
Scarlet Ferguson

You..." Trisha said with a look full of hatred "Trisha?" I said amazed She stormed towards me and slapped me. "Trisha!!" Dylan yelled "You, you are the reason why Dylan doesn't love me....sob....sob...it's all because of you!! I hate you!!!" she screamed, tears flowing down her face Dylan grabbed her arm and led her out harshly. She slapped me, because of a guy? my own sister? how could she? oh I forgot that I'm all alone...no family...all these people caused my mother's death, they treated her like she was a nobody...my mother..... they'll pay for what they did to her. Dylan came back in with a worried expression "Are you ok? did she hurt you?" "So, this, is what you married?" ".....that was my only choice" he said looking down "Hey, I'm ok, you don't have to worry about me, ok?" I said turning his face to look at me "I'm sorry"

Josephine_Gyimah · Teen
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26 Chs

~That CEO~

"You set them up, didn't you?!" Lawrence screamed

"No I didn't, I was just trying to find the perfect guy for my daughter"

"And who told you that that CEO is perfect?!"

"What do you mean?"

"That CEO is nothing but a nasty fornicator"

"please...sob sob... speak clearly" the tears that had left her eyes poured out again

"Do you even know who that man is?!"

"Lawrence please speak clearly"

"Dylan has a wife, Lyn! He is married..." Lawrence was frustrated by just thinking about that

"W-what did you say? tell me you're joking Lawrence, tell me you're joking!!" she screamed

"No, I wish I was..."

Lyn fainted.

"Lyn! Lyn! Lyn!"

Since Lyn lived alone, Lawrence rushed her to the hospital.


It was already dark when we arrived at home because I asked Dylan to let us eat at a Japanese restaurant. Then I saw an incoming call from the last person I wanted to talk to today, Lawrence Ferguson, my dad.

I decided to just let the phone ring on because I wasn't ready to talk to that man.

"Who's calling you?" Dylan asked after the phone rung for the fifth time


"What does he want?"

"I don't know"

"When was the last time you heard from him?"


"Is everything ok between you two?"


"Then... answer the call" Dylan said


I answered the call just as Dylan asked me to.

"Hello" the person on the other end said

"What is it?" I said coldly

"Scarlet, you need to come to the hospital now"


"I don't have much time to explain everything just get here in a few minutes"

"Ok, send me the address"


The call ended and I asked Dylan to send me to the hospital that had the same address as the on dad sent to me. I was nervous, I mean, as long as I remember, dad has never talked so quickly like that before.

Was something bad happening? Omg, was everything ok?

I just had to wait until we got to the hospital to find out everything that happened.


At the hospital...

As soon as I saw dad I asked him what happened. He didn't respond, he looked miserable.

"Dad, what happened?!" I asked in a panicked tone.

"Your mother....."