
Chapter 14

Lance had his people looking out for whatever they could find, while William was telling every bit of the case details to Ian. Lance had already received the files on the woman named 'Xue Lin' or so the documents stated her name was. According to the investigations, wherever Xue Lin appeared, she had been accompanied by people. They are still unaware if she was leading this group of people or was being forced into this. The strange thing was that there were only a few CCTV footages that they had found, and the only conclusion Lance could come to was that there was definitely someone behind the scenes. Though the woman Xue Lin might not be that important of a clue for Ian's mother's case, she was an important breakthrough point for the serial murder case.

He had decided to let his people look into the few men whose faces were visible in the footages. He knew how this strange relative of Ian was affecting him. Ian had been alone for a long period of his life, a sudden relative popping up and prancing about, while also being involved in a serial murder case. Lance had already realized that his sudden protectiveness over Ian went far beyond the scope of colleagues, but he couldn't help it. Ian's eyes were usually stern and he gave off a cold air to strangers, yet he could see a deep sense of loneliness in those eyes that he couldn't erase. He wanted to get close to that boy, embrace him in his arms, whisper sweet nothings to him to make him shy, comfort him, to become his pillar of support. Lance knew he wanted too much; he was greedy for just a single look of dependence from the boy. But before all that he will protect him, create a protective cover around him and save him from whatever dangers come his way. He'd give him what he needed and retreat if that was what the boy needed. Lance smiled self depreciatingly thinking how absurd it was of him to think of losing the boy before even properly pursuing him.

While Lance was wallowing and drowning himself in his foolish thoughts, Ian had decided to take the college entrance exams and study forensic medicine. He knew he had the criminal psychologist tag backing him up if he needed to join the police force officially as soon as possible, but he had to have a proper identity to work in an upright manner on cases. He could always try to join the police activity but in his eighteen years of life he had not even won a fight against Stacey let alone others. Who know why despite having good stamina and strength, he was good at sports but his hands and legs refused to cooperate in a fight. His identity as a criminal psychologist was to be kept a secret and was far too dangerous to be revealed, it ought to stay hidden for now. Making up his mind, he relaxed in his seat, lay his head on the table and fell asleep. Nathan looked at the guy who just a few seconds ago was contemplating his life's direction and in the next second laid down like a puddle of water.

Soon it was time for their music class. They arrived and were surprised to find a stranger in class, Michael Sanders was nowhere to be seen. Ian and Nathan glanced at each other in surprise, Nathan nodded at him and immediately took of in the principal office's direction. Just as he turned the last corner of the way he bumped into the principal.

"Sir where is Mr. Michael Sanders?" Nathan asked holding the principal by his shoulders.

The sharp glare of the principal cooled Nathan's frantic mind down, he bowed his head and apologised in a low voice before repeating the question.

The principal, namely Samuel Paxton sighed and said, "Last evening, he gave me a resignation letter and went away."

"Resignation letter? He resigned? The Fuck?" Nathan exclaimed without a hold over his tongue.

The principal raised his eyebrows at him and said, "Mind your language student."

Nathan ran away after giving a quick apology to the principal. Arriving at the class without a single loss of breath, Nathan immediately went over to Ian's side. Yet before he could speak Ian stated looking at Nathan lazily, "He resigned."

"Hell. Ian how do you even know that?" Nathan asked staring inquisitively at Ian.

Ian sported a small smirk on his face and said, "Obviously the substitute teacher said that."

Nathan gaped at Ian but before he could continue to question him, a voice interrupted him from behind, "Are you Nathan Walker?"

"Yes Sir." Nathan stated with his back straight.

The teacher smiled on hearing his positive answer and said, "Good boy, now go out of the class and stand."

Nathan grumbled at Ian for treating him like a fool and said, "Ian let's stay back and watch today's match."

Without waiting for a reply, he rushed out of the class and stood by the door, leaning against the wall, peeping inside the window. Ian laughed and shook his head at his antics.

I wish you guys could give me small coments and complaints, it doesn't cost anything and I'd appreciate it if I could know if you like or dislike something about the story.

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