
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Eternal Genin

After the week of endless chakra storage and becoming unofficial tailed beasts. We were ready to exit the house so we left.

" Hi guys let the patriarch know the seals are done, (pointing at my forehead) I have to go report to my ninja squad."

(Turning to Tsunade)

" Hopefully I see you again soon wife. Bye!" I wave good bye and thunder god to the Hokages office.

" Crap.."

Standing in front of Hiruzen is yours truly. Unfortunately this is an extremely awkward situation. The problem is Hiruzen sitting at his desk has a crystal ball in front of him.

"…. I umm."

" I'll wait outside…. (Mutters) old pervert."

" (putting the crystal ball away) Ahem…no we have to discuss something's Ren."

" What do you mean?"

" I mean you will never be more than a genin in these next few years Ren."

"What!? Why?"

" The squad you will be placed into has been specifically created with this in mind.

Your ability needs to be kept secret Ren, as far as the rest of the world knows you are nothing more than a possibly genius medical-nin and Tsunades boy toy.

To maintain that identity you will stay as a genin until necessary and I forbid you from using the Flying Thunder God with any witnesses present. You especially can no longer use it to reach my office. Am I understood?"

" [Her boy toy?] I'm assuming this is an order and not a request."

" Correct, it's your first mission. Only you and your jonin instructor are aware of it. Should anyone discover the truth of your abilities, eliminate them immediately."

" So whose in the team?"

" You'll meet them soon enough Ren. Also please be careful when meeting other individuals. You are no longer a branch Hyuga family member. You are officially a Senju. Remember that."

" Talking about that, here's the special order you made. I want Senju level payment. Remember my wife seems to have come with a lot of debts."

Two scrolls were thrown and exchanged in the air.

" Right the payment will be sent to Kenzo. Minus Tsunades debts of course. Now get to the meeting location included in the scroll. Dismissed."

After Ren left, Hiruzen didn't immediately grab his crystal ball.

(To no one in particular) "Summon Danzo."

A few minutes later Danzo appeared and sat across from Hiruzen.

" What seems to be the problem Hiruzen."

" How much longer will the peace last?"

" Not much longer Hiruzen. Kumo is approaching our borders and are actively kidnapping those with Kekkei genkai. I say we use the new Senju boy and have him leave seals behind enemy lines in Kumo. That way we can launch a pre emptive strike."

" Danzo we can not let our own vendetta affect the village. I look the other way in you using Root to have your little shadow war with Kumo but don't forget what our roles are."

" Don't be a fool Hiruzen, those rats have always been chasing after our village. They will attack us the first chance they get. In these so called years of peace you love so much, they have gathered the most military troops!"

" Regardless thats not what I asked you Danzo. So how much longer?"

" I give it a year or two. Kumogakures actions have spurred on the other villages. Small skirmishes are already beginning and Amegakure led by a small upstart named Hanzo, is leading the charge. He claims he will unify the five great countries and bring peace."

" Hmmm seeking peace through war…. A powerful fool I'm guessing?"

"He does indeed seem to posses great strength."

" Well we'll deal with it when we have to. Have Root hide these Kunai amongst the marked strategic locations on this map. Don't focus just on Kumogakure Danzo. Place them on the border with Sunagakure as well.

That aside no matter what ensure Ren's ability remains undiscovered. Monitor the Hyuga woman Hiyori and her husband Hikaru. If they become a problem eliminate any and all leaks."

Danzo grins. [Ho such a direct kill order? Has Hiruzen finally seen the light?]

" Naturally I will get this taken care of."

As he begins to leave.

" Don't contact the boy at any point before it's necessary Danzo. That boy hides it but the darkness in him won't let you play your usual games."

Danzo's steps falter but recover quick enough.

Seems your still a fool Hiruzen. What could some brat do to me. The boy couldn't even kill the woman who tortured him. You really don't deserve to be Hokage.

As Danzo finally arrived in Root headquarters he was still bothered by Hiruzens comments.

He had run an investigation on the boy now known as Senju Ren.

Hiruzen met the boy at the hospital and put him under Tsunades care. The boy studied endlessly and rarely did things outside of training or sleeping.

In Hiruzens original intentions the boy was only supposed to learn to be a medical-nin but at some point it seems Tsunade took a shine to his talent. A Hyuga being a capable medical-nin is nothing special though. He couldn't understand the fascination with the boy up to this point. Hiruzen had no need to send the boy to Tsunade or keep him so isolated, he clearly had some expectations.

When the boy mastered and even modified the flying thunder god jutsu though, he had to admit Hiruzen had an eye for talent. The boys new version was more efficient then his Sensei's and seemed to work at even longer distances. Root had actually analyzed the seal for months and couldn't make sense of it. Even Hiruzens prized Orochimaru couldn't figure it out.

The boy had an incredible value at this point with his only issue being his probable hate for his own clan. He himself was there when the boys dead fathers file was read. This is something he hoped to exploit. He was immediately foiled by Hiruzen though with that silly mission that was never completed.

After that day Hiruzen seemingly started to desperately search for ways to remove the boys cursed seal. Having the Hyuga in control of such a boy through a cursed seal was not ideal to Konoha, he had to begrudgingly commend Hiruzens move. If such control was possible it should only be held by the village, by Root, by him. He never expected Hiruzen would arrange for the boy to marry into the Senju though. If he was Hokage he would just force the Hyuga to comply. What a fool. Not to mention Hiruzens little stunt left all his plans completely ruined.

The boy himself had become a problem at this point, his original intention was to destroy the Uzumaki and Senju together at Uzushiogakure. The amount of seals the boy likely had there though would make killing them extremely hard now.

Hiruzen thought he wanted to control the boy but he always was a fool. Did Hiruzen really expect him to stand by and let the Senju raise a Hokage candidate? He was already struggling to get rid of the other Senju, and Hiruzen now added one that could teleport. Like he would ever let such a threat to his future continue to exist.

Hiruzens words though still resounded in his mind.

How could a mere genin be a problem? The chuunin he sent should be enough. The boy had chuunin level chakra sure but a green genin who'd never even killed would be nothing to the members of his Root.

As for the future war situation? He was confident he had set all the pieces on the board properly and Konoha would emerge victorious. The boy was a benefit but largely unnecessary now.


My reasoning here is simply that Minato is never properly looked at in canon for his wartime applications by arguably a system that idolizes war. FTG is much more of a military asset than it is an individuals combat strength and that’s never really highlighted for some reason.

Alexdmercercreators' thoughts