
Scandalous Midnight.

What are the possibilities between a virtuous detective wells and a scandalous Bridget midnight? *** Agent Wells is the best agent in the agency and compounded with virtues. He is trusted with the case of the assassin, Midnight and the agency has agreed on a shoot-on-sight. The unexpected outturn of the assassin being female allows Detective Wells to make a mistake of a lifetime and let her slip through his fingers. Trouble is the smallest thing that is knocking on his door. Refusing to gun down an assassin is just as much a crime as falling in love with her. Or could there be a scenario where it isn't?

Lilyr4se · Urban
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19 Chs

chapter 14


Having a family dinner would have been a part of her bucket list if she made one after her parents death but sitting down here at the dinning table with the groom at the centre; just right next to him was Kate; his wife-to-be and next to her was wells; then her; carl; Austin; Vera and then some other girls that she was yet to mingle with.

It was a large dinner with everyone having something else on their mind. Vera and Austin were exchanging glances more too many times; Carl was busy with something on his phone; wells was taking his time to stare the crap out of the groom and her;

Well–she was enjoying the fried chicken. "Hmmn"

She groaned; leaning into her seats. "This is amazing. Kate, you cooked this?"

She uttered; being the first to strike up a conversation in the whole gathering. Kate nodded and her grin widened.


"You're such a great cook"

She added; putting more chickens into her plate; munching on it and also reminding herself to keep eyes on her surroundings. The groom was pretty much an okay and lovely guy and she still couldn't see anything reason why wells wouldn't like him. Damn. If she was to place a bet on their wedding she was going to say that it would definitely happen.

"Easy there"

Carl whispered into her ear from her side; before drawing back to whatever he was doing on his phone. She chuckled.

Resisting the bubbles of laughter at the pit of her stomach. The groom which she has come to know as Ethan; was smiling at her eagerness and well–everyone was.

He cleared his throat. "She's your neighbor?"

He uttered talking about her but speaking to his wife. Kate giggled. "I just met her today but we are in fact closer than family"

"Oh really?"

He was smiling at her and Bridget was using her ears to keep up with the discussion while she busied her teeth with the bones of the chicken.

It slipped out of her fingers into the plate when Carl suddenly swung his hands over her shoulders. "Yes. She's such a nice woman"

A girl in very bright red hair chuckled; meeting her gaze with something inside it. It was sympathy. "Oh my"

She eyed Carl in a joking manner before glancing back at her. "Stay away from him. He is a player"

Bridget grinned at the glare of something inside carls eyes as he looked at her. Nevertheless; she uttered. "I'll remember that"

"Natasha is the name"

She smiled; her hair being a signature stamp in Bridget's mind. Natasha with the good hair.

"that's tori"

She pointed towards a tall lady that was doing something around the corridor with a bowl of goodies in her hands. She grinned at Bridget. "Hello"

Bridget noticed the Australian ascent behind her words. "and this is-"

Natasha smiled; pulling a lady in glasses towards herself. The lady somehow managed to shy out of her tight grip obviously disliking the spotlight she was receiving. Jennie"

Bridget nodded; waving at the adorable lady with something along her face. "Oh my. You're all from the agency right?"

She muttered; directing her question to no one exactly somehow it was Kate that answered that. She turned towards her husband-to-be who was smiling back at her.

Kate touched him on the arms. "Right–i forgot to tell you. My son works in the office"

"He has world record everywhere and hasn't ever failed case"

She bragged and Bridget watched how the groom exchanged glances with the supposing son in place of Jackson. Jackson was making things awkward and unnecessarily difficult by not returning the pleasantries written allover Ethan's face. He was silent for what felt like hours and just when everyone thought he would break the silent instead a downpour erupted around the area.

Bridget grin was wiped away. Crap. She hated the rain.