
Saved By Strawberry.

BlackVeilKurosaki · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Broken Soul.

Mikayli was just 19. She lived in a place with her abusive ex James. James had left for work. Mikayli was sitting in the middle of the living room floor.

She was bleeding from the knees, the corner of her lip, the corner of her left eye and her knuckles. She was wearing her Machine Gun Kelly hoodie and black volleyball shorts.

The house was a complete mess. She had tear stains of makeup. She was shaking really bad. The door was left open. Mikayli got up and went to the bedroom. She packed some Palaye Royale, Machine Gun Kelly, Black Veil Brides and Motionless In White shirts along with a couple pairs of boxers and shorts. Along with her Andy Black Ghost Of Ohio hoodie.

She grabbed her medications, phone, earphones and charger and put them in bag. She blocked James. She didn't care about shoes. She was starving and scared for life. She ran out of the house. She ran for as long as her legs could carry her. She sat down next to a tree and broke down.

The blood from her knees went all the way down to her ankles. She passed out underneath the tree hoping that James didn't realize she was gone. A few hours later, a orange haired man was walking home from work and saw Mikayli.

He walked over to her and kneeled down. His heart broke seeing the wounds on her body. "I can't leave her here." He said to himself. He put her bag on his back and then picked Mikayli up gently. He whispered softly"I'll take care of you." He walked home holding her. He unlocked his front door.

He went inside and closed the door. He went to his room and carefully laid her down on the bed. He went into the bathroom and got a wash cloth and the first aid kit. He went back into the room.

He carefully cleaned her up and switched her into one of his t-shirts and boxers. He went to his closet and grabbed his black blanket and carefully put it over her. He took her clothes and put them in the washer. He grabbed a bottle of soda. He placed it on the nightstand.

"Who would hurt someone like her?" he said quietly to himself. He went to the kitchen and started making some food. All he could think about was how bloody she was. He was angry and sad. He checked on her. He didn't want her to go back to the situation that she was in.

He finished cooking dinner. He put hers in a plastic container and put it the fridge. He ate dinner. The orangette walked back to the room and saw Mikayli hugging one of his pillows tight. He softly smiled. He gently closed the door. He laid on the couch but didn't wanna sleep. He made sure the door was locked.

He was determined to help her.