
Scientific Life Simulator

The universe is so massive that just the observable universe has 125 billion galaxies, while it is stated that Scientists predict that at the current rate the universe is expanding, we may just be able to observe just as much as a lightbulb in the middle of nowhere on Pluto. Therefore, the question is whether or not we humans, the only sentient species that we are aware of, can ever expect to explore the entire cosmos. "Yes, as long as I am alive, humanity still has the hope to explore and conquer the entire cosmos, " said our protagonist Leo in response to the reporters' query. The man in front of them had the authority to say these things since he was the one who had guided them into the intergalactic period in the 20th century, despite the fact that his response might seem arrogant to people. Even though he was uttering complete rubbish, his self-praise and overconfidence were tolerated since, without him, mankind would never have been able to leave the solar system. They however had no idea that Leo was serious when he said that humanity will eventually rule the cosmos as with the aid of his Scientific Life Simulator he truly had the means to achieve such aspirations. Now let's gross over time to see how one high school student who received a simulator altered not just his own fate but also the fate of humanity.

CultivatorReader · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Sim Numero uno?

Leo Da Vinci was a high school student at Millennium High School, ranked 15th in New York and 152nd in the USA overall.

Although Leo's surname was Da Vinci, he had no known connections to Italy but was born and raised in New York in the United States.

(A/N: "Ah, the smell of capitalism is so nice" - Author 2023)

The current year is 2011, a year before the predicted end of the world. Leo has just entered the 10th grade meaning it has been one year since he joined Millennium High School.

When Leo came to Millennium, he had great hope and aspirations of being a scientist one day, but reality hit him hard, and his grades fell off the roof in 9th grade, causing him to be extremely demotivated.

This can be seen as a former bright student currently engaging in the act that all GOATED novel protagonists do, sleeping during a class.

To make matters worse, he wasn't sleeping because he had been working long hours on a job for his sister or family. Instead, he was sleepy because he had been playing video games late at night.

The setback had impacted him so hard that he had given up on life to some extent and couldn't care anymore.

A once genius who could have contributed to the world went astray due to his poor psychological qualities.

What a cliche setting, but unfortunately, this setting had become Leo's life.

Leo, currently dreaming, suddenly heard a ding from the outside world and woke up. It was the school bell that marked the end of the class.

After assigning the homework, the teacher soon finished teaching and sat down in his chair to correct what looked like test papers.

After noting the homework, the students started to pack their bags and head out, as this class was the last class for the day, and they could now head back home.

Leo followed suit, exited the classroom, got outside, and headed to his school bus.

Leo headed to the bus and sat down on an empty seat, and guess what he did next? He continued to fall asleep again, but the moment he closed his eyes, he heard a ding again.

This made Leo open his eyes only to find a strange purple interface appear in front of his face.

This confused Leo, but he continued reading the message on the purple interface.

[You have been selected as the host of Scientific Life Simulator]

The moment Leo read the message, it changed as if this purple interface knew he had finished reading it.

[As the host, you will be able to simulate life and get rewards based on your performance in the simulation.]

Leo finished reading and rubbed his eyes to ensure this wasn't some illusion he was having due to sleep deprivation.

However, the purple panel didn't disappear but stayed there, which made Leo feel weirder as he didn't understand what was going on.

He couldn't help but ask in his mind, "What is this strange panel? What is going on? Am I going insane?"

Having read no novels, he still needed to learn what this sci-fi-looking thing was and even wondered if he had encountered some kind of alien tech or something.

The panel sensing Leo's questions suddenly changed the text on the panel.

[The simulator is an interface designed by xx. xxx, and its purpose is to help the host explore and find the Truth behind everything in the multidimensions.]

Leo asked, "Truth about multidimensions? What is a dimension? Either way, this should be something that helps me."

[The simulator cannot explain to the host as he needs to find out on his own also due to his civilization level being too low.]

Leo heard this and asked, "Wait, civilization level, does that mean you can help me get technology and become a scientist?"

[Yes, the host can get technology and knowledge as rewards for simulations.]

Leo became happy and said, "Yes, finally, we got somewhere. Now then, what can you simulate?"

[The simulator has two simulations, one a simulation of the host itself, which shall display your future life, and two a simulation of a random race from the past.]

[Regarding the random race simulation, the host can also spend points to save a character in the three allotted character slots. Once they are complete, the host will have to buy slots.]

Leo reading this, thought, "Very interesting, so I can directly get tech and knowledge from alien civilizations. That is so cool."

[Yes, the host can get these as rewards or buy them with points earned by doing sims. Also, it costs simulator points to simulate either of the two options.]

Leo frowned and said, "But I don't have any right now, meaning the first few simulations must be free."

[Yes, the first five simulations for both options are provided for free.]

Leo, hearing this asked, "Wait, what happens once I run out of points?"

[As the host can no longer simulate if the host has no points or previously stored sims, the system shall vanish after erasing the host's memory about the simulator and find a new host.]

Leo said, "Damn, that is cruel, but I guess it makes sense, and I assume you would make it, so any technology I have redeemed just came to me in the new memories.]

[Precisely, but I hope the host manages his points well and that things don't come to this.]

Leo then grasped a critical point and asked, "Wait, so you can read my memory and erase it at will?"

[Not really. All the system can do is read your thoughts when you ask or talk to the simulator. Besides that simulator has no interference with the host's life.]

Leo, who had gotten tensed, immediately calmed down and asked, "So what are these simulations like? Do you transport my mind to this simulated world or something?"

[Yes and No, as that is one of the options known as real self-simulation, which gives you complete freedom but is costly as it allows you to keep the knowledge you learn on your own.]

Leo asked, "What about the other options?"

[The other option is text simulation, where you can read what your simulated self does, and it is cheaper. The ten newbie simulations are all for text simulation type.]

Leo, hearing this, asked, "So in the text simulation, I don't get all the knowledge but have to choose between options?"

[Yes, that is correct. You can choose one out of six options, but the simulation is still accurate based on what you would do. Just the knowledge is limited.]

Leo then said through his thoughts, "Okay, I have understood all your functions time to simulate. Start future sim."

[Future sim starting....]

[Year 1: You who were demotivated barely managed to get a pass in the 10th grade with 52% overall marks.]

Reading the very first line, Leo felt extremely speechless.

[Year 3: You got serious for grade 12th due to scoldings from parents and tried your best and just missed distinction getting 72% overall.]

[Year 4: You, feeling slightly confident, decided to take a gap year due to low SAT scores to retake SAT. This was a fruitful decision, as you scored 1,200, allowing you to get admission to Clarkson University.]

[Year 5: You started your first year at Clarkson University as a Biomolecular engineering major.]

[Year 8: You have officially graduated from Clarkson University with an acceptable GPA of 3.]

[Year 9: Graduated without a single paper, a shame, but you still managed to grab yourself a job as an Associate Scientist at a Maximus medical devices incorporated.]

[Year 15: You were researching a new virus that had broken out worldwide and died in the process.]

In 2026, a random virus abruptly destroyed Leo's life, which had begun to go back on track. Seeing this, Leo felt uncomfortable as he saw his current future end like this.

Next, Leo saw that rewards were being issued and quickly changed his attention from his death in the sim to the rewards.

[Basic Reward: 744 points.]

[Optional Reward List]

[Option 1: Basic Pharmaceutical lab experience.]

[Option 2: +437 Biology experience.]

[Option 3: Basic computer studies experience.]

[Option 4: Lab data from Maximus on the virus.]

[Option 5: 785 dollars from your wallet.]

[Option 6: SAT paper from 2019.]

Leo saw this and felt that the options varied and were extremely random, but he decided to rule out 1,3 immediately as the basic experience was something he could get in the future.

Leo then ruled out option four, as he didn't even know what to do with the lab data of some potential future virus.

Leo next ruled out number five because although 785 dollars was a lot, he felt it was a waste to exchange money like this through the sim.

Leo then hesitated between number six and number two. On the one hand, number two would give him experience, which would help increase levels, he assumed, but number six was a sat paper that could decide his fate.

After much hesitation, Leo took the experience as he felt he could get the SAT paper in the next sim. Maybe improving his current knowledge would help him deal with the virus.

After making a decision Leo said, "I pick option 2 Biology experience."