
saving me from my darkness (bl)

we all have a dark part of our lives we want to forget we never want to remember we try our hardest to run away from it I've always been afraid of that dark place I've always thought if I run far enough i could escape the memories of my past are the things I have done but what if running just doesn't work?.hello my name is Ji-ho I have multiple personality disorder,On the surface I look like you're average person but my secondary personality is cold and heartless with psychopathic tendencies this is the story of my darkness and how I found the people who became my light.

DaoistMFm422 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


17 year old ji-ho

"come here boy"father words slurred because of his heavy drinking, I obediently followed my fathers command making my way over to him with small steps "yes sir" I stand before him my head hanging low and body trembling in fear "you're such a sissy look at you trembling" father spat on me causing me to flinch back tears filling my eyes "how could a wimp like you be my son" father sneered rising from his seat, father and I are the same height but he's burly while I am almost skin and bones,father grabbed my arm roughly "you're mother left because of you"he snarls taking another swig from the bottle in his hand "you were never supposed to be born I should have abundant you when she.... when she left"the alcohol was burning my nostrils making my stomach turn "you were a mistake" father hissed releasing my arm so he can grab me by the collar "I hate you so much ...my life is ruined! You're a curse.....since you've been born everything went to shit" father's grip tightened his knuckles going white he took another swig pushing me to the floor where he stood above me "you're an embarrassment to me!" father roared kicking me repeatedly in the stomach causing me to gasp for air "you're a fucking disappointment a curse"father spit down on me forcing me to curl up and cover my ears as he kicked me harder,I coughed up blood as I struggle to breathe "father... please... stop are... I'm going to die"I pleaded as blood leaked out of my mouth "die I would love if you would just die" father laughed drunkenly pouring his liquor onto my face,the assault on my body stopped and father walked back to where he was sitting leaving me alone on the dirty carpeted floor, I shakily stood up and stumbled up the stairs,I didn't even make it to my room before collapsing on to the floor.

I open my eyes pain hitting me instantly "I'll kill him, I'll kill him, I'll murder him,he needs to die,he hurt us he should die"i muttered through gritted teeth trying to sit up "this hurts,he needs to feel the pain we feel he needs to pay" I clutch my abdomen,it felt like ribs had been broken or cracked or something along those lines, I tried to move again,pain shooting up my side and stomach ,I let out a pained scream trying to sit up again "I'm sorry I didn't surface sooner little ji-ho"I whisper clutching my side "I say I'm you're protector but I'm never here on time"I whimpered weakly "you just rest little one I'll take over from here" i said mustering up the strength I needed to get up ,"it hurts" i groan leaning my weight onto the wall slowly making my way towards the door.

I pushed off of the wall stumbling into the room the pain was so bad i think I might pass out , I collapse against the bed panting hard "ah" i wheeze in pain as my eyes rolled to the back of my head,"no no no no don't fall asleep" I said struggling to stay conscious as my breathing came in short ragged bursts , "I'm fine I'm fine "I said struggling to breathe, my vision started to blur I was losing consciousness I can feel myself.

"No!" I shout trying to hold onto consciousness "I need to hold on just for a while longer" I whispered my voice getting quieter as I slipped deeper and deeper under "we will live I shall kill you one day father"my eyes roll back completely blackness swallowing me whole.