
Savitar, God of Speed

WARNING! THIS IS WISH FULFILLMENT AND MAY HAVE SOME STUPID PLOT HOLE BUT I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN JUST LEAVE OR DO A PROPER REVIEW. What If Izuku had another path that made him better and acquired the power of the speed forces?

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 12 - One For All

He hesitates for a moment thinking how a quirked individual can be a hero or was a dangerous job that without power then they would end up dead.

However, the young man before him worked hard to achieve such a profound body that few people can achieve.

"Though I do think having a quirk is important, it is not what a hero needs…"

AllMight recalled someone who did not have any flashy quirk and fight using combat skills showing that enough training would make someone a great hero. 

"It is the heart that makes a hero who will save someone without a moment of hesitation and never expecting something in return. A hero is a person that inspires others."

Izuku shimmer as Allmight started to speak his mind having something slowly being lifted in his heart. The doubt that has been eating away at his heart.

"In other words, I believe that even a quirkless person such yourself in the past could be a hero if you're willing to work hard and grow stronger."

"...Thank you, Allmight."

He started crying as a burden in his heart disappeared. Izuku always wants to know if all the training he did would have been useless.

Allmight would have a different answer if he hadn't seen the burning determination that was peering through his own heart. The same desire that he did when he started out being a hero. 

There's a possibility he would tell him a quirkless impossible to be a hero if he had seen him having a scrawny body with no self confidences. 

After all, if he doesn't bother to train himself to achieve his dream then it's all useless. Allmight doesn't want to send a child to his death because he gave him false hope. 

"Then I'll be going. Make sure to not tell anyone about me."

"I promise not to tell anyone."

Allmight nodded, then checked his pocket only to frantically try to find something that made Izuku curious.

"What's wrong Allmight?"

"Shit! I lost the bottle and I don't know where it is!"

"Whaaat! Oh no!"

It was them both who heard a loud explosion instantly thought about the villain that escaped, which made Allmight frustrated that he let it escape while Izuku ashamed since it was his fault for grabbing his idol and letting the villain escape.

"I need to go and check it out!"

"Wait, let me help get you there."

Before Allmight could say anything, Izuku tapped into his speed force before taking the number one hero near the place where the explosion was. 

"Are you alright all-"

"Shhh don't say my name!"

"Oh sorry about that."

Izuku apologizes before getting a closer look at the surroundings and finds the new rising hero mount lady and other heroes struggling to take action. They were occupied with thinking about the villain, civilians, and the collateral damage if they acted. 

"Please help out friend, Toru!"

He turned his head to find a few female students screaming and looked at the slime monster before finding a vague shape wrapping itself around its malleable body. 

'I'm really pathetic! I can't do anything…'

Allmight curse himself unable to act despite being the symbol of peace. He hated that he's at his limit only watching as the villain claimed the life of an innocent child. 

He turns to the young man only to see him start to generate white and gold electricity around his body that causes his messy white hair to spike up. 

Everything slowed down as Izuku didn't hesitate to use his quirk after analyzing everything to perfectly calculate how he would handle the situation.  

"What was that!?"

He zooms past the hero appearing like a white and gold streak shocking the heroes moving faster than anyone could react. It took only a few seconds for Izuku to remove the tendrils around the person and see that it was a girl wearing a female uniform.

The girl's quirk seems to make her invisible which is why he is unable to know how to describe her but puts it aside quickly to save her from letting bringing her back where the heroes were.

"What are you waiting for? Go get the villain!"

Izuku screamed at them as the heroes stunned and woke them up from their daze as he focused on the young girl who was slowly woken up as she passed out after being suffocated by the villain.

The invisible girl saw his face surprised that a handsome young man was in front of her then noticed he was holding her shoulder.

"W-What's going on? Who are you?"

"Hmm? Are you alright? I was about to check your pulse if you're alright. Don't worry the heroes are already handling the situation."

After a few minutes, the heroes subdue the villains as Izuku receives a mouthful of scolding from the heroes. He did not care much about what they said as he was well aware of his action and doesn't regret it.

If he had given power then why won't he use it to have lives? Izuku would have regretted saving that person when he had the power capable of helping them.

"T-Thank you again for saving me and I'm sorry if you receive a sermon from the heroes."

He was about to leave when the person he saved came up to him giving her appreciation. Izuku only smiled much to the invisible girl's maiden heart.

"No problem, it is just how a hero does and also doesn't apologize. I knew at the beginning what would happen if I step in but at least I don't regret anything."

"Still can you tell me your name of my hero?"

"Your Hero…"

He muttered to himself as he slowly took steps toward his dream of becoming the hero that he always wanted. It warms his heart that he had saved another person like Jiro.

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya."

"Mine is Toru Hagakure, It's to meet you, Midoriya-san."

"Me too. Well see you around, Hagakure-san."

Izuku left her as she stared at disappearing back and wanted to show more of her gratitude but he was too far away and she was hesitant to take action.

Meanwhile, he was walking back home deeply thinking about the future of his hero career and finally having clarity in life. Izuku had no doubt that his dream to be a hero and all his training weren't for nothing.  


Izuku halted his steps and was surprised to see Allmight in his buff form.

"Allmight? Why are you here?"

"Well, young man your action earlier had-blehh"

"What the actual fuck!?"

Izuku and Allmight who turned into his skinny self turned to the one who shouted finding ash colored hair youth staring at them in shock while the symbol of peace paled.

"Fuck! I didn't expect someone else!"


"You know who this kid is?"

"Yeah he's my best friend and rival."

"Hold the fuck on! You're Allmight? Why are you all bones!?"

Bakugou was shocked to see his Idol and the person he had looked up to ever since he was a child became frail before his eyes. 

"Yes, I am Allmight and this is my true self. Don't tell anyone about this, alright?"

"Sure thing but I don't think no one would believe me that Allmight, the symbol of peace is getting weaker when I'm fucking seeing before my eyes and still can't fucking believe!!"

"....do you really need to swear every time you talk?"

"Don't mind him, that's just how he talks, Allmight."

Allmight sweat hearing how the youth speak vulgar words without any filter while smiling and agreeing that people would doubt his worse unless he had concrete evidence but even then they would still have their doubts.

"But who could have than this to you Allmight!?"

"Someone powerful that we had disclosed information about that fight. Ever since that day my time limit could only last for 3 hours."

"That short!? That's why you recently have less public appearances?"

Allmight nodded, fortunate enough that no one was able to notice how he was becoming less active as time went by. It only a matter of time that people start to know his secret.

"Well the reason I'm here is because you've asked me what makes a hero and earlier you did the same thing of what makes a hero."

"A hero should have?"(Bakugou)"

"Yes it is when they move without thinking and saving someone despite the consequences. You knew you would be scolded by the heroes and yet still acted."

"I still don't regret saving her."

"Another fucking one?"


"Never mind."

Izuku blankly stared at his rival ignorant of his words while Bakugou sighed at his stupidity.

"Well what I'm to tell you is also important not to tell anyone else. It is about my quirk."

"Your/Allmight's quirk."

"Yes, it's called One For all."