
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 32

Nathan and Sophie hid in a dark corner as they looked over the map they had created.

"Alright, this place has five corridors that lead outside. There are 4 rooms in each corridor, with another one being in the central part of this place. The corridors are connected to each other just like a spiderweb, so our job at sneaking around will be easy." Sophie said.

"Indeed. Out of each 4 room in the corridors, only one or two are guarded, while everyone else is sleeping in the other rooms we found unguarded, or the rooms are used for storing supplies. We need to get rid of Supervisor Ezra and free the slaves as soon as possible." Nathan pointed at the room in the center that had only one entrance.

"Okay then, let's go~!" Sophie got up energetically.

They sneaked their way back to the center of the cave system, as they already knew where the guards were.

As they got closer to the room, which was surprisingly unguarded, Nathan motioned with his hand for Sophie to stop, as he focused his senses inside the room.

'His breathing is slowed and there are no other noises coming from inside… good! He is asleep.'

Nathan slowly approached the door and opened it silently. Inside the room, there was nothing unusual, so Nathan nodded to Sophie and they went inside and closed the door.

Nathan walked up to the bed and made sure the target was asleep.

'He has slept like a rock…' He sighed in relief as he noticed Sophie calling for him with her hand.

He walked over and looked at the open book on the desk…

'What the…'

[23rd Shipment Log]

[Name: Karia Age: 7 Condition: Healthy Price: 50 Silver Coins]

[Name: Xanda Age: 4 Condition: Slightly ill Price: 10 Silver Coins]

[Name: Carwel Age: 16 Condition: Very Healthy Price: 3 Gold Coins]

Nathan looked at the long list, all of which was filled with names, as fury sprouted in his heart! They were treating children as merchandise!

'Kids!!! They are all kids!!! How could they sell a kid who is barely 4 years old…' Nathan turned around and walked up to the sleeping Supervisor, drawing his dagger,

'He deserves to die!' he raised the dagger ready to kill him in his sleep.

He wanted to swing down with all his might in that moment…

But he didn't…

'I can't be rash…' He lowered the dagger, as he returned to Sophie who looked at him confused as to why he didn't just kill him.

He whispered to her, "Give me the rest of the rope you have and keep watch outside. Anyone who approaches, knock them out."

Sophie didn't question his orders as she nodded and did as he said.

Nathan took the rope and tightly bound Supervisor Ezra to the bed he was sleeping on, while also covering his eyes.

'I dearly hope that you are worth the time I'm wasting over you…' Nathan drew his sword and placed it on the Supervisor's neck, instantly startling him awake!

"If you don't want to die, you would do best to stay quiet." Nathan threateningly increased the pressure on the blade.

Supervisor Ezra, who was instinctively struggling moments ago, instantly calmed down, not uttering a word.

"Good. It's always a pleasure to work with smart people. Now… what do you have to say about that book over the desk? Oh! And also, I'm not very famous for my patience, so do not test it." Nathan focused his senses entirely on Supervisor Ezra. He got cut off from the outside world completely. Here, in his imagination, there was only him and Ezra. Nathan had found out that if he focused really hard on someone, under the effects of [Enhanced Senses] he would be able to slightly tell truths apart from the lies. He was hoping to use that ability here.

"W-wait! I can explain!" Ezra seemed to know that he was in a dangerous situation, so he kept his voice quiet to a whisper,

"T-those reports are indeed as you suspect… those c-children were sold! I couldn't do anything about them, because my family would be endangered! All I could do was to secretly remove some people from reports and send them to an orphanage! Please! Believe me!" Ezra was on the verge of tears. He was not a heartless man as many perceived him to be. Every time he had to write a name in that book, his heart bled to see so many lives be ruined by the greed of others…

Nathan noticed that his words contained no falsehood, but he didn't believe them all instantly. There was much to confirm before he decides on the authenticity of his words, but for now…

Nathan lifted the blade, "I will be the judge of that. But for now… you have bought yourself some time. When the time comes, I will contact you. You will have the chance to atone for your sins. Remember, when the moon rises, The Night shall return…"

"Thank you! If you need any help, I will do my best to be of service, but I beg of you! At least save the children captive here, and take them to any orphanage and give them my name! They will know what to do!" Ezra cried out sincerely.

Nathan paused for a moment, before replying, "That was the plan all along. You better start figuring out a way to deal with the punishment of letting all these 'merchandise' escape."

Without another word, Nathan took the report logs, and left the room. Time was short, and he didn't have the luxury to waste more time on Ezra. Only time could reveal his true nature… time, he didn't have.

He noticed Sophie hiding in the shadows outside, with the corridor being empty. He sighed in relief as he walked over, "Let's free the slaves from the tunnel next to the one we entered from. We will free the others and exit the way we came. Nitis should be ready by now, so let's make haste."

"What happened to the Supervisor?" Sophie asked curiously as they began sprinting.

"I left him alive after asking a few questions from him. He might prove useful in the future." Nathan said.

Sophie nodded and stayed silent.

Soon, they reached the almost sleeping guards, and separated as planned. They activated [Stealth], and Nathan sneaked behind the guard on the other side of the door. In perfect sync, they knocked out the two guards effortlessly. Nathan was really surprised by the lack of security in this place, but that is to be expected. No one expected people to infiltrate an underground facility in the middle of the night. Everyone else was already asleep.

They dragged the bodies and hid them in a corner before opening the door.

Inside the room, 4 people slept in torn clothing. Their bodies were battered and bruised. Their lips were dry and cracked and the room was damp and there was a disgusting smell within the cell. Truly, a terrible way to treat kids like them.

"Wake them up, but make sure they don't make any sound. Cover their mouth if you have to." Nathan instructed Sophie before moving up to a sleeping girl, around 4 years old, before shaking her slightly. He completely ignored the stench of the room. If they lived here for so many days, it would be cowardly of him to even flinch right now…

"Hey! Wake up! We have to move!" Nathan urged with his voice lowered.

"Hmm… huh…? Who are-" Nathan hastily covered her mouth.

"Shhhh! Stay silent." He said sternly.

The girl looked startled, she was even shaking slightly, but she bravely nodded her little head.

Seeing that Nathan walked over to the next person, a sickly thin little boy, who slept on the stone floor of the cave.

Nathan also woke him up while covering his mouth and beckoned him to stay silent.

Sophie also woke up the two others, seemingly a pair of sisters, before returning to his side.

Nathan faced all four people, who were in terrible condition, "Alright, we are short on time, so ask questions later. Keep quiet and follow our lead. Take care of each other and do not get separated. We will free the others imprisoned here and take you to safety. Time is short, let's go."

The kids' face lit up for hope for the first time. Being held captive in these tunnels like rats was hell for them, but now, someone was offering them a helping hand, and they were determined to hold on and not let go.

They all stood up, as if seemingly completely forgetting about their exhausted bodies, and followed Nathan.

Nathan turned to the little girl he woke up first, the youngest of the group, "What's your name?"

"S-Sara. My name is Sara…" She replied timidly.

"Sara, I need you to stay strong, okay? We will soon leave here with everyone else, so endure a bit longer, alright?" Nathan patted her head gently.

"Okay… I will do my best!" Sara said with determination. Out of everyone here, she was in the worst condition right now.

Nathan nodded, and together with Sophie, they slowly led the group to the next guarded room.

So far, everything had gone smoothly…