
Scandalous Midnight.

What are the possibilities between a virtuous detective wells and a scandalous Bridget midnight? *** Agent Wells is the best agent in the agency and compounded with virtues. He is trusted with the case of the assassin, Midnight and the agency has agreed on a shoot-on-sight. The unexpected outturn of the assassin being female allows Detective Wells to make a mistake of a lifetime and let her slip through his fingers. Trouble is the smallest thing that is knocking on his door. Refusing to gun down an assassin is just as much a crime as falling in love with her. Or could there be a scenario where it isn't?

Lilyr4se · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

chapter 19

Agent wells

He walked to meet up with the agents after he was done with eating. They circled around each other, and Carl was the first to break the comfortable silence.

"Right, Midnight was spotted in Vegas, last night at some bar"

He muttered, holding up a picture toward him. He collected it, eying the visuals. "A young man?"


"Going along his murder lines, I'll say he is indeed looking for revenge which would make his next target—"

Jennie completed in a whisper. "the person behind the murder mystery of his parents..."

Wells's moved his feet on the ground a bit."have you been able to uncover who?"

She couldn't answer neither could Austin. He gritted his teeth somewhat losing his patience and causing Bridget to look towards them from beside his mother who she was discussing with.

"Arrgh... Tune it down okay?"

Carl cautioned and he was frowning hugely collecting the papers from Jennie and looking through the details.

After a while, he was gritting again. He couldn't quite grab anything with his mind being such a mess already.

Natasha sighed, placing her hands on his shoulders. "This is the end game, Wells. Once you catch whoever it is. He is caught forever"

He noticed the tone behind her words causing a crease to form between his brows. "What's going on?"

Tori replied. "We wish we could be here for the wedding and you know... to catch the bad guy along with you. Sadly, there's now another bad guy on the loose back in our city"

"Yeah. The boss said You and Austin should handle Midnight. While we would go back to bring justice to the monster who is killing those women"

Oh... that case.

He frowned, looking towards Austin and his frown only deepened. "Then why did the boss give me Austin"


Austin scolded and Tori was grinning. "We always work together but... the case back in our city seems more fatal. Midnight is just one person, but the guy that's killing women seems to have help mates"

"The case is getting real complicated and messy"

Wells somewhat nodded his head and soon; they were waving at him. He could see Bridget's silhouette gradually approaching his side. She had a look on her face.

"Oh my..."

"You are not leaving without saying a last goodbye"

She uttered and soon Natasha was wrapping her into a tight hug. They were pouting at the painful sight of letting go of themselves. He couldn't understand. He hasn't ever seen them speaking together.

"Hun. Who would I discuss the matters of the heart with after you leave?"

Natasha pretended to cry and Bridget was patting her somewhat in the arms. "Not to worry. We can always do that through the phone"

Natasha smirked, "that's right"

They hug one last time before she finally turned to look at others. She waved at Jennie and Tori who waved back. She was about to wave at Austin when he uttered.

"I'm staying"

She gritted. "Get out of the way"

He chuckled and soon enough she was saying goodbye to Carl. "Huh.. come over here"

They hugged in a very tight hug and a frown was coming all over well's face again. Carl grinned, somewhat ruffling her golden hair.

"Don't miss me too much"

She pouted. "Of cause, I would"

Her eyes faked a tired sigh. "I would be so bored with you gone like this"

"Oh. Come on"

He begged, grinning at her. "I'm serious. I'm not okay"

She pushed, and he chuckled, swinging his hands to relax lazily above her shoulders. "Scratch that. I mean everything and come along"

"Oh really?"

She was grinning. "That would do too"

She suddenly snapped her head towards Wells. She wiggled her brows. "Hey. Should I stay?"

He was quiet but she kept nagging.

"I would go along with them if you don't talk"

She muttered and he was locking eyes with her for a while until Kate spoke from a meter away from them. "Honey. Don't leave. Didn't you just promise to help pick my wedding dress?"

Bridget's grin widened. "Oh, that. I'm sorry. It skipped my mind just now"

She turned towards Carl, casting him a sad silly face. "I can't be with you today. Perhaps, another day"

"Ouch. Why does it feel like I just got rejected"

He uttered, pretending to be heartbroken.

"Maybe because you did"

Austin uttered in a smirk and Carl was giving him a glare. Bridget chuckled, suddenly pulling him at the sides and drawing him into a tight hug. Again

It was taking too long.

Wells gritted all of a sudden. "get going, Carl"

He looked at his watch. "Time is ticking"

Carl squinted his eyes at him as he withdrew from Bridget. "What is your genuine problem with not minding your business"

He muttered, casting a gaze of disdain. Wells gazed back at him with something else soon Tori who has been standing looking through all these and doing nothing, suddenly left the side of the wall where she stud, to pull Carl by the arms.

"Let's go"

"Crap. Let go"

He could see them brawling at themselves as they walked towards the exit with Jennie and Natasha trailing behind in laughter, just when he thought they would disappear completely out of sight.

Natasha looked back waving at a smiling Bridget again, and she waved back at her through the glass windows. After that, she also disappeared into dusk, leaving an atmosphere with him, Bridget, and Austin standing and looking somewhat awkwardly.

He was the first to break the silence. "Bridget"

He muttered, walking towards her and didn't halt until he was this close to her front. He held her by the arms. "We need to talk"

Her eyes locked with his before traveling down to where Austin was. Austin caught on to the signs and was fast to excuse himself, leaving a clear presence of just the both of them.

"What Mr.detective?"

"You want to finally make a confession"

She grinned, tilting her face up to him and he stared a little bit clouded indeed. Her lips were a perfect curve, light pink, and did look...

He diverted his gaze back to her eyes, she was staring at him mockingly and he sure didn't miss the smirk.

He gritted.

"Bridget. I'm serious"

She tried to jerk out of his grasp. She couldn't. "You're no fun"

She muttered, pinning a glare at him before shaking her head thoughtfully. "You should learn how to be a gentleman from Carl. You know?"

She retorted and Wells was giving her a fixed pissed gaze. "Maybe if Carl knew who you really are he wouldn't be such a gentleman"

He uttered and she was matching his gaze with something else. It was fear.


"I know you're not midnight"

"You're not the assassin, Bridget. If that's even your name"

That created a glint of her something in her eyes slowly making its way back at him. She blinked.

She wasn't grinning anymore. "Jackpot. You got me so now what?"

"You tell me?"

He muttered, his voice moving between their mist and with something along his face but whatever it was. It made her try to get out of his grasp again.

She cursed.

"What do you want from me?"

She barely uttered, fear glinting at some sides of her face. He didn't know what he looked like but she was giving him some hints.

"The truth"

"Bridget. Just the truth"

Her eyes fell to the little distance between them and it lingered on the floor for a very long time.

"Speak. Bridget"

He forced and though she looked somewhat resistant, she still gave in. "Fine. Okay?"

"You can stop yelling at me"

She muttered and her words created a tug of something in his chest. It was sympathy. He loathed to treat a lady this way but she was making things really difficult.

"Bridget, just tell me everything"

He pushed, trying to get her to open up.

"I am..."

she whispered before suddenly bending to the left, somersaulting over, and using her left foot to kick off his tight grip, he jerked behind. His eyes traced her figure that was now standing free and ready to take the run for it. When it moved to the wide grin hanging at the front of her lips.

He cursed.

She smirked in return. "Told you you're no match for me"

He squinted his eyes. "You're not getting away this time"

He threatened. His hands were swift to bring out his guns and her blue eyes were trailing after them. She didn't mind, yet, still took her chances to escape from him. She was sprinting to the left. He was trying to stall her, so he shoot his gun ahead of her.

She was fast, leaning her back towards the wall for full protection and looking behind at his approaching figure. "Detective. Your toy gun really works"

She smirked, taking another route. He guessed that she was going to jump out the window opposite from them. He shot at the edge of it, causing her to retreat her fingers and bend to safety.


She eyed him. "Be careful with my fingers. If not, you would be putting the wedding ring somewhere else"

"Still have time to joke"

He growled because he was angry but he only made her to grin wider. She winked. "Okay"

"No more joking. Let's go in full speed"

She muttered, jerking her guns out of her back pockets, and shooting it his way. His eyes widened and instantly took himself out of the way. It was soon impacting on some stand behind him and he squeezed his eyes at the sight of it crumbling and shattering on the floor.

He cursed but she was still shooting from the front. He didn't mind. He was trained and ready for this.

"Bridget, just quit it"

He muttered, moving forward and dodging all her bullets, soon, she was no more shooting instead, sprinting towards the other side to jump through the windows.

She was too late and he was pinning her down to the wall side and jerking her gun out of her grip. She blinked, staring at him with something in her eyes. "Do you want to die or want to have a discussion?"

He muttered, reaching for his handcuffs and about to tug it to the two sides of her hands when she rolled her eyes. "I'm not Midnight, what right do you have to do this?"

"You want to speak about right now? Sadly, I'm not a lawyer."

His deep husk voice bubbled at the bottom pit of her stomach, and she was about to give in already when the door was suddenly pulled open by his mother along with a jaw-dropped Austin.

Bridget smirked, uttering at once. "Wells, I've told you not to be too hasty but forcing me and kissing me this way—"

She gasped and shaking her head at him while his brown eyes was widening in shock as he retreated away from her in an instant. Kate was trying to swallow it all and the now scattered house wasn't helping things.

Austin groaned, eying them a bit. He growled. "Next time, Get an hotel okay?"

He was quiet, watching him lead Kate away from the sight as he promised to help tidy up the disorganized house. There was an uncomfortable silence between them even until they have both disappeared upstairs. His eyes was fixed ahead somewhat pissed with his hands formed into a fist.

Then she suddenly uttered. "Sorry. I joke around a lot, have actually been meaning to have this discussion with you"

His clawed fist loosened at her words and when he turned around to look at her, there was a sincere smile over her lips. "And yes, my real name is Bridget Midnight."

He was silent, watching her rest her hands somewhat exhaustedly over her hips. "After this discussion and what I hope you can help me with, I promise. I disappear from your life and not cause you anymore trouble."

Somehow, there was a tug of something from the 'disappear word' very slight that he almost missed it himself, he uttered in his usual expressionless face. "How about we start from why you lied to be the assassin?"