
Chapter 10

Markus had been practically living in the library for quite some time, and had fallen asleep when Madam Rochel came to say goodbye. Madam Rochel watched him sleep with a gentle smile on her face.

'He's so exhausted, yet so devoted to helping them out. I made a good choice in making him my apprentice all those years ago. It's almost time to hand everything over to him.'

"Loter, dear. Wake up." But he didn't wake up.

'He's in a deeper sleep than I thought'…..


Images kept swirling around his head, things that didn't make sense. Images of a large urban city, a city in mystical forest, a barren land, and a castle deep in the snowy mountains. None if it made sense. He didn't really recognize any of them, though the urban city reminded him of the Capitol.

"Loter, dear…"

The images started swirling faster and faster, figures started appearing, but he couldn't see any of them clearly.

"Loter, WAKE UP."

Markus jerked awake. Madam Rochel was standing over him with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay? You were shaking."

"Madam Rochel, have you ever experienced a premonition?"

She looked at him in silence for a moment, then nodded.

"Is that what you think just happened?"

"Yes. I saw different landscapes and figures appeared but I couldn't see them clearly."

"Can you describe the landscapes to me?"

Markus described them to her.

"Hmm. That urban landscape, as you called it, sounds like the Capitol. That forest city… Markus have you ever gone to the land of the Elves?"

Markus shook his head.

"Curious. The barren land sounds like the Wastelands that only Monsters live in. The castle in the mountain I can't think of where that could be. There are multiple Kingdoms nearby with castles in the mountains, plus a few in this one."

"What does it mean?"

"I don't fully know, but I think it's warning that big things will happen at all of these places if you go there."

"A warning of danger?"

"There's no certainty. It's more a warning of life changing events."

"Are they about me or those around me?"

"Most likely both. Markus, you should keep an eye on your dreams from now on. Either write them out, or talk about them with someone. There could be important information in them, especially as things start to progress."

"I wish you could stay here and continue to guide me."

"I know, but you this task is for you. It found you, and you must be the one the see it through to the end."

"What if I fail? What if I can't actually help them?"

"Markus, my apprentice, my protégé. You won't fail. I picked you all those years ago because I saw your potential. I have complete faith in your abilities. I'm proud of everything you've done so far, and I will continue to be proud of you."

Markus sat in silence for a moment, taking in her words.

"You've never called me Markus before."

Madame Rochel laughed.

"The world is quickly changing, and someday soon you will outpace me."

"That could never happen."

"But it will. Someday, you will receive a message from a place you've never heard of telling you to come collect my story. You must listen to it. For that will be the sign that I've left this world and that you must continue on my legacy."

"But… What? Why are you telling me this now? Is something wrong?"

"I'm old, and while I still have a few years left, it's time to prepare you for a world without me."

"I understand."

"Good. Now go get some sleep. I'm leaving early in the morning and you must see me off."

"Of course."

Markus got up and left for his chambers. The whole while wondering how much had she really just told him in so few words.