
Chapter 9

The week quickly passed by with Madam Rochel meeting with Lyra for almost two hours every day. Lyra would listen to the stories that Madam Rochel would tell her about her life, especially her childhood. 'She always seems to have a new story to tell me, and she's so nice about me asking questions if I don't fully understand what she is talking about,' thought Lyra. Madame Rochel was using these conversations to gauge Lyra's emotional state. She mixed in sad stories with her mostly pleasant and heartwarming stories. Occasionally she would add in a story about Markus, which got Lyra curious about how they knew each other. On Madam Rochel's last day there, Lyra got up the courage to ask her about it.

"Madam Rochel."

"Yes, dear?"

"I-I was wondering how you and Markus know each other?"

Madam Rochel smiled at her question. "I've known him since he was a very young man. He ran into some trouble in a village, and I was able to help him out of it. After that he followed me around for a while, and I started to thing of him as my grandson. I still do, even though I don't get to see him as often as I would like."

"Oh. So then why did you come here?"

"I heard that he was here, and I happened to be in the nearby. I adamantly wanted to see him, so I came to visit. It was nice of the Duke to let a woman like me stay here, even though I came to visit an old friend and not him."

"Have you meet the Duke before?"

"No, though of course I've heard of him. He is rather famous after all."

"He is?"

"Yes, since he's the only Duke in the kingdom and he's unmarried. He also tends to keep to himself, so it is hard for people to get to know him."

"If that's the case, then do you know how he and Markus met?"

"Oh yes. Markus' mother used to be a maid here, so he actually grew up here. He and the Duke became rather close because of it."

"Oh. Is his mother still a maid here?"

"No, unfortunately she passed away not to long after Markus came of age. That is part of the reason he left, and it's taken him so long to come back."


"I'm sure being here constantly reminds him of his mother. From what I understand, she was a very kind woman."

"That makes senses. He himself is very kind."

"Hmm that he is. Ah, why don't I tell you about the time that Markus…"


During the time that Madam Rochel was not talking with Lyra, she was actively searching through her own books and the books in the library. She and Markus were compiling everything they could find on Imprinting. She was also taking time to work with Markus on how to help treat Lyra. They would work into the late hours of the night, until they were both so tired that they couldn't read the pages in front of them.

On top of that, every day, Madam Rochel would also spend some one-on-one time with Duke Bertram, though it was never for very long since he was such a busy man. She liked to do it after he had gone for a walk with Lyra. There walks together relaxed him, and he became easier for her to read. During their time together she would discuss with him some of the things that she and Markus discovered during their research that day. Occasionally she would even discuss with him how he felt about the things that were occurring.

During her last one-on-one with him, the day before she left, she asked, "Your Grace, do you think you are ready to handle what is to come?"

"I don't understand what you mean by that."

"When people learn that you two have Imprinted you will gain more notoriety than you already have."

"I'm aware of that, which is why I plan to keep that knowledge limited to a select few."

"Of course, that makes perfect sense. But you should be prepared for people to eventually notice, especially those trained to see these sorts of things. Also, what will happen if you two decide to get married? There will be many questions directed at the both of you.

"Again, I am aware of that."

"Being aware of it doesn't mean that you are prepared for what is to come."

Wulfric sighed, 'What is it that she is trying to get at? I feel like she is talking me in circles.'

"Madam Rochel, be straight with me, what is it that you want to say?"

"You must prepare yourself for every possible outcome. This is the only way that you will fully be able to protect her. I do not want any harm to come to her."

"Neither do I."

"Of course. She has been through a lot and I fear that what she has been through will come back to haunt her. You must prepare for that, but you must also be prepared to make her happy. Otherwise, protecting her will be meaningless."

There was silence for a moment.

"Anyways, your Grace, I should take my leave. I must say goodbye to Markus before I leave."

"Let me see you off."

"I would appreciate that. When my carriage is ready, I will have someone send for you."

Wulfric nodded as Madam Rochel took her leave.