
Scion of Apollo

Transmigrated as a son of Apollo, I was initially confused. It then gave way to a strong determination and excitement. After all, in a world so vast, there was hardly a moment for a dull time.

NirjharChatterjee · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1

When I opened my eyes, all I saw was a bunk. Well, it was not exactly hard to recognise, considering the fact that I spent looking at a bunk, for about 4 years. Right, and there comes the headache. Once I recovered from the pain of the headache, all the confusion in my mind cleared up. My amber coloured eyes flashed in a sense of excitement. After all, I was currently at Camp Half-Blood, and was claimed by Apollo as his son. Well, it was not exactly hard to discern that, given the initial talent I had shown in marksmanship and my looks, complete with amber eyes, seemingly like molten gold, and blond hair. Although Percy Jackson, was not yet at camp. It was currently the year 2002, and if all was according to the books, he would be coming in 3 years. That would give me 3 years to prepare well, before everything got fucked up.

Getting out of bed, the first thing I did was to stretch and meditate to get my thoughts in order. Then I went over to my designated cupboard, and got a notebook. It was old, about 4 years old, with slightly yellowing pages, but workable. So the first thing I noted down on it with a pen I found on the table, was everything I remembered from canon. this included those from the Roman Camp as well. Then I started to jot down things to do. There was going to be a war. A major war. I wanted to take advantage of that fact, and milk it for it could give potentially. However for that, some things were to be changed. My name is Adoneous Joulger. The style he primarily went for was a minor healer, and a bowman. That needed to change. I had trained my shooting skills in my past life for security, and with my divine heritage, I knew it could be a great achievement. However the main problem was bullets, and making them out of celestial bronze. I was currently 12 years old, and I needed to fill up.

Stretching a bit, I got up and went out of the cabin. Looking at my snoring and drooling brothers, I smile wrily. How relaxed they are. I don't even know how many would be alive after this. As I exited the cabin, I found myself on a small hill. There were strawberry field on its sides, and on three more hills around it. The low sooshing sound from where the sea was gave a calming sense. The sun was just rising over the horizon, filling the sky with myriad of colours. I smiled at the sun.

"Morning Father."

Well, no use waiting, I had work to do.

The memories I inherited from the old consciousness was certainly advantageous. I soon found myself walking along a marrow path and then in front of the Big House. You see, besides working as a magical canteen and the Council Room, the residence of Mr. D, or the Wine God Dionysis, and Chiron, the Son of Cronos, and trainer of heroes, it was also the storeroom, for all kinds of junk. The more precious ones were at the 1st level of the basement, and the rest were in the attic. The 2nd Basement level, was a library, bult by the generations of children of Athena, works translated in greek, even recent books. The collection was huge, or so I have heard. Well, this was the first time for me to come here. After all, as one of the most good looking fellows, along with being the most 'talented' among my generation in archery, I was a 'cool' guy, thus studies were beneath me. However as an orphan, I was a year long resident of the camp, so he would train in swordsmanship just for the fun of it. So, at least that was an advantage. So, I started to descend into the basements, which felt more like some sort of midevial dungeons, With flaming torches lighting the way, I soon reached my destination. On its doors were written in stone:

"Approach Seeker of Knowledge, and leave with more knowledge to spread."

I could only smirk. Spread? No, I am a hoarder, I will be making sure they stay with me.

As I swung open the doors, I found myself in a huge hall. It was lined with books, and with glowing symbols on the walls. I wanted to learn that. Well time to get to work. Thus began the quest for knowledge of the son of the sun.