
Scandalous Midnight.

What are the possibilities between a virtuous detective wells and a scandalous Bridget midnight? *** Agent Wells is the best agent in the agency and compounded with virtues. He is trusted with the case of the assassin, Midnight and the agency has agreed on a shoot-on-sight. The unexpected outturn of the assassin being female allows Detective Wells to make a mistake of a lifetime and let her slip through his fingers. Trouble is the smallest thing that is knocking on his door. Refusing to gun down an assassin is just as much a crime as falling in love with her. Or could there be a scenario where it isn't?

Lilyr4se · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

chapter 13


The groom was a lavishly wealthy man in expensive suit and tie; and an aura that told everyone how large the money in his bank account was and how slippery his hands were to spend it.

Bridget couldn't understand the huge frown across well's face as he watched his mum; embraced the groom-to-be inside a tight warm hug with an eyes clouded in love and happiness.

She chuckled; making a distance down to where he was sited. "Wearing a straight face all day wouldn't change anything"

She uttered and he was quiet. She could see that he was refusing to answer her on purpose and she smiled; settling herself on the chair just right next to him.


She teased and poking him a bit at the shoulder side but he was still quiet; looking ahead and sparing her no attention.

She sighed. "I didn't expect to meet you here"

He tilted his head a bit to the side; to look at her and his gaze made her feel like he doubted her statement very very much. She had her hands rested on her chin in a tired motion. She turned her clear blue eyes to look at him and they locked eyes.

"Did you expect to meet me here?"

He answered her after a short stretch in time. "No"

"Tell me"

He pinned a glare at her. A very suspicious one. "What are you doing here?"

She chuckled. "Take a guess"

"Just tell me"

"Take a guess"

"Tell me"

He stressed and she rolled her eyes at his controlling tone. "You're no fun"

Her eyes tilted to the side were Carl was sited all alone and reading something off his phone."I should probably return over there"

She wondered out loud; causing wells to cast her a glance with something inside it. She was about to stand up when he muttered.

"You're here for something dubious"

She halted in the process of whatever; glancing at the way he looked at her. He meant it. He was serious. She could see it; he trusted her as far as he could throw her but for some reason she found his words funny.

"Something dubious like what?"

She grinned; locking eyes with him and he was staring at her silently. For what felt like hours.

"To murder someone"

He muttered. There was something in between her blues. "Wrong"

"Believe it or not. I haven't even killed anyone before."

Her lips became somewhat wider as she shifted away from where she was somewhat closer to him; resting her hands on the front of his legs and tracing it up him.

"Think again"

She whispered into his ears and before she could do anything above PG; he yanked her fingers away. She grinned looking at his uncomfortable face and how his eyes searched around them; somehow hoping that no one caught whatever just happened now.

"There are better ways to do it if you feel shy. There are more than millions bedrooms here"

She uttered; looking him straight in the eyes and he blinked thoughtfully at her. After a while; he was looking away from her. she was grinning ear to ear probably causing him to grit obviously pissed.

"You just behave yourself. Every other thing; I'm not interested"

He muttered; standing up from his chair; with a flicker of annoyance along his face. "Midnight. If you do anything bad for the while that you're here. I'll make sure that I gun you down myself"

He threatened before walking further away from her and down to a place where he could get fresh air and her eyes trailed after his frame; watching as it slowly disappeared into dusk.

She smiled; a chuckle somehow escaping through her lips. "Detective Wells Jackson. What's it with you?"

She whispered underneath her breathe and to herself.