
"Chapter 14: Dan, You're Too Radical!

Within the grand mansion, Dan followed Inohi along the cobblestone path, through the lush courtyard, and finally arrived at the reception hall.

At the entrance, a handsome man with a mole between his eyebrows stood with his arms crossed, waiting for their arrival. His name was Uchiha Tetsuhi, a friend of Inohi's from the police department, who had just become a Jonin in his early twenties. Both of them were followers of Hachidai.

"So you're Uchiha Dan?" Tetsuhi looked down at Dan, his first impression of him not particularly favorable. "Once inside, behave yourself and show some respect to Hachidai-sama. Got it?"

With that, he descended the steps, brushing past Dan. As he did so, he raised a hand, intending to pat Dan's shoulder in a warning gesture.

However, before Tetsuhi's hand could land on Dan's shoulder, a piece of bone from Dan's shoulder suddenly protruded, like a large iron spear, and shot towards Tetsuhi's palm.


Caught off guard, Tetsuhi was hit by Dan's shoulder bone, and he took a sharp intake of breath, clutching his aching palm. He stumbled back several steps before falling onto his backside.

"Don't touch me without permission," Dan said, his tone indifferent.

His entire skeleton and muscles had been trained to the point where they were as sharp as weapons and could protrude at will, even automatically counterattacking enemies. An average person could be sent flying just by accidentally touching Dan.

"Dan, don't get too cocky!" Inohi helped his friend up, shouting angrily at Dan. However, his bluster was just a front, as he was increasingly wary of Dan. Dan's physical skills were simply unpredictable.

Just then, an authoritative voice came from inside the reception hall. "Let him in!"

Ignoring Inohi and Tetsuhi, Dan walked straight up the steps and into the hall.

Upon entering, he saw a middle-aged man with short brown hair and small eyes sitting there. This man was Uchiha Hachidai.

What surprised Dan was that in one corner of the room, there was an old man with half of his face covered by a mask, sitting in a chair. He was leaning on a cane with his right hand, his left hand on his hip, and a look of anger on his face. He was silently watching Dan, his gaze full of scrutiny.

Dan recognized the man's identity. It was Uchiha Shana, an elder of the clan. He had once incited the clan to rebel, but was arrested by the Second Hokage and imprisoned in the Anbu jail until a few years ago. He was also an important figure in the radical faction.

"Dan, I heard about you helping Inohi catch the spy. I also heard that your sister was taken away by clan leader Fugaku," Hachidai began, his words carrying a hint of goodwill towards Dan. "As clan members, we should help each other, so I invited you here..."

"You want me to join your camp, right?" Dan interrupted Hachidai, sitting down on the sofa. "In terms of dealing with the Konoha higher-ups, my brother-in-law leans towards the moderates, while you are part of the radicals, correct?"

Hachidai was taken aback for a moment, then admitted, "Yes, our faction's stance is..."

"Cut to the chase, how do you want me to support you?" Dan asked bluntly.

Hachidai laughed.

He had been interrupted twice, but far from being angry, he appreciated Dan's straightforwardness.

"It seems you've thought this through," he said, clearly pleased with Dan's stance. He then extended an invitation to Dan on the spot.

As it turned out, Hachidai hoped that Dan would attend the clan meeting next month and publicly align himself with them. At that time, the radicals would collectively pressure Clan Leader Fugaku, forcing him to take a hard stance against the Konoha higher-ups.

Is that all?

After hearing Hachidai's plan, Dan shook his head.

"What, you don't want to fall out with your brother-in-law?" Hachidai frowned, his gaze turning cold.

"No, I have a better idea," Dan said, looking straight into Hachidai's eyes, his gaze sharp as a knife.

In Dan's view, the radicals were a bunch of useless people. In the original story, after the moderate Shisui's death, the radicals should have immediately forced Clan Leader Fugaku to rebel, but they dragged it out for two more years.

Until they were exterminated.

The reason was simple - the radicals, despite their apparent disagreement with Shisui, were still hoping that Shisui, the strongest member of the clan, could be the main force of the Uchiha coup d'etat.

Once Shisui was gone, they lost their nerve to talk about rebellion for a while.

The so-called radicals seemed strong, but they were actually weak.

So, Dan decided to stir up these people to see if they had the guts.

Hearing that Dan had a better idea, Hachidai's expression softened slightly.

"In that case, let's hear it," he said.

Who would have thought that Dan would stand up and say something shocking:

"I believe that Uchiha Fugaku is indecisive. He can't unite the clan internally and constantly compromises with the Konoha higher-ups. He's not fit to be the clan leader. I, Uchiha Dan, am willing to put the greater good before family ties and lead the impeachment against my brother-in-law at the clan meeting next month, driving him from the position of clan leader."

As soon as he said this, Uchiha Shana, who had been silent on the side, lit up.

Hachidai was even more surprised because even he, the second-in-command of the Uchiha, had never thought of impeaching the clan leader.

If Fugaku really stepped down, then who would be the new clan leader?

Could it be... Hachidai himself?

Just as Hachidai was getting excited, Dan gave the answer.

"At that time, you radicals must unanimously elect me as the new leader of the Uchiha," he said, looking down at Uchiha Hachidai as if it were a matter of course.

But the real shocker was yet to come.

"After that, I will lead the elite of the Uchiha clan to storm the Hokage Building and execute all the Konoha higher-ups. I want to hang the heads of SaruObito Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo at the village entrance for everyone to see, leaving their bodies exposed for three days and three nights. I want the entire Konoha to bow down to our Uchiha clan."

Dan laid out his plan.

Four words to describe it: simple and brutal.

"Can we... succeed like this?" Hachidai was a bit dazed by the shock, and he asked subconsciously.

Dan showed his determination and declared, "Even if we don't succeed, we have to give it our all, because we don't have much time left. A coup

should be swift and decisive. If we delay too long, Konoha will set up a trap for us, and our clan will only face extinction."

Just like the Uchiha in the original story. Without lifting a finger, Konoha used Itachi, a double agent, to wipe out hundreds of Uchiha clan members, sparing no one, not even the old, weak, women, or children.

After a full minute of silence, Hachidai finally came back to his senses. He took a deep breath and said to Dan with a serious face, "Dan, our radical faction does indeed advocate using force against the Konoha higher-ups, but I believe this matter needs to be considered in the long term and prepared for thoroughly. You... are too hasty."

Even if they were to rebel, what Hachidai and the others had in mind was at most to surround and control the Hokage Building, forcing the Third Hokage to step down and reclaim the power and status that originally belonged to the Uchiha clan.

They had never thought about killing all the Konoha higher-ups.

After all, doing so would be tantamount to making enemies of the entire Konoha.

But Dan didn't seem to see it that way.

"Even if it means mutual destruction, the Uchiha must go all out and drag Konoha down with us. As long as we can start a fight, even if the Uchiha clan is wiped out, Konoha will inevitably suffer heavy losses. At that time, the other four major ninja villages will certainly seize this great opportunity to rush to invade Konoha. At worst, the Uchiha and Konoha will perish together."

Dan said this with a blank expression.

It was as if in his eyes, whether it was the life or death of the Uchiha clan or the survival of Konoha, it had nothing to do with him.

He just wanted to watch the show.

"Shut up!" Dan's words finally made Uchiha Shana, who had been silent on the side, unable to bear it any longer. He slammed his cane on the ground, stood up, and shouted at Dan, "Uchiha Dan, you're too radical!"

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