
Scientific Life Simulator

The universe is so massive that just the observable universe has 125 billion galaxies, while it is stated that Scientists predict that at the current rate the universe is expanding, we may just be able to observe just as much as a lightbulb in the middle of nowhere on Pluto. Therefore, the question is whether or not we humans, the only sentient species that we are aware of, can ever expect to explore the entire cosmos. "Yes, as long as I am alive, humanity still has the hope to explore and conquer the entire cosmos, " said our protagonist Leo in response to the reporters' query. The man in front of them had the authority to say these things since he was the one who had guided them into the intergalactic period in the 20th century, despite the fact that his response might seem arrogant to people. Even though he was uttering complete rubbish, his self-praise and overconfidence were tolerated since, without him, mankind would never have been able to leave the solar system. They however had no idea that Leo was serious when he said that humanity will eventually rule the cosmos as with the aid of his Scientific Life Simulator he truly had the means to achieve such aspirations. Now let's gross over time to see how one high school student who received a simulator altered not just his own fate but also the fate of humanity.

CultivatorReader · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Limitaciones

Leo then closed his eyes and received the knowledge of Biology from the system, and the next moment he instantly absorbed all sorts of new things.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt highly rejuvenated, and Leo thought it was one of the perks of knowledge experience transfer.

Leo then wondered how to make the simulator show him his profile. The simulator quickly informed him upon being called that all Leo had to do was call out Host Profile in his mind.

Leo adhered to the instructions and said, "Host Profile." then the below profile popped up in front of him -

[Name: Leonardo Da Vinci

Age: 15 years

Species: Human

Body Type: Thin

Talents -


Subjects -

Physics: Level 0 (24/1000)

Chemistry: Level 0 (150/1000)

Biology: Level 0 (642/1000)

Mathematics: Level 0 (124/1000)

Computers: Level 0 (67/1000)

Skills -


Points: 744 points]

Seeing the rows of zeros, Leo felt disheartened but quickly cleared his mind and asked, "What does level 0 indicate?"

[Level 0 indicates you know equivalent to a 10th grader, Level 1 indicates 12th-grader, Level 2 shows college-level, Level 3 indicates masters, Level 4 indicates Ph.D.]

[It goes on higher and higher there isn't a level cap, as you shall always be learning until you uncover the truth behind the multidimensions, provided you live until then.]

Leo replied, "I see that is a good indicator. At least now I know I must fill the level to reach a particular knowledge reserve."

Leo then asked, "How are the points allocated? Based on achievements? On lives, I change or my life? Also, do I get the same points if I repeat a sim?"

[That is something the host will have to figure out independently.]

Leo continued, "All right, I will figure it out on my own let's go again. I have five free sims. I might as well use them all first."

[The text simulation is currently under a cooldown of 15 minutes, so the host has to wait.]

Leo heard this and was slightly disappointed, but it made sense. After all, the simulator simulated an entire planet or universe for him.

After pondering for a minute, Leo quickly guessed that each year spent in the sim was equivalent to one minute of cooldown.

[That is correct. One year is equivalent to one year in text sims.]

Next, Leo asked, "So it is a cooldown period, then you might as well tell me the prices and any other limitations while you take a break."

[For text simulation, the host gets one free simulation every three days. It costs 500 points to buy one simulation, no matter if it is a future or a random sim.]

[Regarding limitation, the host can do only four text simulations daily.]

[Also, in case of emergency, the free sim should not be kept for last as if the host runs out of points and has to rely on a free sim, then the host shall be penalized, and the next free sim shall be after a month.]

Leo heard this and felt agitated. He didn't mind the penalty much, but the limit of only four sims made him sad as it drastically reduced the amount, he would use the simulator.

Feeling sad, Leo asked why, but the response left him even more dumbfounded.

[It is only four, as, after that, the space-time becomes unstable.]

The answer was such garbage that Leo felt it was an excuse that the simulator came up to deny him.

Leo next enquired about real self-sims as he might as well study this simulator while in cooldown.

[Real self-sims last for a month and cost 5,000 points each time, and their fixed cooldown is one week per month.]

Hearing such a short duration, Leo had enough and scolded, "Do you think I am smart enough to learn anything in just a month? This real self-sim is just a complete waste of points."

[I know that the host would have difficulty absorbing knowledge worth the points, which is why the host is advised to buy concentration pills or talents from the simulator mall before attempting a real self-sim.]

Leo read this and asked, "Concentration pills? Talents? Simulator mall, what is all this."

[Take a look yourself by saying open mall and closing your eyes.]

Leo followed the simulator's words again and said, "Open mall." before closing his eyes.

Leo found himself standing in a passageway before three different doors when he closed his eyes.

There was a nameplate in the middle of each door, describing what lies within. Presumably, at least, that is what Leo thought.

The door towards his left read Athenaeum, which was quite a big word for a tenth grader, but luckily Leo knew it meant a room in which books, periodicals, and newspapers are kept for use.

Making it a room filled with books containing knowledge from various civilizations that Leo could buy with the help of points.

The door in the middle had a nameplate called Talonton, which meant talent in Greek, from what Leo knew.

The door on the right read Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, which presumably indicated where he could get prescriptions such as concentration pills.

Leo felt weird why two of the three names were in Greek like they weren't peak civilizations, but he didn't mind and went along his path to the right.

After all, in his current scenario, he felt that talent and books would cost too much, so he should try his luck in the medicinal section first and come back later for the others.

Entering the door, he found himself in what looked like an endless passage entirely in the darkness, but there was this one mechanical arm and a platform in the center.

Leo walked towards this platform, and the moment he reached it, suddenly, A metallic platform arose from the ground as it was alerted of the visitor's presence.

On top of that podium-like stand was a virtual hologram displaying machine that showed him what looked like a webpage filled with medicine.

Leo drew nearer and reasoned that this was how people purchased the medication. He then grew accustomed to swiping in the air and assumed that the gadget recognized his action and changed the pages accordingly.

At the top of this webpage was a search bar where Leo could search for any medicine he wanted, but he didn't know what to search for, so he remained on the main page.

Then, a daily discount section attracted his attention as he looked around on the main page.

It had all types of medicine ranging from tablets to syringes to ointment for curing diseases and improving multiple cognitive functions.

There was even medicine that could directly improve Leo's IQ and brain. Some even allowed him to grow stronger than possible, increase his height, and even tablets to decrease his weight.

Everything on sale was quite fancy, but Leo could only afford the 300 points focus pills that temporarily increased his concentration level by ten times for 20 minutes.

According to the description, the added focus would also enable him to give full attention to what he was doing and accelerate his learning.

The side effect in exchange was that he would experience a wave of tiredness when the pill time finished since he was overusing his brain to perform better than before.

Additionally, it said that the effects would wear off after 30 minutes per tablet unless he took another one immediately, allowing the effect to stack indefinitely.

However, the description also stated that if his brain synapse level (neuron connection) is below 10%, he will enter a risk zone once he takes ten tablets in a row.

Reading this, Leo couldn't help but think about the false myth that humans only use 10% of their brains which had been proven wrong.

Leo also couldn't help but wonder how he was supposed to know his brain synapse level, as the panel didn't share this info with him.

As Leo was thinking about this issue, the simulator notified him, solving all his worries.

[It has been detected that the host wants to measure his brain synapse level asking permission to conduct a scan to show you the answer.]

Leo quickly said, "Permission granted."

Then, Leo stood there awaiting his results while the purple panel on which a red progress meter was steadily approaching 100% scanned his brain.

Leo felt the color choice made by the simulator creator was quite eerie and thought it gave off strange vibes, as though an impending cataclysm was being loaded.

Leo stood there for a while, and the progress bar soon hit 100%, giving him his results.

[The host's current synapse level is 0.8%]

Leo felt weird when he realized he didn't even have one percent, much less ten percent. After all, he was formerly regarded as a genius, even though he wasn't performing at his best.

Additionally, the simulation indicated that he was qualified to become a scientist. Therefore, he felt odd about the result being below 1%.

Leo, who was feeling wronged, asked, "Simulator is this result correct? Also, is this synapse level fixed from birth? Can I not increase it?"

[The result is 100% accurate, and the simulator has done multiple scans to confirm this result.]

[For ordinary people, synapse level is fixed to some extent from birth but may be enhanced by learning and pushing your brain to its limits.]

[The host can, however, advance by increasing his knowledge and receiving increments based on subject level-ups]

[For instance, when the host levels up from 0 to 1, he will have an increase of 0.1 per subject, and this will double with each subsequent level, so an upgrade to level 2 will have 0.2, and to level 3 will have 0.4, so on and so forth.]

Leo sighed with relief, "That's a lot better. After all, I did need a higher synapse percentage if I wanted to understand more complex ideas and technology.