

Eliza is married to a hypersex man who is very violent in bed games. She sees her marriage as a means to fulfil her libido. The sweet and beautiful first night stories Eliza had heard so often had turned into a nightmare of an unforgettable first night. It was enough to make Eliza's mental health suffer. Her marriage to a man named Karan was ruined when he turned out to be a scoundrel. He sought fulfilment elsewhere by finding many women to satisfy him. After he didn't get that satisfaction from Eliza, his legal wife. However, Eliza's suffering finds a common ground. When she met a young and handsome doctor, Eliza's good friend named Doctor Sean. The meeting not only healed Eliza's psychology and physical and psychological health. More than that, Eliza seemed to have found her ideal mate.

Salsabilla_Else · Urban
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20 Chs

Symptoms of Dyspareunia

Eliza has been confined to her room since last night, after what Karan did to her. The man was so clueless, he didn't even care about his own wife.

Karan always did what he wanted without thinking about Eliza's fate, whether she liked it or not. Karan never cared about anything but his own satisfaction. 

Even this morning, the man disappeared somewhere. Since last night he had left Eliza in a state of undress and incessant tears. Karan had disappeared after finishing his lust for Eliza.

"Bastard! Why should I become a slave to his lust games? I'm a fool for believing his promises of loyalty and false love."

Eliza cried, over and over again. Until her mobile phone rang, there was an incoming call. It was Doctor Sean who called her this morning.

"El, my clinic is closed for the weekend. You can come here for a check-up," said Doctor Sean from the other side.

There was no answer from Eliza, only sobs. Instead of giving an answer, Eliza cried about what Karan had done to her.

"What happened, El?"

"What else makes me cry, other than Karan."

"Why do you continue to stay with that man? I've told you repeatedly, leave him. Let him keep looking for you, so that he knows that your presence matters."

"How can I run away from him? Missing just a few hours, he's already punishing me like this."

"Wait there, I'll pick you up. If I see your husband, I'll challenge him to a fight so he doesn't abuse you all the time. He has crossed the line, El."

Sean was very upset with Karan, he had no respect for a woman. Even though all the things Eliza had done to make him happy, Karan was still violent in intercourse.

That was unacceptable to Sean. He did not want to give mercy to a man who dared to waste a woman. For Sean, Eliza did not deserve the violence and oppression from Karan.

hat same morning, Sean stepped on the gas to pick up Eliza. He had promised to treat Eliza's injuries from her unhealthy relationship with Karan.

"Madam, there's a guest outside," called Tuti the maid from the door.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll be out in a minute."

Eliza prepared to leave with Sean, not caring if Karan would scold her again or not when she got home. Even now, she had not returned home since last night.

This time, she did not want to apologise to Karan. She had to stand up to him. Because he was only using Eliza, not caring about Eliza's current situation.

"I'm ready, let's go!" said Eliza after getting out of her room.

Eliza first asked Tuti for permission and did not forget to tell her not to tell her about Eliza's departure with a man. If Karan found out about this, his anger would make Eliza die standing naked in front of her husband.

"What's wrong with you, is there something wrong with your leg? Why are you walking like a man in pain?"

"How can I not be in pain, Sean. You know what he did to me last night? He almost killed me with that long thing of his."

"Is it that big, that you feel pain? After all, your relationship with Karan is not illicit. But why are you being treated like a stranger?"

Eliza hit Sean so hard, he was in a lot of pain. However, her friend laughed at her instead of empathising with her.

"Shut up! If you laugh again, I'll bite yours out of place."

"Oh no, dear. If it slips out, I'll no longer be manly."

"I'm serious, Sean. Why are you laughing at my pain?"

"Just be patient, we'll do an inspection when we get to my place."

Sean accelerated his car, as the distance between Karan's place and Sean's clinic was quite far. They had to take half an hour to get to his place. 

To make the treatment more intense and private, Sean suggested Eliza to come when his clinic was closed. Because it takes a long time to consult about her health.

After arriving at the place, Sean prepared a glass of milk to calm Eliza's feelings after what she experienced last night. Then, Sean started talking and asked some questions to diagnose what Eliza was suffering from.

"So, what are you feeling right now, El?"

"I feel a sharp pain when Karan penetrates me and it doesn't go away either during or after intercourse. This happens every time Karan asks me to serve him."

"Wait a minute, is the pain like a throbbing sensation that lasts for hours after intercourse?"

Eliza took a sip of her drink, then gave a nod in response to Sean's question. It was too intimate, but there was no harm if sharing her problem would help her heal from the pain.

"I also have pain accompanied by a sensation of headache and itching in my intimate parts and muscle cramps around my pelvis. I feel a tense sensation during intercourse with my husband. What is the main contributing factor? Is it because I am a virgin? Or what?"

"From the symptoms you are experiencing, it seems to be pain between the genitals called dyspareunia. It is pain that occurs continuously or recurrently during, during or after intercourse. Generally, this pain will feel sharp, hot or like menstrual cramps. Apart from your intimate parts, pain can also be felt in the bladder, urinary tract, lower abdomen and pelvis."

Eliza was still listening to what Sean was explaining. Even though she was nervous and embarrassed, this still had to be done for Eliza to recover. She didn't want to continue to be a pain in the arse and make Karan run away to another woman because Eliza couldn't satisfy him.

To be honest, Eliza didn't want to lose Karan either. However, Karan's behaviour like this made Eliza sick and annoyed. The man only cares about his own needs, but he is so selfish to care about Eliza's pain.

Instead of finding a solution to the problem of their uncomfortable intimate relationship, Karan chose to go out for a snack to fulfil his desire. A pleasure he did not get from Eliza.

"I also feel the tension during intercourse, somehow that sensation makes me dread intercourse instead of enjoying it."

"Hold on, El. This can be caused by two factors, physical and emotional. The physical factor is the pain you feel when inserting your husband's object into your intimate parts and the pain can also occur while inside."

"Is this very dangerous?"

"It is not very dangerous, but if left unchecked it will lead to other genital diseases. When you feel pain when your husband's thing goes in it's due to a lack of lubrication or some kind of foreplay. This was a mutual agreement, you and Karan should have talked before doing it."

"El, can I ask you something more private?"