

"Pierce wake up man! Are you still having those dreams?" Asked Krysta.

Krysta is one of my roommates from college, our dorms are coed. She's a really good friend of mine now. She's usually around when I have my dreams, Although it was 13 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. That day still haunts me so bad it hurts.

"Yeah, I'm alright Krysta. I feel like I'm indebted to that man and I never got to thank him or find rest since he's saved my life." said Pierce as he sighed before sitting up completely.

"Try to lay back down and get some more rest Pierce. We're getting a new roommate tomorrow since your little friend graduated." Said Krysta in a jerkily confident manner.

"You know I hated Jane, but she was like obsessed with me! Good riddance. Maybe our new roommate will be nothing like her. But I've gotta rest anyway I've got practice in the morning. Good night krissy." Pierce boasted.

Krysta rolled her eyes and rolled over to sleep.

The next morning

"You guys we're finally here!" Shouted Logan!

"Calm down! Don't be ridiculous it's just college!" Stated Dylan as rolled her eyes put her sun glasses on and pulled her luggage.

"I'm just nervous how Eden will react with all 4 of us going to the same school! He's practically a celebrity here considering the NBA is watching him." Ryann Exclaimed.

"He'll be just fine let's just settle in our dorms and surprise him at one of his games." Said Dylann calmly.

"I'm wearing Michael Kors sis. I have to go shopping today if I'm going to surprise him at a game those seats probably screams filth." Said Logan nervously.

Dylann and Ryann both sped up their walking as they were embarrassed. They even decided to take a second car. It's shocking sometimes how siblings can be so different from each other. The trio were close and inseparable but all very unique.

We finally arrived at the college our dorms looked like an apartment building! Class doesn't start for another 3 weeks although we'll miss Grandma Rose, we needed to get a feel for the college. Dylann and Logan were ready for the experience I was ready academically, I was valedictorian of 8th grade and high school.

So we split up because we're not sharing a dorm room it's hard because I don't know what to expect, I don't know life apart from my sisters. Finally I find my dorm room, and knocked before entering.

"Come on in!" a voice shouted.

So I entered.

"You must be Ryann." Said Pierce sternly.

"Ummm yeah, I am. It's nice to meet you. Pierce I'm assuming?" Asked Ryann.

"Right you are, so you need any help?" Asked Pierce.

I mean I wouldn't mind but his body was incredible he had just showered he was only wearing a towel. So his question was awkward.

"I'd love your help, however, I feel you should get dressed first." I said nervously.

"Why does it turn you on kiyomi(Cutie in Korean) said Pierce arrogantly.

"Excuse me? Speak English please? What did you just say to me? And it doesn't I'd just rather not see you naked!" I said ferociously with my arms crossed.

"Dang girl chill I was kidding and you're probably literally the only girl that doesn't want to see me naked baby but I won't force you it's your loss girl." Said Pierce as he threw on a shirt.

"Are you always this arrogant?" Said Ryann as she turned around and covered up her eyes.

I could hear towel drop and him putting on his boxers and shorts then spraying on deodorant. And walking towards me. And Whispered in my ear.

"Are you always this defensive girl? I'm only kidding but by how tense you are." It's okay I won't bite you, but if I did, you'd like it." Whispered Pierce in my ear.

He's already under my skin. He's very attractive but also very arrogant but so alluring. And he smells like heaven. But he's too close for comfort. I turn around and uncover my eyes, my face is so close to his, I had to back up a little.

"Umm Pierce it's okay, I'll just unpack later it's no big deal, and don't worry I didn't take anything the wrong way. I totally knew you was just joking. I'll go meet my sisters." I said nervously.

I stuttered so much, it was clear I was lying, I have an undeniably hot new roommate. He pulls me closer.

"You almost fell baby girl watch your steps, and it's quite alright you can go meet your sisters I'll help you unpack later." Said Pierce as he Pierced me in the eyes.

"Uh yeah it's okay, I'll see you later! Bye!" I said Ryann as she released his grip and ran out the door.

I felt bad I made her uncomfortable, it wasn't on purpose, that girl is by far the most beautiful girl on the planet! And I want her to be mine.

I decided to call Krysta. "Hey roomie, how's its going." Asked Pierce

"Cut the crap, what do you want? By the way, I'm hanging with your much cuter oopa(older brother in Korean) Krysta Replied coyly.

"Hey Krysta, I'm in a good mood so I'll let that slide! I really need your help Unni!" (Older sister in Korean) Pierce Said demandingly.

"Oh this must be serious what is it?" Asked Krysta.

"So I just got back from practice and our roommate was here." Pierce was saying before Krysta rudely interrupted him.

"I'll tell George to knock next time for Gods sake this is the 13th time this has happened! Shouted Krysta.

"Calm down Krysta, not George, Ryann arrived early this morning, she's breathtakingly beautiful. I'm pretty sure she's single and 100% sure that she's probably a Virgin. I can tell I make her nervous, I need you to find out more about her, I make her too nervous only 10 minutes together and she couldn't wait to get away from me!" Pierce Grunted.

Laughter, all my effort for what? Krysta finds the whole thing hilarious!

"I'm sorry but since when do you need help with girls!? Just be yourself we share a room Pierce she'll get used to you eventually, trust me. But I've gotta go Christian and I are looking for hot meat and we see 3 beauties at 3 o'clock! Peace!" Shouted Krysta as she hung up.

Ugh whatever, maybe she was right, i guess I'll just head to the gym.

At the cafe

"You guys I'm telling you my roommate is a total hot nightmare!" Shouted Ryann

"Poor Ryann relax, sounds like you just discovered your vagina is useful for something other than going to the bathroom! It's okay sis" said Logan sarcastically.

"Hey I expected this from Dyl but not you Barbie!" Said Dylann surprised at her sister.

"Girl were in college, it's about time you lost your virginity and you said he's hot, so it can't be that bad! "Said Dylann while smirking.

Suddenly a y'all handsome guy walked up to us with a girl beside him,he looked a lot like my roommate!

"Hey, I'm Christian, this is my friend Krysta." He stated calmly.

"Hi, I'm Dylann and these are my little sisters, Ryann and Logan! Replied Dylan while smiling.

"We're all the same age Dyl!" Both Ryann & Logann Shouted at the same time!

"The same age? Huh" Asked Christian curiously.

"No way, you're triplets!" Shouted Krysta.

"We are." Said Logan

"But how is that possible? You all look similar but none of you are identical." Asked Christian Confused.

"Well we were all conceived from 3 different eggs which is possible but also extremely rare." Stated Dylann.

"Wow, that's awesome! So does Ms.Ryann Speak?" Asked Krysta.

"She's shy and she's also pissed about her hot new roommate." Said Logann sarcastically.

"Well who is this guy, causing you so much trouble?" Asked Krysta.

"Well his name is Pierce and it's really not that big of a deal." Said Ryan nervously.

"Are you serious? We're Roomies! And he's really not that bad I promise you that Ryann! Give him another chance." Krstya said excitedly.

"I must agree he's a pain in my rear end, but my younger brother isn't that bad Ryann he may be missing a few brain cells from his surgery but he's not a bad guy, what even happened?" Asked Christian very concerned.

"I don't want to talk about it." Said Ryann

"He barely seduced little miss virgin here she she completely lost her marbles. By the way Christian I believe we're roommates!

I couldn't believe she just said that! It was none of their business my heart was utterly crushed. I just arrived to college and my sisters are being like this. So I just ran off. They have no idea what dorm I'm in so I just went back to my dorm. Although I'm proud of being a virgin, that doesn't mean I want it to broadcasted. I shut my phone off and slammed the door as I was crying.

"Hey back so soon?" Asked Pierce.

I didn't answer him. I just laid on my bed without a sheet crying. Although it's 4 people to a room, it's only 2 beds to a room, so it's only mine and his. Since were both Well off we have deluxe rooms. But there are several deluxe apartments on campus which will make it hard for my sisters to find me.

"Wait, are you crying? Are you okay? I'm so sorry about before, I didn't mean to make you cry Ryann." Pierce questioned concerned.

"Just go away!" Yelled Ryann

Now flusters and I feel bad about earlier, so I will not leave her alone until she tells me what's wrong with her! I grabbed her by her arms and sat her up.

"Ryann, no I won't leave you alone tell me what's wrong with you!" Pierce demanded calmly.

His voice was soothing but I'm used to being invisible and now a handsome stranger wants to help me? I'm sure he's popular here too.

"I'm not used to talking to guys, or having friends just my sisters, so it's kind of awkward." Ryann Said while sobbing.

"Well I can understand that how about you tell me how feel then?" Pierce asked.

"Well I may not have any visible bruises, but I am still hurting, I can feel the pain in my heart."

"WHAT did you just say!? I'm not trying to freak out right now but I've heard it before!" Pierce Replied Mightily.


Although I was finally able to play in the hospitals playroom I was nervous is to how the other would receive me, my head was completely shaved and bandaged they might not want to play with me.

"Hello, would you like to play with me" Asked a little girl.

My face lit up! She was the only one that asked.

"Did you have a surgery?" The little girl asked

"Mmmhmm what about you?" Replied Pierce

"I'll be alright, I may not appear to be sick or hurting but I am, I have any scars on my heart I can feel it." The little girl replied.

"Whoa! Do you think it will ever go away?" Asked Pierce.

"I'm not sure, I hope so, but I've got to go, I don't want anybody to come looking for me! I hope you feel better!" Said the little girl.

Back to the present

"Oh my gosh! It's you! I've been praying and waiting my whole life to meet you again!" Shouted Pierce excitedly

Now we're both crying and he's hugging me! And I don't understand anything at all.

"How did this conversation become about you?" Asked Ryann severely puzzled.

"We're you at that hospital in Massachusetts 14 years ago." Pierce Behest.

I was stunned! And speechless for a moment.

""How did you know!?" Ryann asked.

"I had surgery there 14 years ago and there was a little girl in the playroom and that girl is you! I'm not sure about you but I think we're fated! Shouted Pierce happily as he hugged Ryan tight.

I was completely shocked but maybe he wasn't so bad after all and now, Christians comment made sense. We pulled back from each other. And he looked in my eyes as I looked in his but then he started looking at my mouth.

"Don't think about it! That's what my sisters argued about, I'm a virgin, but they told it to strangers, I've never even been kissed! I'm just a little nerd and an embarrassment to them." Ryann said sadly.

"There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, don't be ashamed. But the kiss part maybe we could change that." Said Pierce.

"Why I'm nervous!" Said Ryann

"So you never even thought about it? asked Pierce as he caressed my cheek.

Now I'm losing all my senses. What should I do?