged as she stared up at him "I see" she replied.

Callista was pulled to a corner of the library as he took out a big and thick book from the shelf. "This are the records of mages that turned their back on holy magic" he said and flipped through the thick book.

"Do you think that whatever happened to Marin's mother was caused by black magic?" she asked "There are no other possible explaination about this" he said "You know, Ivan.." she started as she stared at the book in a trance.

"I have been noticing this lately but don't you find it weird that undertakers are somehow always on our feet?" Ivan's lips parted in that realization "And remember when we told you that the late Empress is somehow involved in this? Didn't she worshipped god before she married the Emperor? I know you know this but the Holy Church isn't really that clean" she said the last sentence in a whisper as she shook her head.

"That might be possible, but on the other hand its also impossible, the Emperor himself hasn't noticed it since they've been married for nine years before she died" Ivan also commented "Do you have any other explanations in why Undertakers seems to be following us then?" she raised a brow.

"They also followed us at the Survival Class, so their target must be Ignis or Anastasia. Judging at how they are both part of the Imperial Family it explains much more" he said.

"That's correct. But you're forgetting Professor Ion, he was also planning in shooting Anastasia with a poisonous arrow and there was also traces of dark magic in the First Platoon's investigation that led him to his execution" she argued.

"So that only leaves us with one person" he said and looked her in the eyes so Callista nodded as if they are thinking of the same thing "That's right. Its Anastasia" she said "But why would they want her? She's not even crowned as Imperial Princess yet" he said with a frown.

"She still isn't? Why?" Callista asked in surprise "The Emperor didn't want Anastasia to see the harsh world yet. Especially at how hard nobles are to handle this days" he said "But Ivan.." Callista started again hesitating if he wants to hear it.

"What is it? What do you want to say?" he asked "Ivan, its just a what if, but what if the Emperor knew that the late Empress is somehow influenced by dark magic, but is trying to protect it from spreading outside?" and with those words they looked at each other.


When Ignis opened his eyes the first thing he saw was Anastasia glaring down at him "Seriously, Ignis? There is so much thing to do in the Student Council and you're just sleeping under a tree?" she asked in disbelief as Ignis blankly stared at her

"Its weird to see that you're not with Denovan" he changed the topic "He's kind of busy with magic theory right now and you're also supposed to be busy with the student council" she said but Ignis only smacked his lips in boredom as he leaned in the tree.

"Ana, I haven't seen Ivan nor Callista since this morning. Do you think they got kidnapped?" he said without thinking in order for Anastasia not to force him in to working "You don't know?" her eyebrows furrowed.

"Know what?" he yawned "Ignis, they both went out of the Academy this morning, with what they called a secret session" she said and rolled her eyes "Secret session? Aren't they together too much?" he asked in confusion making Anastasia chuckle.

"What are you laughing about, Ana?" Ignis was starting to get annoyed "Oh, my. I'm sorry" she chuckled and kneeled in front of him "Ignis, I have a question" she said with a weird smile "About what?" he asked confused at her weird actions

"Why did you trust Callista so fast?" and he was silent "I've actually been thinking about that lately. It's just weird how you trusted her that quick and even let her hang out with us" she said before she frowned "Why did you do that, Ignis?" she asked as Ignis only stared at her before sighing.

"I don't remember telling you to stick your nose in my business" he coldly said making Anastasia make a serious look "Ignis, don't tell me you're trusting her because she reminds you of her?" she asked "And so what if she does?" he asked back in hesitation.

"Ignis!" she exclaimed in surprise as she stood up "What is wrong with you!? How can you blindly trust someone just because she reminds you of her?" she argued that earned her a glare from him.

"Don't put all the blame on me, Anastasia. I'm not the only one beginning to trust her. You, Denovan, and Ivan neither of you said something when she started hanging out with us, right?" Anastasia became silent at his words.

"Just admit it, Ana. She is starting to grow on you"

"That's not true!"

"But you know it is"

"Stop! You're twisting my words!"

"You're already starting to care for her, aren't you?"

Anastasia looked on her feet and bit her lip "No one's stopping you from doing that" he said and stood up from the ground "I know but.." she wiped her eyes in order to stop the tears from falling

"What if I get disappointed in the end?" she sniffled then suddenly felt him pat her head "That's why they say we learn from our mistakes, Ana" she looked from his words as he looked down at her with his usual bored look.

"And if you really get disappointed at the end then I'll take care of it. What am I useful for other than getting rid of the people who offends you?" she gawked at his words as he started walking away "Aren't you coming? We still have a lot to do for tomorrow" he asked as he looked back at his shoulder "You... I really can't understand your personality" she smiled before running towards him.