
Saiyan Journey To Power

Being Dropped In DXD As A Saiyan could have been a lot worse, to be honest, now I only need to figure out how to live my new life while making the best of it. Also, fucking Rizevim is in contact with Barbatos from DC. I am completely and utterly f#cked, aren't I? No, Ophis don't eat those six glowing stones, wait... why do you have seven? Oh, Come on, now a Devil Fruit. For crying out loud, Hajime stop dropkicking devils off a cliff after you knock them out. Screw This, I am out Warning Dark

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Angelic Issues Chp 14


"...to be fair you are pretty much hated here," I tell Sairaorg as we eat some bowls of ramen

"So how is your training going?" I ask Sairaorg who is looking a bit down at my question to which I raise one of my eyebrows at that

"I have been having issues with some of the more advanced Toukai techniques and Master is not here..." he began to explain his issues about it but I could tell that something was bothering him

"Which technique is it?" I ask him

"The Toukai blasts ones," He says and I let out a knowing sigh

My KI blasts compared to those of the Toukai are very different

Mine are much more destructive and far easier for me to use

I can make some Toukai blasts if I try hard enough but they are far weaker and much more rigid in application

"Is the formation of it or the level of control..." I begin to ask him as he explains his problems which I figure out is due to him not having the necessary control

I tell him to focus on making a single ball of Touki and moving it around as practice

We proceed to talk further and he mentions that he has a candidate for his queen piece I look at him and he tells me not to worry about it as she agreed

"Not what I meant idiot," I tell him

I glance at a small group of people outside the ramen shop and I sigh while telling him to stay here as I deal with the ones outside

"Alright, what are you idiots doing here?" I ask one of the exorcists before one of them rushes at me

I sigh as I dodge exorcist 1 while I chop him on the back of the neck

I truly don't want to cause any political problems for the Youkai faction since I am trying to get stronger silently

"I won't ask again," I said while grabbing exorcists 2 and 3 by the throats while looking at number 1

I begin to put pressure on their necks and they cry out in pain

"WE WERE SENT TO KILL THE DEVIL CHILD," Screamed 2 and I brought him closer to me

'Who ordered you?" I ask before dropping him to the ground as I sense a rather strong presence teleport near me

I check Sairoaorg's energy and notice that he is watching me deal with these people

(An angel,) I notice the one coming out of the portal

"Stand aside," orders the angel

"No, you are in the territory of the Youkai faction although barely. Leave before this gets bloody," I warn the angel

"Give us the devil child," He orders before I sigh and crack my neck

"I truly don't care for this shit," I say while summoning a sword from Sword Saint imbued with Holy Darkness the true opposite of Holy Light

"What..." says the angel and I sigh again

"Surprised," I say while rushing over to the angel and kicking him to the ground before he can react

"Why are you after him?" I ask him while planting my foot on his head and putting pressure on it

"It is an abomination..." He says before I cut him off as slice one of his wings off

He screams in agony and I am getting angry

"Now the real reason," I tell him

"You killed Kokabiel," He says before I roll my eyes and bring out another sword, this one inspired by the Lasso of Truth from DC and stab him in the left leg causing him to scream again

"Explain," I order him

"We were going to restart... the war..." He says

"So...that...we could...finish what was started," He says and I cut his remaining wing off and knock him

"Fuck," I say as I kill the Exorcists and turn their bodies to ashes along with the angel wings and make a swishing motion with my hand to spread the ashes into the wind

I carry the angel over and put him in a dumpster before I go and tell Sairoarg to go and inform the rest of Kyoto about the situation while I take the angel over to the Vatican as I make a choice

I am going to become an enemy of Heaven

Not how I thought my day would have gone

I grab the angel and fly at my fastest speed to reach Italy and the Vatican to deliver this idiot

I really hope I don't have to fight anyone else

Oh who am I kidding my blood is boiling at the thought of fighting some more

A thought pops into my head

Can I make a sword that allows me to remain calm or it gives me the ability to withstand the raging effects of my different forms?