
Chapter 448

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Classroom on the Fifth Floor-

The golden trio, Fleur and I were still in the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor, and it had been almost 1 hour since our first training session had started.

And during that time, the trio of Gryffindors and Fleur were training their dodge, while I was standing in front of my desk controlling and commanding all the iron bats and balls that were in the room to attack them.

The purpose of this training was to enhance their senses and reflexes, so that when faced with a surprise attack or even a direct attack they are able to react to it unconsciously and quickly.

Of course, they wouldn't be dodging any and all attacks thrown at them as if they had spider-sense, since unlike me they didn't have abilities that enhanced their senses.

But I wasn't expecting to raise their reflexes to that level anyway.

What I really wanted was to polish and perfect their reflexes and reaction time as much as the human body would allow, and there was no better way to do that than to make them face a real situation in which they have to dodge violent and threatening projectiles that can really hurt them.

And I knew this method was effective because this was the same dodge training I used to do when I went to the Room of Requirement.

Well, obviously my training method was more violent, faster, and dangerous than theirs, mainly because my senses were already better than those of other human beings.

But other than the level of danger and carnage our training sessions were still exactly the same.

And now looking at all four teenagers who were running around the room running away from the iron balls and bats, I nodded satisfied, happy to see that even after almost an hour of being chased and hit by the crazy and dangerous projectiles they still didn't give up.

In fact I could see their determination grow even more each time they were hit.

'Heh, I understand that feeling' I smiled lightly.

But shaking my head I decided to pay attention to the performance of the four, seeing what they were doing right and wrong, and where they needed to improve.

Looking at all of them I could see that the one who was doing best in this training was Harry, which was no surprise, since he already had good reflexes, which increased even more after he became the Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

But there was also another person who was showing an amazing performance, and that person was Fleur, who in addition to showing impressive agility also had a flexibility that would make many gymnasts jealous.

'She reminds me a bit of a ballerina' I reflected as I analyzed Fleur's smooth and refined movements.

But stopping paying attention to the two champions I looked at the other two people in the room, and looking at Ron and Hermione I saw that they were having a difficult time as they tried not to get hit by the projectiles.

'They're not as athletic as Fleur and Harry, so they're relying more on their wands than their reflexes' I realized, frowning slightly.

And I knew that if it continued like this they would end up getting used to the training, but they wouldn't learn much either, since they weren't really taking risks.

'Hmm, I think it's time to up the difficulty level of this training a bit' I thought, and a wicked gleam flashed in my eyes as I looked at the four teens who were trying to survive the endless attack of deadly iron bats and balls.

And then, controlling my magic I commanded the iron objects so that they became faster and more unpredictable.

"Man, I'm pretty sure I've already destroyed that bat three times," Ron complained, casting a knockback spell on a bat that was aimed at him.

However, unlike other times, the bat was not repelled this time, and it simply continued flying aggressively towards the Weasley boy.

"Huh?" Ron blinked in confusion, wondering if he'd missed the spell.

And as he tried to understand what happened the bat arrived in front of him, and with the iron object in front of his face he blinked, coming out of his dazed state.

And realizing that the bat was going to hit him, Ron quickly jumped to the side, narrowly dodging it.

And when the bat missed Ron it hit the ground, and the noise the impact caused made the red-haired boy tremble slightly.

"Damn, why did those things have to be made of iron?!" he exclaimed, and there was a bit of panic in his eyes.

However, he was so focused on looking scared at the crack that the bat made on the floor of the room that he didn't even notice the iron ball that was flying aggressively towards him from behind.

And before he could even react the heavy iron ball hit his left side.

"Argh… Fuck!" he cursed, holding his side as he bent over with a pained expression.

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed, turning to look worriedly at her friend, "Are you okay!?" she asked.

But this short moment of distraction was very reckless on her part, and she almost couldn't throw herself to the ground fast enough to dodge the ball that whizzed past her.

"Ouch!" she said as she fell to the floor.

Hermione then looked up, only to see that the ball that missed her was heading back towards her.

And showing a quick reaction, the studious girl quickly raised her wand and pointed it at the ball, preparing to say the disarming spell incantation.

But before she could even say half the incantation the ball flew towards her hand even faster than before, which meant she had to put her hand with the wand down and cancel the spell.

The ball then missed Hermione again, but before the iron projectile could turn around to continue targeting the Gryffindor girl, she turned and cast a spell at the ball, knocking it down.

"Is it just me or these iron balls are getting faster?!" Hermione asked with a frown.

"No, they really are faster," Fleur replied, holding her wand tightly as she looked around cautiously.

She then saw a shadow above her head, and quickly jumped back to avoid a bat that fell towards her, before ducking as another passed close to her head.

And the French Veela didn't even have a break to breathe, as the attack continued, now targeting her legs, which meant she had to cast the {Protego} spell to protect herself.

"You know, I think the bats are getting faster too" Fleur commented with a frown, blasting a bat with a small {Bombarda} spell.

And then one of the remaining bats managed to break her shield and hit her thigh, "Urg... And bigger too" she grunted, happy that the shield had absorbed most of the impact.

And Harry, who heard what Fleur and Hermione said, looked at the iron bats and balls around him and realized that they really were different from before.

He noticed that they were faster, bigger, tougher, and much more unpredictable.

And even he was feeling that it was becoming more difficult to dodge the attacks of these iron projectiles.

And he knew that this sudden change in difficulty could only have been the fault of a single person.

"Ethan, didn't you say you were going to go easy on us?!" Harry asked, jumping forward to dodge two bats that tried to hit him from the sides.

"Oh, but I am" I said.

And hearing this Harry and the others turned to look at me in disbelief.

"Is this your 'taking it easy'?!" Ron asked indignantly.

"Well, that's my 'taking it easy'... for now" I replied, smiling devilishly at them.

And upon seeing my smile, the four teenagers who were participating in the training looked at me with venomous looks, which to their indignation only made my smile grow.

However, they couldn't stay staring at me for much longer as they still had to dodge and protect themselves from the fierce attacks of the balls and bats that fell on them.

And then I let them suffer a little more trying to survive and remain intact against the attacks of the iron objects, and after a few minutes I could see that they were getting slower and weaker because of tiredness and exhaustion, and then I decided it was time to end the training.

"Okay, I think that's enough dodge training for today" I said, clapping my hands while canceling my magic that was on the iron bats and balls.

And seeing that the objects that were trying to massacre them a short time ago stopped moving and fell to the floor, the four teenagers sighed in relief.

They all then collapsed to the floor tired, finally able to breathe and rest now that they were no longer in danger.

"Ethan... I... hate you..." Ron said breathlessly, raising his hand weakly to point at me.

"No my friend, now you just feel a little spiteful towards me..." I started to say, looking at him amused, "You will only start to really hate me when the real training starts" I finished, smiling happily.

And Harry upon hearing this slowly turned to look at me, "When the real training starts?" he repeated, and there was a gleam of fear in his green eyes.

And he, Ron, Hermione, and Fleur felt panic and fear rise within them after hearing that sentence, realizing that this was just the beginning of all their torture.

