
saving me from my darkness (bl)

we all have a dark part of our lives we want to forget we never want to remember we try our hardest to run away from it I've always been afraid of that dark place I've always thought if I run far enough i could escape the memories of my past are the things I have done but what if running just doesn't work?.hello my name is Ji-ho I have multiple personality disorder,On the surface I look like you're average person but my secondary personality is cold and heartless with psychopathic tendencies this is the story of my darkness and how I found the people who became my light.

DaoistMFm422 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


17 year old ji-ho

"where am I" I said looking around the dark street that seems as if it goes on forever "mom come back" a child like voice repeat over and over,I turn to see where the voice was coming from I turn to see a spotlight shining on a boy lying in the dirt his little body covered in cuts and scratches and bruises "don't leave me alone" he begs and cries louder,I hesitantly made my way over "are you okay"i ask softly crouching down to take a closer look "it's me"i said recognizing that it was my younger self "it's okay" I said reaching out to pet my head but he disappeared before i could even touch him "father I'm sorry" I heard a loud scream that sounds like my voice and I turned my head to see a myself being pushed to the ground by my father,I was too scared to move I wanted to help myself but my feet won't move forward,I watched as the other me was beaten to the point where he can barely breathe "someone help him?"I say but it came out as a whisper.

"ji-ho be a good boy mommy will come back for you" I was now face to face with my mother her teary eyes filled with fear "mother please don't leave me" I begged,she didn't reply she just held me tight against her "oh baby I love you"she whisper,she release me and disappear "mother come back" i yell at nothing "we can only save ourselves little ji-ho" a voice said from behind me I turn to see my reflection in a mirror "listen to me little ji-ho mother is not coming back but we'll be okay" the reflection said to me with a sad smile I felt tears welling up in my eyes,"come now no more crying I'm here to protect you" the reflection says gently, "mother doesn't love me anymore she left"a young voice of myself said from the other side,I turn my attention to the young me "she didn't want me so she left" the young me rocking back and forth crying quietly "father was right you are a curse" the young me appeared and screamed in my face "I know,I know" I say falling to the ground covering my ears and closing my eyes tightly,I feel someone touch my shoulder "you are not a curse ji-ho listen to me and not him" I open my eyes to see I was now in the mirror the reflection of myself kneeling next to me "we will be okay" the reflection says as a tears slipped out of his eyes "your my light little ji-ho" he adds smiling at me and engulfed me in a tight hug "thank you" I sniffled into his sweater he pulled away and gave me one last smile before disappearing.

I walked down the dark street for what seemed like hours until I found an alleyway in which the moon light shone down "ji-ho" a voice called out and suddenly my younger self was standing in front of me "you're so stupid you think you'll be okay" my younger self snarled at me "you'll die by our old man's hands" my younger self said circling me "what do you think vix can save you that psycho can't even save himself ha himself is you so both of you are 'worthless" He spat the last part out venom laced in his words,I flinched,that wasn't me and I knew it "you're not me" I shout back at him,he let out a harsh laugh "oh really then who am I" the young me said tilting his head to the side "a wimp and a psycho sharing one body such amusement" he mocked laughing,making me feel sick.

I turn to run down the dark street not wanting to hear anymore but my younger self grabs onto my arm pulling me back "look at you pathetic can't even escape the younger you" he spat "I am not pathetic,shut up shut up shut up" I shouted trying to get myself away from him "stop!" I cried, "go away!" I yelled trying to hit him but my fist met nothing "so pathetic"he chuckled.

I fall onto the ground holding my hands over my ears ,not wanting to hear his taunting "you are not me" I sobbed, childish laughter echoed around me I curled up into a fetal position wishing for it to stop.

I wake up panting and shaking,the dream was still fresh in my mind and I couldn't shake the feelings that the dream gave me,I tried sitting up but pain shots up my abdomen sending me tumbling back down again.

"Ow" I whine "it's okay I've been in worse pain than this" I reassure myself enduring the pain slipping off the bed I walk to the bathroom lifting my shirt to see angry black and blue marks marring my stomach "shit" I mutter rubbing my fingers along the markings,I look at my face in the mirror to see dried blood along the corner of my lips and nose,I pulled of my clothes tossing them aside i stumble into the bathtub turning the shower on letting the water splash on my skin the hot water feeling nice running over my battered body.

after my shower I took two painkillers and laid back in bed trying to sleep but I was a little scared of falling asleep because of the dream or should I call it a nightmare.