
Scandalous Midnight.

What are the possibilities between a virtuous detective wells and a scandalous Bridget midnight? *** Agent Wells is the best agent in the agency and compounded with virtues. He is trusted with the case of the assassin, Midnight and the agency has agreed on a shoot-on-sight. The unexpected outturn of the assassin being female allows Detective Wells to make a mistake of a lifetime and let her slip through his fingers. Trouble is the smallest thing that is knocking on his door. Refusing to gun down an assassin is just as much a crime as falling in love with her. Or could there be a scenario where it isn't?

Lilyr4se · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

chapter 18

Agent wells

He woke up to see the bright morning sun rays, coming through his windows and down to where he was. He squinted his eyes, his lids slowly coming open only to see a particular figure resting over him with their face just this far apart.

His eyes widened.

Staring in a daze for a while as though trying to recall why she was here beside him. It didn't take long before her own eyes soon came open. He hasn't finished recovering from his shock when she was blowing him an early morning kiss.

He eyed the gestures, still somewhat glued to a point and staring at her winking eyes. "You"

"Oh you"

"Last night was lit"

She teased and he was lost in another long daze. He couldn't help but think... 'What the-'

She grinned, moving towards the other side and his eyes traced after her. She shook her head, resting her palms on her chin and glancing towards him.

"Oh my... Don't tell me you can't remember our.."

He gritted, knowing she must be talking crap.

"I would throw a pillow on your face"

Her grin widened. "What's getting into you?"

"Detective. Is this the prickle side of you?"

He didn't reply to her instead, he was moving over to the farthest end of the bed, trying to recall how he ended up in this situation again. He cursed.

The damn hug.

She winked, titling to the sides a little and showing off her perfect and smooth thighs with something in between the center of her eyes. "Come on. I really don't humor you a little?"

He looked away from her to glance at the side, picking up something off the stand next to him before somewhat locking his eyes with her. She was grinning very very amusingly.

She folded her arms. "You know, back in college. I won some shit-ass trophy. proud me. Damn. I felt so champion"

She paused and he somewhat scanned the expression she wore, she looked as though she was lost back in that time. He was quiet, listening to whatever she was saying.

"T'was a humor challenge. I said knock knock.."

He was quiet watching her wait for him to say the usual but he didn't and she was rolling her eyes.

"Don't be like this. Come on"

He sighed. "Who is there?"


He frowned. "who who?"

She grinned. "Say that again?"

He was quiet looking at her in a very plain gaze after a while, she managed to draw an arched brow out of him.

"You won the trophy that way?"

He muttered, diverting his gaze to the screen of his phone to check the time of the day while he was at that, Bridget was busy explaining over it.

"Nope. I bribed the judge to fish me into the position before the last"

He looked up and she grinned. "I guess you're wondering how I later got the trophy uh?"

"No, Bridget. I honestly don't care. It's either you stole it and I'll make sure I bring you to judgment for that or you..."

"Bought it"

She muttered and his lips pursed. She got up from the bed, he wasn't sure where she was heading to. He hoped that it wasn't his bathroom.

She halted, turning to face him with something along her face. "You always think the worst of me, detective"

"and again. I didn't manage to humor you"

She grumbled

"Can I use the bathroom?"


"Can I use the room then?"


"Is there anything I can use?"


He gritted somewhat pissed and she was folding her arms and squinting her eyes at him.

"then what can I use"

He looked up at her, forming his hands into a small fist. She was good at getting on his nerves. "Bridget. the door"

"You can use the door"


She eyed him, taking a route towards the door side. "I so hate your prickle side"

He didn't reply to her words instead, he was making a good effort to entirely block her out and focus on whatever he was doing. She frowned at him, looking at his frame for a while

"Your loss"

She turned around, towards the exit door probably deciding to get somewhere better like a free guest room to clean up instead, of sharing a bathroom with him.

He thought it was better. Just as she arrived at his door and jerked it open, carls frame appeared in sight. He couldn't help the frown that came over his face when he noticed him coming too close to her.

He looked lost in space.

He dropped his phone, staring angrily at the sight of that. It made him insanely angry for some unknown reason. Carl's eyes soon began to trace over her figure until something occurred to him and his eyes widened.

She was wearing his shirt and coming out of his room at this time. He frowned very very hugely, his eyes falling into the space behind her and landing on him where he was before looking back at Bridget.

"What is going on?"

He muttered. She winked. "You mean. What happened?"

"It's past tense."

She added and his jaw was threatening to fall to the ground at what she was implying and before he could say anything from inside she was adding to the lies.

"Bad things. Carl"

He could see her dimples surfacing from where he was. "You would be an uncle soon. Spread the gospel, Carl Grayson"

He couldn't help but feel really pissed off about everything when he thought about the fact that she could still remember Carl's full name. His anger only worsened.

He watched as she disappeared into the dusk, making a way towards wherever in his house. Once she was out of sight. Carl tilted his door a little and gave him that eyes.


He muttered and soon he was rolling his eyes. "Get downstairs. There's new intel about Midnight"

Wells's eyes widened. "Something happened?"

"Yeah. He killed someone again"

That caused an ultimate frown across Wells' face. He could only think about the obvious things. How could Midnight kill someone if Bridget was here with him throughout the whole of yesterday?

Did that mean that she was lying and she wasn't midnight? He couldn't understand. Why would she lie over such a thing?

He was still racking his head through all this mystery when Carl uttered again. "And the other guy who killed the ten women"

"The other guy?"

He gave him a somewhat small nod. "Yes. The agency discovered that there are entirely two different people. That case has nothing to do with Midnight"


He breathed and Carl was looking around the space in his room in a jiffy. Once Wells jerked out his thought and soon he was arching his brows at Carl.

Was he seriously looking for last night's evidence?

Great goodness.

"Then... I'll be downstairs"

He uttered, traveling his eyes a little to the other side trying to see more than what he was opportune to see from where he was. Carl cast him a straight glare. "Right"

That jerked him out of whatever he was kept busy with at the moment. He gave him a suspicious gaze before, turning around and jerking the door close.

Wells stared at the empty door for a while, lost in between the mist of everything. He found his thoughts circulating around the recent happenings and... Crap

He sighed, placing the top of his hands on his templates and shaking his head in the process. These recent days, he hasn't been getting himself. He was always so pissed and wondering about things throughout the day.

If he wasn't bothered about Kate then it was Vera or the office. He couldn't wait to crack this headache of a case and then... there was Bridget who was making things ten times harder for him.

He wondered what game she was trying to play in all of this and he didn't know what to think now. If she wasn't Midnight, that only left a blank space above her head.

She could literally be anyone and he was letting her into his home. He didn't feel easy about that news. He got up, got rid of his clothes, and walked towards the bathroom to get cleaned.

He jerked his hands on the knobs of the bathroom, going into it and after about twenty minutes, he was coming out with a towel wrapped along the length of his body with his chest opened and wet.

He got dressed in some simple house clothes, before heading outside. He walked down the staircase to see that the dining table was full and everyone was already present aside from him. His eyes moved from his mother who was smiling warmly at her. He didn't skip away without giving her a small smile in return. Then his eyes landed on his stubborn sister, she was smiling very silly.

He pulled out a chair at the other end, it was beside Jennie. Vera wiggled her brows. "How was your night, brother?"

He kept his eyes focused on the dish of whatever was in front of him as he felt the atmosphere around him. Everyone was giving him that silly grin for some weird reason.

"You wouldn't want to know how nice..."

His eyes transported from the dish to stare hard at Bridget. She was grinning. "his night was"

She completed and Austin was chuckling from the other side. Vera and the girls were laughing along while his mother and groom-to-be were watching amusingly. He thought it had something to do with his shirt that she was still wearing.

Carl rolled his eyes. "It was hot. We get it"

He muttered dryly in gritted teeth. Natasha slapped his shoulder with something along her lips. "Come on. Don't spoil the fun"

"Nothing is funny"

He snapped and she was now the one that was rolling her eyes. "You're jealous"

"Of cause. I am"

He uttered, looking at Bridget with a very hurt expression. It looked faked at the same time authentic. Bridget grinned, winking and snapping her fingertips at him.

"Oh really?"

Austin was shaking his head, and throwing a stick of French fries at him. It hit against the corner of his shirt, messing it up with red stuff.


Austin chuckled when he caught on to the mess, Carl was giving him the eyes. "What was that?"

He gritted and an apologetic something came up his face. "Sorry. It was a mistake"

"I was aiming it at your face"

"What the hell?"

Carl growled at him. He shrugged. "Chill Carl. Everything would be good if you stop trying your luck on my sister"

Austin muttered, casting Bridget a large smile and she was returning them with good warmness. "When did she become your sister?"

"She is"

He pressed, looking at Bridget to help him out here. She wanted to, Natasha scuffed.

"Don't even think of it"

She scuffed and chuckled at the same time if that was even possible before muttering. "You look nothing alike"

"Right. She's good and you're..."

Carl was cut by Vera. "Hey!"

"Drop it"

Wells was soon casting his sister that face and Bridget was grinning at everything taking place right now. She tilted to the side, reaching for a bowl of something.

"Stop ganging up against Austin. Will you?"

She turned her gaze to the other side. "No offense Vera, but, if he wasn't too young... I wouldn't put him in the brother zone"

She winked and Carl's cheek was gradually getting red tomatoes. Vera saw it too and she was soon gritting out loud. "No offense taken"

"Alright. We get it. Austin is a handsome baby boy"

Carl growled turning to eye wells with something else in his eyes. "But I don't see why we can't compete fairly"

Natasha raised her brows. "For what?"

"Bridget of cause"

Wells was staring at him in absurdity and great goodness... Bridget was grinning. "Who says you can't?"

Her grin widened. "I only take dollar notes"

Carl grinned. "Bring it on. I got money"

Wells groaned. "You two can compete with yourself"

"Ohh.. someone is scared"

Wells cast him a glare about to say something when the groom-to-be leaned to the back, causing his chair to make a creak against the tiles.

He looked genuinely amused. "You all got no manners for dining"

He looked at Carl, then Bridget, and then Wells before diverting his gaze at his dear wife who was shaking her head in tiredness. "Oh... honey. I teach them every day"

She muttered.