
Scarlet Ferguson

You..." Trisha said with a look full of hatred "Trisha?" I said amazed She stormed towards me and slapped me. "Trisha!!" Dylan yelled "You, you are the reason why Dylan doesn't love me....sob....sob...it's all because of you!! I hate you!!!" she screamed, tears flowing down her face Dylan grabbed her arm and led her out harshly. She slapped me, because of a guy? my own sister? how could she? oh I forgot that I'm all alone...no family...all these people caused my mother's death, they treated her like she was a nobody...my mother..... they'll pay for what they did to her. Dylan came back in with a worried expression "Are you ok? did she hurt you?" "So, this, is what you married?" ".....that was my only choice" he said looking down "Hey, I'm ok, you don't have to worry about me, ok?" I said turning his face to look at me "I'm sorry"

Josephine_Gyimah · Teen
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26 Chs

The next destination

"Our next destination is....."

"Aaaaarrrrrgghhh stop stressing me!" I screamed because I couldn't take it anymore

"Babe, calm down, have patience"

"You should know by now that patience and I don't get along very well"

"Do you want to ruin my surprise?"

"Huh, fine" I relented

"Good girl" he said and kissed me on my forehead

The trip seemed to be never ending so I finally laid on his laps and took a short nap.


"Babe we're here" Dylan whispered in my ear


"Everyone's waiting for you"

I shot my eyes open the moment he said that



"W-who are 'everyone'?"

"If you step out of the car, you'll know" he smirked

Without being ordered twice, I stepped out of the car. I couldn't believe my eyes, if my memory details are correct then Gershon Daniels was standing right in front of me. I was amazed.

"Come on" Dylan whispered


We walked towards 'his family'. An old woman welcomed me with a hug and that made me a little relaxed.

"We've all been waiting so eagerly for you" she said all smiles

"My name is Alisa Daniels, Dylan's grandma, I've been waiting to meet you, Scarlet" she continued

"Pleased to meet you too Ma" I gently replied

"Oh drop the formalities dear, you can call me grandma too" she said in a light laughter

"Grandma don't stress her already, she doesn't like to talk much" Dylan chipped in

"No no no it's fine" I quickly replied, I mean why shouldn't I? I don't want his grandma to think that I'm some kind of weirdo....

"All of you come inside, it's getting cold" Gershon Daniels said...I was mesmerized by his voice, I mean how does an old man still have such manly voice?!

We all headed inside, well the usual, Dylan's arm around my waist and all his relatives staring at me.

"Are you trying to create a tensed environment?" I asked Dylan

"What do you mean?" he smirked

"You know what I'm talking about!" I screamed in a whisper

"So, I can't hold my wife?"

"We're not married yet"

"We're halfway through getting married"

"Babe you proposed a few hours ago"

"Did you forget who your husband is?"

"Yeah right, always full of yourself" I eye rolled

"Always trying to act stubborn" he laughed as he pinched my cheek

Just when I thought I was getting a little comfortable, karma decided to be a bit of a b*tch

"So you decided to pick a nasty hag huh?" a voice said.

Sorry for the late update . I have an upcoming exam to write, y'all should remember me in your prayers. Hope you like it.

Josephine_Gyimahcreators' thoughts