

Pierce leaned in and was getting close suddenly we hear the door open, it was my roommate of course! Saved by them because yeah no way was I going to let him kiss me anyway! I barely even know this guy!

I instantly jump up as I hear them approaching, this idiot Pierce has yet to move and is still sitting on my bed. So I smack him on the head.

"Ouchhhhh! Dang girl! What was that for!?" Pierce shouted.

"For being an idiot!" Said Ryann.

Dylann entered the room and hugged me instantly. Of course she'd find me she was hanging with people who just so happens to be my roommate! (Eye roll)

"Dyl I know you're sorry but I'm not in the mood right now, so could you please leave." Said Ryann calmly.

Dyl looked disappointed but she just let go of me nodded and left. Christian and Krysta walked out with her but they didn't say a word it was obvious that I was still upset.

"Don't even say anything Pierce, I've had a long day, I'm ordering a pizza and I'm calling it a day!" Ryann Said as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

(Phone ringing)

Pierce: yeoboseyo (Hello in Korean)

Mrs.Son: wae eomma hante jeonhwahaji anh-ass-eo? (Why haven't you called your mom?)

Pierce: naneun ilhaneun eommalo bappeuda. (I'm busy with work mom)

Mrs.Son: a na ihae haess-eo (I understand)

Pierce: daleun geon eobs-seubnikka?( Good anything else)

Mrs:Son: neo deiteuhaji anhneungeoya?(are you still not dating)

Pierce: naneun maen meonjeo gwaenchanh-a BYE BYE! (I'm hanging up first! Okay, Bye bye!)

A few minutes later Ryann walks out of the bathroom with her hair tied up and some cute onesie pajamas! Pierce was playing his PlayStation so he didn't even notice(eye roll)

"Hey can you turn that down, I need to read the Bible!" Shouted Ryann.

"I have an extra pair of beats if you need them." Replied Pierce.

Ryann rolls her eyes and just walks into the next room sat on the couch and began reading until she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Shouted Ryann.

"I'm Allison, Pierce's fiancée" Said Allison.

So instead of going to the door, I walked right into me and Pierce's room.

"Your freaking Fiancée is here." Stated Ryann grumpily.

I grabbed my jacket and some Sandals and dipped out the door. Pierce tried to grab me, but, I managed to snatch away just in time runout the door with my bible in my hand without saying a word to her she looked at me.

"Seriously Allison, give me ONE good reason right now, why I shouldn't kill you." Shouted Pierce.

"Whoa Calm down loverboy, don't you like me!? Who is that girl and why is she so important to you?"

"It's none of your business Allison! Just because my dad wants me to be with you doesn't mean it's going to happen!" Shouted Pierce.

"It's a business arrangement Pierce there is nothing that you can do about it. And have you seen her? Do you really believe Korea will accept her, your dad will also NEVER accept her. She's black! We're happening whether you like it or not!" Shouted Allison.

"GET OUT NOW Allison!" Shouted Pierce.

Pierce's Pov

She was right, but I didn't care. I've waited my whole life to see her again and NOTHING will come between us and that's a promise. Not even my dad, my mom doesn't agree with my dad, she just wants me to be happy.

When it comes to my dad, I never get my way, he's so strict on me, I guess my near death experience wasn't enough for him. I still have to run the business because my brother is going to the nfl and it's rare for a guy from an Asian country to get drafted it's a once in a life time opportunity so I'm happy for him, but what about me? I have dreams too.

It's past 12 I was really worried. I hope she's okay. She probably hates me. I don't blame her. But that won't stop me from going to look for her.

Ryann's POV.

I didn't know where I was going and I wish I had just stayed I walked right into trouble!

"RYAN STARR!" Shouted a voice

"Who who who's there?" Replied Ryann

(Who replies to random voices when they don't know who it is!? RYANN STARR)

"I have information for you about your mother and grandfather, the mystery behind their deaths!" Shouted the voice.

"What? My mom died from a c section my grandfather died in a gas fire!"

Shouted Ryann.

"Do you really believe that Ms.Starr? Of course you would, you were a naive kid. I know everything. I can't show you my face right now, but I'm on your side, I was betrayed, I'll do whatever to seek revenge!"

"You're lying I'm leaving!" Shouted Ryann.

"Girl you really love to yell A LOT, I need your help and you need my help. Go to the address I just texted to your phone. Go to the bar and order an Uber! And call the boy you're going to need his help!" Shouted the anonymous voice before vanishing.

(Phone ringing)

Ryann: Pierce where are you? I need you!

Pierce: Ryann!? Are you okay!? I went looking for you! Where are you.

Ryann: heading towards the bar on parkway.

Pierce: don't move I'll be right there!

(Call ended)

Pierce walked up to the bar.

"Look I'm so sorry! Let me explain please." Pierce behested.

"Not now get in the car we have a place to be!"

We both got in, I must be out of my mind! Why would somebody want to murder my grandfather? And what really happened to my mother, I would love to find out.

We arrive at the hotel, and was instructed to go to the bathroom, I had to put in a very sexy yet revealing dress, it was strange for me, I never dress sexily!

"Don't get used to this baby boy!" Said Ryann because she noticed Pierce checking her out.

Pierce just laughed. They walk into the party hand in hand and Ryann heads to the bar, a tall blonde guy walks up to me.

"You look out of place darling." He said

"Mmmn, I'm just waiting on my boyfriend!" Replied Ryann.

Pierce walked up to me and suddenly kissed me. It was so passionate, and unexpected and it was impeccable it literally just made me melt. I didn't even have enough time to be angry.

But what happened next I wasn't prepared for...