
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · Movies
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80 Chs

76 Third Test II

Sasuke continued advancing through the maze, but several acromantulas tried to attack him, but they were only burned by him as he advanced, but for some reason he always reached dead ends, so he decided to summon a small eagle to be able to view from above, but he heard the screams of Fleur that were coming from behind, so he shot out in that direction, he got to her side, he was glad that she was out of danger, but he didn't know what happened, the only thing he deduced is that they had attacked her from behind, due to the position in which she was upside down, then she shot red sparks into the sky for them to rescue her.

After walking away, he felt the presence of someone stalking him, from the shadows, that was Victor Krum.

Sasuke closed his eyes trying to find it.

Victor pointed his wand at a Sasuke from behind and yelled Crucio!

Sasuke's body falls to the ground, but a crash occurs, where Sasuke's body transforms into an acromantula.

Sasuke appears from nowhere behind Krum, and grabs his arms and begins to twist them.

Sasuke: why did you cast an unforgivable curse on me, are you so desperate to win talk-

Krum didn't say anything, Sasuke kept squeezing harder but no sound came out of his mouth, not even the sounds of pain.

Sasuke turns him around and looks at him more carefully, and is surprised that he is under the imperius curse, since he had seen that expression many times, before this Sasuke decides to knock him out, and is about to throw some sparks, but a spell flies straight at him but he dodges, leaving Krum on the ground.

Sasuke: So it was you who threw the imperius at Krum

Sasuke: Professor Moody

Moody: wow you figured it out quickly, you're really smart

Sasuke: why? You do

Moody: There is no reason for you to know, you just have to know that you will die here.

Sasuke and Moody started throwing spells at each other, while one blocked the other dodged, while the battle continued Sasuke tries to figure out why he wants to prolong the battle so he yelled at him.

Sasuke: You're so desperate for Potter to win.

Moody: He showed an angry expression at being discovered.

Sasuke increased his speed, to attack moody, where he just dodged some spells, but the blows received him causing damage.

Sasuke: It seems that your magic eye only allows you to see through things, it doesn't help you follow my speed.

Moody seeing himself outmatched with his wand at Sasuke casting a spell but at the last second he changed the target pointing to Krum.

Sasuke: Damn!

Seeing this, Sasuke launched himself to save Krum, leaving him with a wound on his back.

Seeing Sasuke injured, Moody launches the Avada Kedavra, but Sasuke dodges it by charging Krum.

Sasuke: You don't leave me a choice since you want to kill me, I won't hold back.

Sasuke throws a smoke bomb, to block Moody's vision.

Moody: you're stupid, my eye allows me to see through things, even invisibility cloaks.

When using his magic eye, he is surprised because he sees 5 Uchiha, both Uchiha clones, attacking Moody at the same time, but Moody casts an explosion spell to cover everything around him, the clones disappear in a smoke screen, while de that out of nowhere a Sasuke appears ready to hit him from behind.

Moody: You think I didn't see you, as he turns his body quickly and launches the Avada kedavra, before a stunned Sasuke.

But this clone also disappears, and at the same time a Rasengan appears at Moody's side that sends him flying, leaving him unconscious.

Sasuke: I was next to you, idiot.

He throws some sparks for them to come for them, while he begins to run quickly due to lost time.

Sasuke, when walking the path, is surprised that the paths he had taken previously now have an exit, they were no longer blocked, in his mind he thinks that it was Moody who blocked them.

Sasuke performs a combination of seals and summons a small eagle, which soared above the hedges, the eagle returned to Sasuke's arm and through his Sharingan he saw what the eagle had seen, which seems to be ahead at a distance of 40 meters there is a cup in the center of the labyrinth, the eagle disappears and begins to run in the direction of the cup.

He resumed his speed again as he ran through the maze, but he encountered a sphinx but did not stop.

The sphinx sat on its hind legs, in the very center of the path, and recited:

If I did, I'd tear you apart with my claws,

but that will only happen if you don't catch it.

And the answer to this riddle is not easy,

because it is far away, in lands of bonanza, ....

Before she could continue speaking the sphinx a purple calaberic arm hit her square in the face sending her flying out of the way.

Sasuke: I don't have time to waste.

Arriving at the center, he saw Potter approaching the cup, Sasuke using most of his chakra on his feet and accelerating at high speed, just in time where they both grabbed the cup at the same time, surprising Potter with how it appeared