
Chapter 13

It gave Ian quite a shock. He had always thought that his mother ran away, leaving him and his father behind. Never in a million years had he imagined that there might have been a reason behind her disappearance. He had been wrong about her his entire life if the list was true then he had been absolutely wrong to have judged her. Lance could clearly see the conflict that appeared in Ian's usual expressionless eyes, although he didn't know the reason, he knew that it was eating up Ian on the inside. So before he could stop himself he took Ian's petite body in his arms and embraced him tightly.

The arms around him warmed Ian, he had only ever felt this warmth from the library owner and Stacey. He knew this warmth was different though, this warmth contained the security that his heart had always secretly desired. Ian was happy and he was scared at the same time. What if this sudden warmth was lost as sudden as he had come. He didn't want to lose this. He stepped back after taking a long breath, as if his body had already made up its mind that this would be its last indulgence in this protective embrace. He was flustered as he was well aware of how sharp Lance' senses were. He was hoping that he would ignore his embarrassing actions.

This episode lasted barely for a minute, it was so short that Nathan failed to notice the complex dilemma in Ian's eyes and the joy Lance' eyes emanated.

"I'll get the investigation done, while you can send these where you need to send them." Ian sternly stated giving out orders while being aware that it was totally unnecessary. He swiftly left leaving behind a confused Nathan and a smirking Lance. Seeing how Ian escaped as if his ass was on fire, Lance nodded at Nathan and followed after Ian.

"Were you planning to walk back by yourself?" Lance asked while crossing his arms and leaning against the car.

"Nope. At most I would steal your car and leave you behind." Ian stated with a stiff face as if all that happened inside was an illusion. Although Lance didn't want it to be one, he knew it wasn't the right time to be talking about these things. He decided to wait till this case and confusion was solved, he'd wait till Ian could be free from the shackles of his own past and problems. While he didn't want Ian to think he was sympathizing with him, he was also scared of being rejected.

Without waiting for Lance, Ian got into Lance' car and stared at him with his deep alluring eyes. When Lance saw Ian's actions, he decided to drive wordlessly to the police headquarters. Ian immediately walked towards William's office, Lance decided not to follow and investigate on his own. If, just in case what Ian thought had truly happened he needed to be ahead Ian by a step to be able to provide him some comfort or some sort of relief.

When Ian realized Lance was not following him, his guard went up on its own exuding a cold aura, that could keep people easily away.

William Weatherson sat with his head in his hands, he was confused and frustrated he didn't know how to easily break this news to Ian. He knew that it wouldn't affect Ian in his work. He'd still work efficiently, but he didn't want to hurt the poor child's heart. A few minutes ago, he was sure Ian would work objectively even if he found this out but after hearing the most recent discovery on the H.H he wasn't so sure anymore.

Hearing the door creak open he looked up only to see Ian strolling inside with ease. Before William could speak, Ian said, "I need to look into the archives of the year 1999."

William knew what was coming, he had already accessed those files and had already downloaded it on his computer. When he heard Ian, he nodded and turned the screen towards Ian.

"Thanks." Ian said while his fingers swiftly moved on the keyboard as he emailed himself those files.

"What you thought was correct Ian. That woman is indeed your mother, Iris Scott she went missing on her way back from grocery shopping. I have one more news to break to you, tell me when you are ready."

Ian's hands shook, he knew what could have happened when he saw that list. It was all true. Another news what could it be? Ian calmed himself as much as possible and said, "Tell me."

"The DNA of your only relative was found on another scene and this time fortunately it has been traced to an abandoned house, on arriving at that place, we discovered that everything was wiped clean. Though from the investigations we can be clear that the person who lived there was a woman called Xue Lin. It is yet to be confirmed if the identity was fake or real. The sketches are being made and should arrive any minute."

Xue Lin. Xue Lin, most probably an aunt he never knew existed, she is a person that is a clue, a breakthrough for both cases, the serial murder and the human trafficking.

I'll make sure to find her. For my broken family and for the broken families of all the others. He'll definitely find her and question her himself.

"Send me the sketch when it arrives." With this sentence Ian walked out of William's office carrying a new determination in his heart.