
Sans Reincarnated in Unordinary (english versión)

not knowing how or why he ended up dying but somehow his soul managed to find a way to bring him back to life, now he has to get used to this new life while the actions of the past still haunt him random updates

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: arriving at school

* After having met and "talked" to these people, he did not see them again in the area, which saddened him a bit, but he continued training even though his mother told him to rest and to avoid setbacks he decided to accept without much problem *

Sans: (so G, what are you exactly?)

G: I'm telling you right away, I don't even know that I am completely

Sans: (don't you know what you are?)

G: take a newspaper and tear it into many small pieces and throw them everywhere, tell me what that is and you will know what I am

*Sans had a confused face trying to think about that, normally he would think it's just confetti or the newspaper but then he would either be both or come from one of them, he decided not to think about it before causing himself a stroke *

Sans: (well, you didn't have anything else to teach me?)

G: as I said earlier, you're still too weak for that

Sans: (I'm not that weak)

G: by the standard of this world you would barely be at level 1.5 and that is mainly focused on pure power so you can get an idea

Sans: oh

*With my spirit falling to the ground, I decide to ignore Gaster while I went back to listening to the story that his mother was telling him, who was sitting on a sofa reading a book while both were illuminated with the light of the flames in the small fireplace while Sans I was sitting at a safe distance looking at the flames*

Sans: (sorry I've done this before)

*That thought was lost when he again heard fire coming out of the kitchen where his father was, so he didn't worry, he was strong enough to withstand the flames of his mother, so a few simple flames of kitchen were nothing *

Lustia: Gott, you're fine, I notice you're lost * he said, lowering the book to look at his son *

Sans: yes mom, just with a few things in mind is all

Lustia: It's about the guys you made run by harassing another

Sans: How did you find out about that! *He said it was quite surprised that she knew it since according to her memory there was no one near her *

Lustia: Do you really think you can hide that from your mother?

Sans:....Good point.

*He had already gone through it like his father where his mother easily knew what they did, they both had a hard time at that time*

Lustia: you did what you thought was right, that's all.

*She said although she was disappointed since she didn't like to see how they abused other weaker ones since she was part of them once, although she can with some of them, she knows that I couldn't do much to change how all the people act especially in these times where the hierarchy is above everything*

Sans: I guess

*They both went back to their business with Lustia reading the book and Gott near the fireplace listening to the story of the book*

*After several minutes Gligen came out of the kitchen with plates of food in her hands*

Gligen: well family dinner is done

*Lustia and Sans got up and went to the table where the plates of food were served, which looked pretty good despite what happened in the kitchen*

Lustia: wow, I didn't think I'd be able to do it so well

Gligen: I have my techniques

Sans: you should put them down on paper so you don't forget them so often

Gligen: hey

*Lustia laughed at this as she began to eat just like Gligen and Sans feeling the good taste of the food enter her mouth*

Lustia: mmmmmm yes, it tastes very good

Gligen: thank you dear

Lustia: Maybe I can learn those techniques later.

Gligen: Sure, I have no problem teaching you about them.

* They both smiled while Sans ate making him not know anything although thanks to his own training at night he could hear everything they "taught" each other *

*After eating they both got up and thanked for the food while they went back to their business. The following days, weeks and even years passed calmly with some more assholes bothering them but they were quickly beaten by Sans without problems so yes, quite calm*

9 years later

*His training went quite well and he managed to make a couple of dozen Gaster Blasters one meter big and a couple hundred bones easily, of course he could decrease the number to give them more power but I don't need it much other than to rank up easily or "level" as some said something that didn't matter much to him really *

Sans: So this is Wellstone and it looked bigger in the ad.

*He said as he sighed looking at the big school in front of him, besides that the uniform bothered him a lot*

G: yes it seems, I don't change much from the previous schools where you were

Sans: that's true, and with my experience I don't think things will change too much, I hope mom is right about this

*Flashback before entering Wellstone*

Sans: look mom I was accepted

*Said the happy boy showing the result and the transfer note*

Lustia: that's very good!

*The mother hugs the boy tightly, who was now just as tall as her so it was easy for her to hug*

Gligen: I'm sure you'll be a shepherd in school, if you know what I mean by cattle hahaha

*His father said while resting his hand on Sans's shoulder, which after several years his appearance did not change too much other than that he became more handsome not too much his hair was still black while his gray eyes seemed more alive he was the reflection of his mother since he did not develop much muscle to the disappointment of his father *

Lustia: of course you don't see that he inherited my beauty

*in those years both Lustia and Gligen aged quite well since their appearances almost didn't change except for the growth of their hair, everything seemed to be the same*

Gligen: hey and what about me?

Lustia: mmmmm... and maybe a bit of you

*That made Sans laugh looking at his father*

Gott: well father you must admit that I look a lot like mom

Gligen: *groaning* it's true

*Both shared a few laughs as they returned to celebrate a little the acceptance of their son*

Lustia: however I have to tell you, in this school there are powerful people so don't be afraid of them

Sans: mom you know well that I can defend myself

Gligen: yes we know that with those things that shoot yours but seriously Gott, don't do something stupid

Sans: please when he does stupid things

Lustia: the pranks on your old classmates at your previous school

Gligen: put sound cushions in each seat of a terminal

Lustia: change all the condiments of a restaurant with tomato sauce

Gligen: being transferred several times from schools for covering the bathrooms of the entire school

Sans: ok ok I get it I've done quite a few, ok

*He crossed his arms to the laughter of his parents*

Lustia: just remember that they take advantage of the weak, don't let them intimidate you but don't intimidate if it's not necessary, agree

Sans: yes mom

*end of flashback*

G: yes, I guess it won't take long to find out the truth

Sans: unfortunately I think the same

*He began to walk entering the school noticing several people with different hair almost looking like a rainbow, something that always caught Sans's attention*

G: (at least it's natural and not tinted)

Sans: (I bet there are some out there who did pull their hair out)

*They both went to his room with Gaster behind him who always looked around him or only fell "asleep" when he was bored *

Sans: mmm I feel several strong people here

*After mastering his magic, after a long time, he was able to see the souls of other people where he could not only see their sins, making him a walking lie detector, but also allowed him to know an approximate strength of the person although it was never exact as the abilities were anchored to the body and not to the soul of the people*

G: if you better not do anything for now and let's see what they do

Sans: well we're almost in the living room

* Upon reaching another hallway I notice the sign that said his classroom *

Sans: ok let's go in

*Just when he was about to open the door someone else arrived*

???: Hey wait

*Upon hearing the strange voice Sans turned around and found an apparently slightly older boy with black hair and amber eyes running towards the direction of appearance tired of him*

???: Excuse me, has class already started?

Sans: mmm yes I think so

???: Shit, well

*The boy breathed to recover before looking at Gott*

???: A pleasure by the way, from your appearance I assume that you are also new

Gott: I'm actually transferred

???: Mm what... Curious, well anyway *offered his hand for a squeeze* I'm John

Sans: Sans

* he said while accepting the grip somewhat late since his gaze was on John or more specifically on his soul while he looked at the sins he had committed *

Sans: (he seems to be someone very violent, but it was a long time ago besides that his appearance makes him seem quite the opposite)

G: well totally be careful with him

*While both were shaking hands, the door opened and Hay's apparent teacher came out*

Teacher: Are you the new ones?

Both: yes sir

Teacher: well, come in to introduce yourself, I don't want to waste a lot of time on this

*Both John and Sans looked at each other for a moment before entering, both with different thoughts in their heads*

John: (seems to be someone kind, although they all went to it before I told them my level)

Sans: (I wonder what they'll have in the cafeteria)


I'm going to let you know, for the next episode I'm going to change the writing style