
Scion of Apollo

Transmigrated as a son of Apollo, I was initially confused. It then gave way to a strong determination and excitement. After all, in a world so vast, there was hardly a moment for a dull time.

NirjharChatterjee · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2

I was lost in my studies, when the sound of the doors swinging open brought me to attention. I found a group of grey eyed teenagers enter, talking softly amongst themselves. However when they saw me, thay all halted. Evidently, they were not expectig me.

"What are you doing here Adoneous?"

Hmmm, I knew that guy. Although we were not best of friends, we knew each other. His name was Nathaniel, son of Athena. I gave him a free spirited smile.

"Hey man, just reading up. I was bored out of mind guys. But, don't mind me, you guys do you."

Shaking their heads they went ahead with their work. I honestly would have preferred if I was a child of Athena. After all, she was the Godess of Knowledge and Wisdom. Shaking my head, I continued on my studies. Turns out, Greek Runes very much existed. And they were under the control of Hecate. However, because her divinity concerned witchcraft, she did not have explicit control over Runic Magic. Hmmm, it would be best to capitalize on it. Turns out, runes absorbed the energy of mist, and worked much like a computer code. For example, a simple symbol of light would only give out light. However fire would involve Runes involving burn, heat and manifestation.

Now that I was thinking about it, I should jot all of this down. I did not possess an eidetic memory.

"Hey, Nath. You got an extra notebook?"

"You can write? I'm impressed."

I deadpanned at him and took the new notebook he was waving at me, and started to jot down everything I studied. There were ven advanced books on science, maths and various other works. I found myself easily understanding Biology, even progressing to college level books in a short while. Chemistry, although not as well, but was still easy to understand. However everything I studied from physics, was being pulled along from what I had studied in my past life. I was lucky I suppose.

I also copied what I had written on my old notebook, into this newer one. It was a simple binded notebook, and had a comfortable feel in my hand. Good, it would do. Once I stuffed my mind with all the information I could retain, I moved onto a new book, 'Manupulation of the Mist'. It was something that was a must. Thus I started to work. Turnes out, the easiest way was to use sound. Once sound waves are produced, it could be used to manupulate the mist easily. The harder part was to understand and feel the sound waves. Deciding to test it out, I closed my eyes, and snapped my fingers. As I tried to concentrate, I felt a blankness. Once again. On my third try, I could feel the rippling waves, flowing thorugh the air, as if ripples. And the grey smoke, that should be mist! Was it supposed to be this easy. Not wanting to make any mistakes, I decided to continue reading.

"Although the manupulation of mist is an incredibly difficult field to master, it is especially easy for the children of hecate and apollo. Apollo, he god of music, controls almost all the sound waves throughout the universe, while Hecate, is the Goddess of Magic. Epitome of this art involves percieving disturbances in the mist, and to cast illusions on demigods. However it has been achieved only once, by Circe, who managed to reach the peak of manupulation of the mist."

Circe, that was another dangerous person. Well, three years is a long time. Many things can happen in this time. Glancing at the watch on my wrist, I stood up. It was time to move to the next part of my plan

"Adoneous, put those books back!"

"Oh, just put them back once you are down, you grey eyed git."

Rolling my eyes, and ignoring his rant about putting things in their rightful place, I went back to the surface. It was time for learning Forging!