
Chapter 136: Red Talent - True Dragon's Aspect! Terrifying Indeed

"This is the world where Lin Yuanyuan is located? Quite interesting," Wang Ping swept his gaze over the courtiers below and then looked at Lin Yuanyuan beside him, his expression becoming strange.

Lin Yuanyuan, are you playing around so much?

You've actually become an empress.

However, considering her strength, as long as she wished, in this world where the top combatants were weak, she could indeed do as she pleased.

Of course, weakness is relative.

Shattering a mountain peak with a single strike was already very powerful in a martial world.

It could only be said that this level of strength was considered weak in the fantasy world he came from and in other powerful worlds.

"Uh, Empress, how admirable," Chen Si blinked her eyes and looked at Lin Yuanyuan, muttering.

"It's quite a handsome feeling. Besides that, she's so beautiful," Chen Kang also stared at Lin Yuanyuan without blinking.

Listening to Chen Kang's words, Wu Jun rolled his eyes. "Youngster, let me advise you not to have any thoughts about Lin Yuanyuan. After all, her Golden Finger is something you can't handle."

Lin Yuanyuan was indeed very beautiful. While she couldn't compare to Liu Mei and was slightly inferior to Chen Yao, in the eyes of ordinary people, she was still considered a beauty.

Moreover, her increased strength and her newfound status as empress added to her charm.

Although Chen Kang was already a member of the Crossers' Chat Group, he had died shortly after crossing over, and in reality, he couldn't be considered a qualified crosser. At best, he was a somewhat special (unlucky) ordinary person who had been astonished by Lin Yuanyuan's beauty.

However, Wu Jun really wanted to emphasize that Lin Yuanyuan was not someone anyone could handle.

Not to mention a small fry like him, even Wang Ping couldn't handle her. Touching her would result in death.

"(⊙o⊙)…" Chen Kang was stunned and didn't understand.

"Little Jun, are you looking for a fight?" Lin Yuanyuan smiled and said.

"I don't want to," Wu Jun's face twitched.

Lin Yuanyuan was one of the high-end combatants in the group, and he couldn't afford to provoke her.

Although they had become somewhat familiar with each other over the past four months of cooperation and participating in tasks together, he still wouldn't dare to provoke the big shots in the group.

"Brother, what kind of Golden Finger does Sister Lin have?" Chen Si tugged at Chen Kang's sleeve, blushing as she asked quietly.

"Well…" Chen Kang's eyes widened, shocked by his sister's question. He felt like his mind had been greatly impacted and couldn't think of anything for a moment.

"Now is not the time to chat. Let's go to a quiet place," Wang Ping said with a smile.

"Sure," Lin Yuanyuan nodded.

Then, she glanced at the courtiers below but didn't dismiss them. Instead, she led Wang Ping and the others out of the palace, leaving the courtiers trembling with fear.

The courtiers were finally relieved after Lin Yuanyuan and her group left. They looked at each other with shocked expressions. Lin Yuanyuan's friends were truly extraordinary, especially the three ordinary-looking individuals who seemed quite unique.

As for Wang Ping, they couldn't see through him at all. Moreover, it seemed that Lin Yuanyuan, who was known for her ruthless methods, was now showing a lower profile, which was quite baffling.

This ruthless empress was unexpectedly lowering her posture like this, which was truly a rare sight.

"This place is quieter. Wang Ge, it's up to you from here," Lin Yuanyuan led Wang Ping and the others to a white jade pavilion in the palace garden and said softly.

"Alright, I'll gather some information first," Wang Ping nodded and closed his eyes.

This caught Chen Kang's curious gaze, but he didn't ask any questions.

However, his sister, Chen Si, admired Wang Ping after glancing at him and explained to Chen Kang very thoughtfully.

At this moment, Wang Ping's eyes, which had stopped moving, started displaying text again.

"On the first day, you chose to cultivate."

"Five years later, your cultivation reached the Fourth Stage of the Profound Elixir Realm, and you comprehended your own Low-Grade Divine Ability, 'Nine Radiant Suns,' greatly increasing your strength. At the same time, you accidentally triggered the Unstable Evolver, allowing you to choose whether to optimize your Divine Ability. You didn't hesitate to choose optimization. For you, the Low-Grade Divine Ability you had previously comprehended was not a significant matter, and given more time, you could have comprehended a new one. However, if you successfully optimized it, you would directly gain a Medium-Grade Divine Ability."

"Low-Grade and Medium-Grade Divine Abilities are incomparable in value, especially since this one is your own Divine Ability, making it even more valuable, saving you a lot of time in comprehension."

"You chose optimization and were very lucky. You successfully optimized your previously comprehended Low-Grade Divine Ability, 'Nine Radiant Suns,' into a Medium-Grade Divine Ability, 'Eclipse of Heaven and Earth.' Your mind gained many insights, greatly benefiting you."


Wang Ping looked at the simulated content and was astonished.

This was outrageous!

Too outrageous!

Is this the Red Talent - True Dragon's Aspect? Is this the talent and comprehension of a Saint-level character?

In just five years, without the guidance of a master and without the resources of a sacred place, he had raised his cultivation to the Fourth Stage of the Profound Elixir Realm and had even comprehended his own Low-Grade Divine Ability. This was something he hadn't dared to imagine in the past. However, now he realized that he might have greatly underestimated Ye Chen, who had appeared in the simulation before.

If this is how far he's come, how powerful will Ye Chen be when the Purple Moon Secret Realm opens? What level of Divine Abilities will he comprehend?

Although Ye Chen wasn't the main character of the Dragon Proud Heaven Flow, he was clearly a growth-type character who would gradually improve his Bone Roots and comprehension through various opportunities. But it definitely wouldn't be as simple as that.

"Perhaps I made a mistake by choosing the Unstable Evolver back then," Wang Ping thought instinctively.

After all, the Unstable Evolver hadn't brought him a qualitative change.

Before, he had thought that without the Unstable Evolver, he might be struck down by Heavenly Tribulation. But that had been nothing more than a speculation at the time.

Given the current situation, even without the Unstable Evolver, he would not be any worse off. When he broke through to the Profound Elixir Realm, he would easily withstand the Heavenly Tribulation.

"However, it's too late to say anything now. Moreover, choosing it again would be redundant and a waste."

Wang Ping comforted himself and continued to gaze at the screen.

"Next, you weren't interested in silently cultivating and waiting for the Purple Moon Secret Realm to open. After all, the greatest opportunities in the Purple Moon Secret Realm are the Nirvana Fruits and the inheritance of the Nirvana Realm.

 Currently, you don't particularly need either of these. Waiting for more than a decade would be a waste of time. Not to mention, those are the opportunities of Ye Chen, your disciple. You won't compete for them. Moreover, you no longer find ordinary opportunities appealing."

"For this reason, you chose to set Ye Chen free to let him explore on his own. Meanwhile, you took Cai Yonglong and headed to the Eastern Wilderness. You and Cai Yonglong first obtained some spirit stones in the Tianhai Nation and then began to travel around various countries, seeking powerful opportunities."

"Five years later, relying on the powerful opportunities found by Cai Yonglong's Golden Finger, your cultivation reached the Seventh Stage of the Profound Elixir Realm, significantly increasing your strength. At the same time, Cai Yonglong was also very lucky and found a powerful opportunity."

"It was an opportunity discovered in the perilous Blacklight Valley outside the Tianhai Nation, in the Blacklight Gorge. In the Blacklight Gorge, a great expert lived there in seclusion, nearing the end of his life. After discovering Cai Yonglong's latent Light Element talent, he transferred his lifelong cultivation to Cai Yonglong step by step, at the cost of his own life. He also left behind a powerful inheritance for him."

[As a result, Cai Yonglong's cultivation unexpectedly caught up to yours and directly soared to the level of Peak Profound Elixir Realm. Although Cai Yonglong's Profound Elixir was only of the Second Grade, it was still powerful enough to rival many core disciples of prominent sects.]

[It can only be said that many wandering cultivators may not lack talent but rather fail to tap into their true potential, as the attributes of the cultivation methods they practice may be in conflict. Only those under major influences, when they are still young, will find the most suitable attribute for their disciples, guiding them on the right path to avoid wasting time.]

[You had many thoughts about Cai Yonglong's fortuitous encounter. Indeed, opportunities are truly crucial in this world. A powerful opportunity can rapidly elevate one's strength and allow them to catch up with others. However, Cai Yonglong's method of gaining power through transmission is not without risks, as not everyone can bear such a sudden increase in power. Furthermore, it can lead to issues in one's mental state.]

[For this reason, even though Cai Yonglong rapidly reached the Peak Profound Elixir Realm, he still had to spend a long time to solidify his foundation and cultivate his character. This time investment may not mean much to ordinary cultivators since they can never reach such heights in their lifetime. However, for true geniuses, it might be more beneficial to reach such a level through their own cultivation and make it more solid.]

[Hence, true geniuses don't particularly care about transmissions. As for you, you were just expressing your feelings and didn't pay much attention to those matters. You were just happy for Cai Yonglong.]

"This speed of cultivation improvement is really exhilarating. However, Cai Yonglong finally has a chance to catch up to me. Not bad, not bad," Wang Ping said with a slight smile.

The rapid improvement in Cai Yonglong's strength was even more advantageous for him, and he naturally hoped that Cai Yonglong would become stronger quickly. However, the Blacklight Nation and the Blacklight Gorge were likely quite far away.

Moreover, he didn't know whether the powerful expert in the Blacklight Gorge would choose to pass on all his cultivation to Cai Yonglong at this point in time. After all, the expert still had more than a decade of life left and might not be so generous.

"Anyway, whether he will be this generous or not, I'll find out when the time comes. But for now, I'm still on a mission, so I'll have to wait until I return to know the answer," Wang Ping thought to himself and continued to look at the screen.

[In the blink of an eye, about eight years have passed. Your cultivation had already reached the level of Peak Profound Elixir Realm long ago. You and Cai Yonglong had been searching for a way to get to the Eternal Frozen Soil in the Central Continent, hoping to find high-quality Yin Energy.]

[In the end, you failed. The distance between the two continents was too vast, and even an expert like Yin Yang Mirror couldn't qualify to travel to the other continent; they couldn't afford the cost. Although you were not an ordinary cultivator, and Cai Yonglong had some treasures left behind by a Death Realm expert, it still wasn't enough.]

[The teleportation arrays that could cross continents were built only by forces with King-level experts or by major sects. If you approached them, it might be considered seeking death.]

[During your frustration, you thought of Ice Nurturing Moon and the Ice Palace. Perhaps with the power of the Ice Palace, you could make the journey. At the same time, you also remembered Snow Er's existence; she might have some connection with the Ice Palace. If you informed the Ice Palace about Snow Er through Ice Nurturing Moon, you might gain their attention and assistance.]

[After analyzing this, you thought it was very feasible. As a result, you took a risk and went to a place not far from the Ice Palace, re-establishing contact with Ice Nurturing Moon. After receiving your message, Ice Nurturing Moon was very surprised and chose to come and meet you.]

[After the long-awaited reunion, you had a pleasant conversation, sharing your respective experiences. Ice Nurturing Moon was astonished to find that both you and Cai Yonglong had reached the Peak Profound Elixir Realm. You also noted that Ice Nurturing Moon had achieved the same level of cultivation, and her bloodline and physique had clearly awakened.]

[However, you also recalled that over twenty years later, Ice Nurturing Moon had only reached the half-step Yin Yang Mirror realm. You also knew that the Ice Palace was probably helping her find high-quality Yin and Yang Energy to facilitate her breakthrough.]

[Otherwise, with Ice Nurturing Moon's talent, breaking through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror should have been effortless. This applies to the geniuses of the Purple Spirit Realm in general. True disciples of major sects and figures at the level of Saint Sons would never willingly break through with Second-Grade Yin Energy, and they might even disregard Third-Grade. At the very least, they would aim for Second-Grade.]

[As for those with great ambitions, they might even choose First-Grade. However, finding such treasures in the world is not easy, so it naturally takes a lot of time to search for them. Even extraordinary geniuses might spend decades trying to reach the half-step Yin Yang Mirror realm, not an uncommon occurrence.]

[However, for the lifespan of cultivators and these geniuses, decades are not a significant amount of time. What they need is the strongest foundation; otherwise, they might get stuck at a certain stage in the future, which they would rather avoid. The King Realm is their ultimate goal.]

[Next, Ice Nurturing Moon was curious about why you and Cai Yonglong had sought her out, and you provided an answer. You wanted to go to the Eternal Frozen Soil but had no way to get there, so you hoped to use the Ice Palace's teleportation array.]

[Ice Nurturing Moon was very surprised and realized your intentions. She thought you were taking a huge risk, as the Eternal Frozen Soil was not only known for its high-quality Yin Energy but also for its extreme danger, far more perilous than other places.]

[You reluctantly explained that as a wandering cultivator, you had no knowledge of any safe places to obtain high-quality Yin Energy; your options were limited. Ice Nurturing Moon fell silent, wondering why you hadn't joined a major sect. With your talent, joining one should have been easy.]

[Although it is true that even within a major sect, obtaining high-quality Yin and Yang Energy requires accumulating contribution points, which takes a long time for inner disciples of the Profound Elixir Realm. Even disciples with the potential to inherit true teachings would need to spend a long time accumulating enough contribution points.]

[However, while the exchange might be difficult, at least it's possible to obtain Yin and Yang Energy. Unlike wandering cultivators who not only face danger but might not even succeed.]

[You sighed

 and expressed that you had some hidden issues that couldn't be revealed. Ice Nurturing Moon didn't pry further. Eventually, she mentioned that she had accumulated many contribution points from the Ice Palace over the years and could help you exchange for First-Grade Yin Energy from the Ice Palace's collection. This would be a repayment for your previous gift of the Four-Leaf White Jade Flower.]

[You felt excited at this offer, believing that your previous investment had indeed been the right choice. However, you asked Ice Nurturing Moon what she would do. She revealed her master was a King Realm expert who had been looking for pure Yin and Yang Energy for her. Her master said she could only break through to Yin Yang Mirror using pure Yin and Yang Energy.]

[You realized that the great figures of the Ice Palace considered Ice Nurturing Moon to be their hope for the Ice Palace's revival, which was why they intended to help her break through in the strongest way. You suspected that Ice Nurturing Moon, at this point, had probably condensed a flawless Profound Elixir that not even regular sect disciples could achieve.]

[After considering this, you accepted Ice Nurturing Moon's kind offer. After all, you genuinely needed the high-quality Yin Energy. If you could trigger the optimization option, you would be able to break through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror with pure Yin Energy, which was extremely important for you.]

[Of course, you were also aware that even if successful in optimization, it might not turn into pure Yin Energy; it could be two First-Grade Yin Energies. Nevertheless, no matter what, this First-Grade Yin Energy was something you were destined to obtain.]

[Afterward, Ice Nurturing Moon returned to the Ice Palace and exchanged a First-Grade Yin Energy for you. You chose to accept it but didn't activate the unstable evolver to optimize it into pure Yin Energy, which left you quite disappointed.]

[Then, Ice Nurturing Moon asked if you still wanted to go to the Eternal Frozen Soil. After thinking it over, you decided to make the journey. Cai Yonglong had yet to break through, and there might be Third-Grade Yin Energy there.]

[Ice Nurturing Moon didn't try to persuade you further. After all, every genius had their own ambitions and goals and couldn't be easily persuaded by others. She simply wanted to help you, this rare opposite-sex fellow cultivator, to the best of her ability.]

[You felt grateful for Ice Nurturing Moon's assistance, even though you were eager to share Snow Er's situation. However, you also realized that explaining how you knew these things would be impossible, so you kept this secret buried deep within your heart.]

[You believed that after you went to the Eternal Frozen Soil, contacted Snow Er, and learned more about her situation, you could then bring her back to the Ice Palace. In that way, you would be repaying Ice Nurturing Moon's kindness.]

[Of course, you also had many questions in your mind. You wondered where exactly Snow Er from your memories had been taken and by whom.]

[Next, with Ice Nurturing Moon's help, you and Cai Yonglong successfully entered the Ice Palace and used the Ice Palace's teleportation array to travel to the Ice Poison Sect in the Central Continent. It turned out that the Ice Palace had always had a close connection with the Ice Poison Sect.]

[At this point, you had even more questions. Why did the founder of the Ice Poison Sect, who claimed to be a disciple of the Frost King, establish the Ice Poison Sect, which was closer to the followers of the Frost King than the Ice Palace?]

[Then, you remembered the style of the Frost King Sect from your memories and couldn't help but speculate that the Frost King Sect was not as simple as it seemed. It probably concealed some secrets, which made both the Ice Palace and the Ice Poison Sect suspicious and untrusting of it.]

[However, even though you had many questions in your mind, you had no intention of digging deeper. Because it was irrelevant to you, and as a small wandering cultivator, you had no way to interfere, which would only invite trouble and possibly cost you your life.]

[You arrived at the Frost King Sect, and the elders of the Ice Poison Sect warmly welcomed you, recognizing your extraordinary potential. They even invited you to join the Ice Poison Sect. After discussing it with Cai Yonglong, you both decided that joining the Ice Poison Sect might be a good choice. However, you expressed your dislike for conflicts and hoped the elders wouldn't expose your presence.]

[The elder of the Ice Poison Sect understood your difficulties and agreed to your request. In the end, you and Cai Yonglong became stewards of the Ice Poison Sect, taking on less active roles.]

[You couldn't help but feel the differences between the Ice Poison Sect and the Frost King Sect. After settling in the Ice Poison Sect, you started discussing your plan to enter the Eternal Frozen Soil with Cai Yonglong.]

[However, you felt that it might be better to wait until you had broken through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror before venturing into the Eternal Frozen Soil. Once you reached that level, your combat power would definitely soar, enough to match quasi-true disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sacred Ground, and you might even be able to suppress them easily. Such strength was already quite formidable.]

[Cai Yonglong thought your idea made sense and agreed to wait until after your breakthrough before heading out together.]

[You began your closed-door cultivation, and after a month, you successfully broke through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror and inscribed a First-Grade Yin Energy onto a flawless Profound Elixir. Achieving this breakthrough elevated your combat power significantly, a feeling you found exhilarating.]

[However, you were somewhat disappointed that you hadn't been able to break through with pure Yin Energy. Nevertheless, it wasn't something that bothered you too much. After all, pure Yin Energy was a rare treasure that even those at the quasi-Emperor level couldn't easily obtain.]

[Furthermore, even if you had succeeded in optimization, there was no guarantee it would become pure Yin Energy; it might still be two First-Grade Yin Energies. Regardless, this First-Grade Yin Energy was a sure gain for you.]

[Afterward, you discussed with Cai Yonglong about your journey to the Eternal Frozen Soil, and both of you decided to wait until your breakthrough before venturing forth.]