
Saiyan of the cosmos

A street-fighting punk died while fighting off a gang to protect a little Dog. Aiyana had a habit of getting into fights on the reservation earning her the title of street punk. while on an outing in a city, she came across a group of men beating on a small dog. She sprinted forward towards them and started to fight. {art is not mine}

Saiyan_Writer · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

(chapter 6) Saiyan's Assemble!!!

She floated there in a medical pod as her wounds healed. that was one hell of a fight she thought, a smile growing on her face. Thankfully she had learned two things. First, she needed to train her tails. didn't want a repeat of what happened during that fight to happen again. Secondly, to get stronger which will require her to learn martial arts. Now the question was where did she want to learn it?


"Please find a safe location for reward to drop"'Spoke the grandma. That would have to wait till later she thought. For now, she would focus on getting a troop of her own. Think back to the fight her blood was pumping and screaming in excitement as if shouting this was what they were made for. She understood now why they loved to fight it was kind of like a drug. And there were also those two idiots who did fight with her. they were pretty strong maybe they wouldn't mind following her. She would tell them to join once she was out.

After having spent a day in the pod she was free to go. it had turned out those two were in pods next to her. Ironic, but still this made things easier, "system what are their power levels". 1,200 for the girl 1300 for the boy it said. Checking her info page her power level was 2,000. They were most definitely the strongest kids besides the prince for kids their age. Having decided to wait she spent the time there browsing the power and ability list.

Three hours later

The first one out was the barbarian-looking girl. Which she found strange, to see her wearing those clothes. "hey join my troop" Avoca said while pointing her thump towards her face. "you would take someone like me to your Troop? daughter of a coward?" she asked somewhat taken aback. Avoca explain that it didn't matter to her all that mattered was her strength and loyalty to her. The girl nodded and introduced herself as Selera. Score she thought one down and one more to go.

Speaking of the devil He finally got out of his pod. Looking towards the two girls and walking past them without even giving them a second thought. Well he's a stick in the mud she sighed before grabbing his shoulder. "where do you think you're going" She said as she pulled him around to look at her. "To look for some food," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. Saiyans she thought but he was right there was no way they were doing anything on an empty stomach.

"Fine don't forget you are in my Troop got it!." She shouted at him as he walked away while he and Selera ran to catch up with him. They headed towards the food court she was at before. Sitting down and wolfing down plat after plat of food. "Hey, you have yet to tell me your name." She spoke with food in her mouth.

"it's Totoma," he said before choking a bit then grabbing the water to drink. All three of them laughed as they spent the rest of the time eating getting to know each other. That was until she felt someone grab her shoulder. "Little Avoca I heard about your fight great job." she turned to see her Aunt Fasha bumping the fist that she had out. "Thanks to these to I lasted as long as I did." She said introducing her troop. That right her troop She thought and was sure she was the de facto leader.

Her Aunt smiled "come I want you to meet someone" she said as she read her to the pod landing station, Her troop members following her. He Aunt stopped her as they watched as The Saiyan with an x scar was talking with Raditz and Turles. It was Bardock "See I told you, you looked like my dad," Said Raditz innocently which surprised her that he had this side to him. She watched a Turles got all nervous and shy. Idiots she thought but they really did look alike. "Hey, Aunt Fasha is there any chance that turtles is his son?" she asked trying to be innocent about it.

"Swear you three won't tell anyone." they nodded "It's a very high chance that he is if their mother is who I think it is." and at that moment some Saiyan woman made her way towards Bardock and those kids. "Mom this is Rafitzs dad Bardock" Turles excitedly said. And the face that Bardock made was priceless. If she could take a picture she would. Fasha walked towards them and Avoca and troop followed.

"Hey captain," Said Fasha as she stood next to Bardock while giving the woman a scary look. While that was happening Avoca and company greeted Raditz and Turles to distract them while the adults spoke. "It was an interesting fight Maybe we can do it again when your strong enough," Said Avoca with a smug look. Looking a bit annoyed Raditzs responded " Next time ill knock you flat on your back!' They looked at each other before laughing as a group. It was in their nature this rivalry. They fist-bumped, Turles even smiled. She was interested and checked their power level. Raditz was 1,000 while Turles had hit 800. Looks like Goku and his group will have a much harder fight in hand. She had to be there in case of things going south plus she needed to keep this idiot alive.

"So this is who beat my son" Bardock spoke, this causing Raditz to get nervous "she may have beaten me now but ill overtake her soon enough," he said trying to put up a front. She Smiled and told him he was welcome to try. Bardock and Fasha laughed. "Well she does an extra 1000 over you in power level " he pointed out.

It was an interesting experience to meet Bardock and to learn he had a second son. It wasn't unheard of for Saiyans to father kids and not know about it. I mean she didn't know her dad and was sure he didn't know about her. Now the training with her troop would begin.

Hi and thank you for reading thus far, I plan to do a time skip where Avoca gets more Abilities and powers. plz, feel free to throw me a few ideas. I hope I've been doing a good job overall with this. Don't forget there's a discord where you can ask me any questions. Again Thank you very much for making it this far.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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