
Chapter 137: Abundant Rewards! The Peculiarity of Mist!

"It seems that for Simulated Wang Ping, breaking through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror with the power of First-Grade Yin is the best choice."

Wang Ping looked at the simulated content and thought to himself.

However, breaking through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror with the power of First-Grade Yin was not his best choice.

He wanted to become stronger, perfecting every realm, so he could go further in the future.

Of course, he could understand the simulated Wang Ping's struggles; striving for self-improvement could indeed be challenging.

"I have accumulated a lot of contribution points, so I don't need to worry too much. Besides, I still have the Nirvana Fruits that I haven't consumed. I wonder if Nirvana Fruits can transform First-Grade Yin power into pure Yin power."

Wang Ping pondered this question.

However, he soon shook his head. Even though Nirvana Fruits were precious, it was unlikely they could achieve such a feat.

If it were possible, those quasi-emperors wouldn't risk entering the Eternal Frozen Soil to find pure Yin power.

For such prominent figures, obtaining Nirvana Fruits was much simpler than acquiring pure Yin power, and they would naturally avoid such thankless tasks.

[When you broke through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror, it alarmed the elders and even the sect master of the Ice Poison Sect. They were surprised by the commotion caused by your breakthrough and chose to intervene secretly to suppress any anomalies, so as not to attract undue attention.]

[Once your breakthrough was complete, the Ice Poison Sect's sect master and many inner sect elders were very enthusiastic, hoping you would genuinely join the Ice Poison Sect. If possible, they were willing to impart the sect's profound techniques to you for cultivation.]

[After thinking it over, you believed that the Ice Poison Sect was trustworthy and decided to join. The sect master and others were delighted and passed down the Ice Poison Sect's profound technique, the Ice Poison Art, for your cultivation. This was a king-grade technique, similar to the Bloodthirsty Demon Art, with the intermediate volume being a heaven-grade supreme technique, and the lower volume being king-grade, requiring the cultivation realm of the Life and Death stage.]

[Of course, there were restrictions, but for some real geniuses, even without reaching that realm, they could comprehend king-grade techniques and gain power far beyond others.]

[While cultivating the Ice Poison Art, you accidentally triggered the unstable optimizer. You hesitated whether or not to optimize it, but eventually, you made up your mind and went through with it.]

[In the end, the Ice Poison Art was optimized into the Elemental Spirit Technique, which was most suitable for you. This time, it was a king-grade technique, and you were pleasantly surprised that it had succeeded.]

[You should know that over the years, you've gained a detailed understanding of the unstable optimizer. The chances of it being triggered were very low. At the same time, there was a characteristic that the higher the level of the object, the lower the chance of a successful optimization. You and Cai Yonglong tried to optimize artifacts with treasures many times in the past, but each time, you failed and wasted more than a dozen treasures, leaving both you and Cai Yonglong frustrated.]

[In fact, in the end, Cai Yonglong even begged you with a bitter face not to optimize anymore. This time, it was a king-grade technique, and the successful optimization came as a surprise.]

[For this reason, you were extremely delighted and began to cultivate the Elemental Spirit Technique. Eventually, you successfully cultivated it, combining seven attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, and poison. You felt the change in yourself and were very satisfied.]

[Next, you thoroughly studied various powerful secret techniques of the Ice Poison Sect, enhancing your combat strength and skills to the utmost. Then, through the Ice Poison Sect elders' assistance, you obtained detailed maps of the outer and inner regions of the Eternal Frozen Soil. After making adequate preparations, you set out.]

[For your safety, a Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect followed you secretly, protecting you. However, you and Cai Yonglong were unaware of this.]

"Wow, is this the benefit of joining a major power? I'm truly loving it."

Wang Ping looked at the simulated content and couldn't help but feel touched.

As a wandering cultivator, it was tough – everything relied on oneself. Even when encountering significant opportunities, sometimes you didn't have the strength to seize them. It was truly difficult.

Now, after joining the Ice Poison Sect, he lacked neither techniques nor secret methods.

Moreover, even when going out, there was a Nirvana-realm elder secretly protecting him, fearing his demise.

This was the treatment of a genius, it was simply incredible.

With such thoughts, he found his previous life in the simulation rather pitiful and unbearable.

[After entering the Eternal Frozen Soil, you encountered some difficulties while searching for Third-Grade Yin Energy in the vicinity of the inner region. You hesitated whether to enter the inner region.]

[However, before you could decide, an extremely intense cold burst forth from the inner region, emanating terrifying power that could freeze even Yin Yang Mirror cultivators to the bone. You realized that if you entered, you would undoubtedly perish.]

[In the end, you decided to leave the Eternal Frozen Soil. However, as you were about to depart, you were targeted by an ice-type demon beast from the inner region. It was incredibly powerful, possessing a terrifying combat strength. Even with the vast disparity in cultivation levels, you were no match and faced a grim death.]

[At the most critical moment, the Ice Poison Sect's Nirvana-realm elder took action, defeating the demon beast and saving your lives. You both felt lingering fear and fully understood the dangers of the Eternal Frozen Soil.]

[Now, you had only explored the outer region, and yet, you encountered such terrifying cold surges from time to time. Coupled with the lurking demon beasts, even Yin Yang Mirror cultivators could be in danger. This place was not suitable for cultivators with low cultivation levels.]

[After expressing your gratitude to the Ice Poison Sect's Nirvana-realm elder, you decided to leave the area. Cai Yonglong also expressed that he didn't need to continue risking his life just for himself. As a Second-Grade Xuan Dan cultivator, there might be dangers in breaking through with First-Grade Yin power, and Second-Grade Yin power was hard to find. So, he planned to break through to Yin Yang Mirror with Third-Grade Yin power or wait until he had accumulated enough contribution points in the Ice Poison Sect to exchange for a breakthrough.]

[You sighed and realized that there wasn't much more you could say. However, the Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect shook his head, indicating that perhaps you had been wandering cultivators for too long, believing that you had to rely on yourselves for everything. In reality, the best way to obtain high-quality Yin and Yang energy was through completing sect missions and earning contribution points to exchange for them. Second-Grade Yin power, while rare in the Ice Poison Sect, was not unobtainable.]

[It was the First-Grade Yin and Yang energy that was hard to acquire, and the Ice Poison Sect had no stock of it. However, First

-Grade Yin and Yang energy was not something ordinary prodigies could use. Without condensing a First-Grade Xuan Dan, one had no qualifications to use First-Grade Yin and Yang energy for breakthroughs. Yet, even in the Holy Land, the Holy Sons did not necessarily condense a First-Grade Xuan Dan, let alone the prodigies of other powers.]

[Next, the Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect expressed his amazement that you set such high standards for yourselves. He was curious about how you, as wandering cultivators, had come this far.]

[When you heard the words of the Ice Poison Sect's Nirvana-realm elder, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. Indeed, you had set high standards for yourselves. In reality, a Second-Grade Xuan Dan was already the level of most core disciples in the Holy Land. Second-Grade Yin power was also something only core disciples of the Holy Land were qualified to use for breakthroughs. Even in a king-grade power, it would take a disciple of the lineage's caliber to achieve such a feat.]

[In the end, you completely let go of your obsession and thought that your current situation was already quite good. You chose to head back. The Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect offered to tear the space and take you back directly, but you declined, opting to continue your journey in the ice and snow.]

[Regarding this, the Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect was puzzled but didn't think too much about it. He planned to continue following you secretly to prevent any accidents.]

[On your way back, you perhaps had an extraordinary connection with Xue'er. You once again saw Xue'er searching for resources in the snow on her white fox.]

[You looked at her, feeling a bit awkward. Although you only knew of Xue'er's existence and hadn't met her in person, in your memory, you and Xue'er had become dao companions, and she even bore your child.]

[You knew that Xue'er was a gentle girl, and although you had never met her, you had always held a favorable impression of her. Now that you had seen her, whether due to your memories or because of Ice Queen, you wanted to bring Xue'er with you.]

[However, before you could approach Xue'er, the Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect appeared next to her in an instant, showing a surprised expression. She had discerned Xue'er's extraordinary nature. Not only did Xue'er look exactly like the current Ice Palace heir, but her bloodline was also related to the Ice Emperor, the same bloodline as the Xuan Ice Emperor. Her bloodline power seemed to have regressed, though it had not awakened.]

[The Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect was ecstatic, thinking that heaven favored the Ice Poison Sect. The Ice Palace had found the descendant of the Ice Emperor, bringing hope of becoming the Holy Land once again. As for the Ice Poison Sect, they had found another descendant with the potential to become the Holy Land.]

[If Xue'er grew into an Emperor one day, they would have the hope of entering the central area of the Eternal Frozen Soil. They wanted to personally confirm one thing – whether their master had truly fallen or had been frozen all this time, awaiting a chance for revival.]

[For those who had once followed the Xuan Ice Emperor, they had been watching over their master, hoping to see the Emperor again and witness her revival.]

[However, the central area was a place even Quasi-Emperors had to fear, and they had no ability to enter. Now, with Xue'er, they finally had hope!]

[As for the news spread by the Holy Land that the Xuan Ice Emperor had forever perished, they did not believe it and were unwilling to accept it. Their master, the peerless Xuan Ice Emperor, how could she possibly have fallen like that? Only by witnessing her could they make a judgment!]

[You looked at the excited Nirvana-realm elder from the Ice Poison Sect, finally confirming your suspicions. Xue'er was indeed a descendant of the Ice Emperor, and her bloodline seemed to have regressed, but for some reason, she was left in the Eternal Frozen Soil.]

[Next, you couldn't help but speculate that Xue'er and Wang Yuxin, who disappeared suddenly from your memory, might have been discovered by the Ice Poison Sect's elders and taken away.]

[Afterward, you returned to the Ice Poison Sect, and Cai Yonglong successfully broke through to half-step Yin Yang Mirror using the Ice Poison Sect's Second-Grade Yin power. However, there was an unexpected turn of events, and your presence, being quite unique, couldn't remain concealed, and your identities were exposed.]

[But being exposed wasn't a big deal. This was because the Ice Poison Sect had a King-realm expert in charge, and those who were hostile to the Punishment Emperor wouldn't wage war against a power with a King-realm expert just for a small fry.]

[However, you were quite unlucky because of the peculiar nature of the Eternal Frozen Soil. Every few years, Kings and even Quasi-Emperors would enter it to search for high-quality Yin and Yang energy. Before entering the Eternal Frozen Soil, some of these powerful individuals would visit the hosts of the land, the Xuan Ice Sect and the Ice Poison Sect, to gather information on recent events in the Eternal Frozen Soil.]

[You were discovered by a Quasi-Emperor who came to visit. Your identities as Transmigrators were revealed because of the battle that took place in Central Plains, which resulted in greater losses in Central Plains compared to the other four continents. After that battle, Central Plains could no longer maintain its position as the strongest continent. Additionally, the cultivators of Central Plains generally respected the Punishment Emperor. Therefore, the Quasi-Emperor held hostility towards you and openly revealed your identities.]

[Once the Ice Poison Sect's high-ranking members learned that you were outsiders, their expressions changed, and their attitude towards you changed as well. Although they didn't hold any hostility towards people with the King Tortoise's aura, and even had goodwill towards them, they harbored deep hatred for outsiders.]

[If it weren't for the Blood Demon Clan and the Nine Dark Devil Emperor, the Purple Spirit Realm wouldn't have been in such chaos, and they wouldn't have lost so many friends and relatives.]

[You and Cai Yonglong fell silent, feeling bitter in your hearts, knowing that you were done for. Facing a Quasi-Emperor, you had no chance of survival.]

[In the end, the Quasi-Emperor coldly stated that you didn't deserve to live. However, due to the relative purity of your souls, he wouldn't probe your souls but would give you a dignified death.]

[You and Cai Yonglong sighed inwardly, thanking the Quasi-Emperor for his 'kindness.' You were well aware that if the Quasi-Emperor probed your souls, you wouldn't be able to resist. If he discovered your secrets, you might be better off dead.]

[Counting on a Quasi-Emperor to know about the Golden Finger and treat you with great importance, nurturing you carefully, was impossible. He would only erase your wills, turn you into puppets, and then use your Golden Finger rationally. That kind of life was not what you wanted to see.]

[Next, both of you chose to end your own lives decisively. Because you didn't want to use the revival talisman, you perished completely.]

[Due to your deaths, this simulation ends.]


Wang Ping looked at the simulated content and fell silent.

No matter how many calculations were made, he hadn't expected the Quasi-Emperor of the Ice Poison Sect to descend and easily see through the identities of the simulated Wang Ping and Cai Yonglong. It was as if danger had come crashing down on them while they were at home.

However, this also indicated one thing.

In the Purple Spirit Realm, they were even more hostile to outsiders than he had imagined.

The words of the previous Heavenly Sword Saint about the Holy Land had been even more insincere than he had expected, completely a deception.

While Wang Ping silently complained in his mind, his consciousness flickered, and his vision changed.

Then, Wang Ping saw the scene where the simulated Wang Ping and Cai Yonglong helplessly ended their own lives in the face of the Quasi-Emperor. It felt truly powerless.

In front of such a powerful individual, life and death could only be determined by the other party.

After remembering the scene in front of him, Wang Ping's vision returned to normal, and the system's voice rang out.

"Ding, the reward generation is successful. The host can choose two rewards from the following options:

1. Half-step Yin Yang Mirror cultivation.

2. Intermediate-grade Divine Skill - Conceal the Heavens and Eclipse the Sun.

3. King-grade Martial Art - Elemental Spirit Technique.

4. King-grade Martial Art - Ice Poison Art.

5. Various secret techniques.

6. Red Talent - True Dragon Physique.

7. Lower-grade Divine Skill - Nine Radiant Suns."

"These are some fantastic options, and I really want them all."

Wang Ping looked at the rewards in front of him and felt tempted.

Each reward was excellent in its own right.

However, the Red Talent - True Dragon Physique was a must-have talent.

As for the second reward, Wang Ping was genuinely torn.

King-grade Martial Art - Elemental Spirit Technique, Intermediate-grade Divine Skill - Conceal the Heavens and Eclipse the Sun, and various secret techniques were all things he desired the most.

The first two had been obtained through the unstable optimizer's optimization process, and among the various secret techniques, there were techniques for concealing one's aura and the Ice Poison Sect's secrets, which were quite valuable.

Regarding cultivation, achieving half-step Yin Yang Mirror through the power of First-Grade Yin wasn't his preference.

"No, I can't make a direct choice right now."

Wang Ping quickly regained his composure.

This time, it was about executing a mission.

He was going to face an unknown and mysterious entity!

Perhaps, in normal circumstances, choosing the most cost-effective reward would be the best option, but this situation was different.

"Let's accumulate them for now and decide later."

Wang Ping thought silently in his mind.

Then, he spoke in his mind, "System, I want to perform a free simulation."

"Ding, Life Simulator activated. Free simulation commencing. The host has 14 remaining free simulation attempts."

The system's voice echoed in Wang Ping's mind.

Although he had saved up for a long time, his number of simulation attempts had been reduced to 14 due to several missions requiring simulations.

Nevertheless, these attempts should be sufficient for his needs.

In his previous encounters with mysterious entities, he had typically needed only five or six simulations at most.

"On the first day, you discussed countermeasures. In the end, you decided to use Empress Lin Yuanyuan's identity to rally the world and investigate the mysterious events."

"Over the course of a month, numerous mysterious incidents were reported by the public, but your investigations suggested that they weren't the work of the mysterious entity."

"However, during your investigation, you did find one unusual place. In a mountain valley, thick fog covered the area year-round, and over time, the fog seemed to be spreading outward, covering a significant area."

"These white mists were not as thin as those in the mountain valley. Additionally, these mists didn't seem to pose any harm to people. At most, some hunters went missing in the area while trying to hunt on the mountain."

"After analyzing the situation, you decided to investigate further. Sitting in the palace and analyzing wouldn't yield results. You believed that this strange occurrence was significant."

"When you arrived at the Misty Mountain, you tried to extend your spiritual awareness to cover the mountain and inspect its interior. However, you were astonished when your spiritual awareness was blocked by the fog, despite being a Xuan Dan realm expert."

"You found this situation highly unusual since the power levels in this world should not be capable of completely obstructing the spiritual awareness of a Xuan Dan realm cultivator."

"After discussing, you made a decision. You decided to take direct action and level the Misty Mountain. Regardless of whether the mountain concealed any secrets or if the mysterious entity was hiding within, you were determined to destroy it. If the Misty Mountain was destroyed, everything would dissipate."

"You unleashed your full strength, launching a devastating attack. You thought that the Misty Mountain would be easily obliterated. However, something shocking happened. After your terrifying attack, the fog surrounding the Misty Mountain surged and effortlessly blocked your powerful strike."

"You were shocked and bewildered by this situation. It appeared that there was likely something mysterious hidden within the Misty Mountain, and its abilities were possibly related to the fog. However, the strength of this mysterious entity seemed overwhelming, as it effortlessly withstood your full-powered attack, making it extremely difficult to confront."

"You decided to withdraw for the time being and formulate a new plan. However, as you prepared to leave, the white fog began to surge, surrounding and compressing you."

"In response, you and Lin Yuanyuan attacked desperately, but your efforts proved futile. Ultimately, Chen Si, Chen Kang, and Wu Jun were the first to perish. You, Qin Tian, and Lin Yuanyuan struggled a bit longer before meeting the same fate."

"Due to your deaths

, this simulation ends."


Wang Ping opened his eyes and furrowed his brow.

Finding the source of the mystery so quickly was undoubtedly a good thing.

However, this mysterious entity seemed excessively powerful.

He hadn't even fully understood the entity's abilities yet. Whether it merely controlled fog for combat or had other abilities was still unknown, but Wang Ping and his team were already wiped out.

The strength of both sides was clearly not on the same level.

Honestly, it was troublesome.

"Wang Ge, what's the situation?"

Seeing Wang Ping's furrowed brow, Wu Jun was the first to ask.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Wang Ping shook his head and explained the content of the simulation.

"It indeed seems troublesome," Wu Jun said, looking somewhat troubled.

"This mysterious entity is unexpectedly powerful."

Lin Yuanyuan also furrowed her brow, her eyelids twitching, a sense of having narrowly escaped a disaster washing over her.

Luckily, the white fog hadn't reached her.

If it had, the opponent could have killed her at any time.

"Stay calm, stay calm. Every time we face a mysterious entity, it's like this at first, and we die in the beginning."

Wang Tian waved his hand, trying to ease the situation.

"Don't be overconfident. When facing a mysterious entity, we must keep a level head and not be blindly self-assured."

Wang Ping furrowed his brow, cautioning them.

"Uh, I know."

Qin Tian scratched his head, not arguing.

(End of this chapter)