

The next day in class, Kate brought out her bible to read since there was no teacher in her class at that moment but while she was reading she felt she was either watched or monitored by a person or a group of people, her eyes caught a girl reading her bible under her desk she wondered if the girl was hiding the bible or not.....The girl looked as if she was preventing people from seeing what she was doing because she acted as though eyes were monitoring her

Kate was upset by her behavior, she wondered why a christian should hide to do the things of God, in the family she was thought to do the things of God openly not to show off but to show that light cannot be hidden, she knew something was not right somewhere. Taking a closer look at the girl she knew she had seen her face before she came to the school....Yes! she was the girl that told her to come and help her, she was the girl that told her to prepare for the school of battle. Kate was confused, she didn't know what to do about the people she was shown....she silently pray for wisdom and understanding. Turning to look at the girl again she saw her praying and sobbing....she had to go to her , she had to find out what the problem was but she didn't know how.

*. *. *.

In the hostel, it was silently announced that it was time for bible study......Kate was happy at least it continued in school,she saw a christians tying their head with scarf and she saw the same girl again in her room..... she saw her tying something in a black nylon. To her surprise it was a bible.....No, this was wrong she walked up to the girl

"Why are you hiding your bible" she asked

"It's a normal thing for christians to do in this particular school" the girl replied

"Oh my goodness!Why? Kate asked

"I understand the fact that you are a new student you will soon understand"the girl replied to Kate who was wide eyed

"Do you mind following me to the church" the girl asked

"Oh no, I can't even find my way"Kate replied, quickly she tied a medium sized handkerchief on her hair, took her bible in her hand and followed the girl

"By the ways I'm Jane, what about you?" the girl asked

"Ooh I'm Kate "Kate replied

"We better get going" Jane said

Jane passed through a narrow path of the road covered with small bushes and some christians were that path too

Kate was surprised about the road that leads to the church and Jane told her that is how it has been ever since and the reason they had to hide their bible in nylon bag is because of fear.

Immediately after the bible study Jane signaled to Kate to get up so they could leave together and Kate told her that she wants to see the chapel boy.

Kate introduced herself to the chapel boy and he reciprocated by telling her that his name is John

Then Kate told him her observations about the christians in the school and he said it came with some circumstances and Kate asked him what circumstances and he told her he understands she wants to talk about this but the school authority gave them limited time and so he bade her goodbye

Jane asked her what took her so long and Kate said she was talking to the chapel boy and Jane told her not to be worried and that she has once been in her shoes before and that the school was filled with mysteries

*. * *.

When they got to the hostel, Kate bumped into Claire

" Are you blind? Claire asked with disdain

"I'm sorry"Kate said

"You better be"she said and walked out

I've you met her before? Jane asked

No Kate replied and why did you ask?

" Nothing......um...um" Jane said

" You wanted to say something" Kate said

" No nevermind" Jane said and walked away

"Jane,Jane .......come we need to talk.."Kate said

"If it's about this I'm not interested"Jane replied fearfully

Kate was dumbfounded, she was trying to unveil a lot of things and she needed Jane to help her out because she is new in the school but Jane was refusing to talk. Rebecca was new just like herself while Vivian and her were not really close .Kate silently prayed for help

In the night the wind blew the trees about heavily, some birds flew around the hostel, making awful noises then some minutes later the power supply was interrupted

In another realm there was a mighty ocean and in the midst of the ocean there were a lot of young girls bowing to a golden staff surrounded with water , very soon on an empty fish like decorated magnificent chair appeared a very beautiful lady with uncountable beads and adornment on her waist and on her hair

* All hail the most beautiful princess"the girl's chorused

" Thank you, now let's transform to our water world form"the pretty princess commanded

All the girls transformed from the normal human form to water world form with them having mermaid tails.

Then the special transformation by the leader, the princess herself came in a colourful way with the girls singing and bowing their heads then the princess transformed into a very big mermaid with her tail rising above others

They discussed on how to initiate new students so that they can enlarge their coast

"But permit me to say princess we doing have a leader"A girl said bowing her head

"Don't be faster than your shadow" the princess said

* I am very sorry for offending the supreme"the girl apologized

"Apologies accepted and by the next time we meet I will allocate power to initiate more people to our kingdom"

"All hail the most beautiful"the girls chorused

*Now disperse to to your various abodes" the princess said raising her golden staff up indicating the end of the meeting.