
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Those Whom He Loves.

The black orbs of the rosary, a gift from Legatine Myriam, rested in my hands, their smoothness offering solace as sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains, casting gentle rays into the room. A faint breeze stirred the air, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

The previous night had found me awake until the late hours, lost in prayer and introspection. I allowed my mind to drift, seeking connection with the divine. The events of recent days, though in some ways welcome, had undoubtedly left their mark, altering me in ways I could scarcely comprehend.

The scent of roses permeated the air, a fragrance that seemed to linger in every corner of the palace. As I struggled to summon the strength to rise from my bed and face the day ahead, the aroma enveloped me, a reminder of the beauty and fragility of life.

Since my awakening during one of the training sessions with the Xenos, I've been plagued by the incessant noise of everyone's thoughts around me. It wasn't a deliberate intrusion, nor could it be silenced or ignored. The sheer weight of emotions was overwhelming, exhausting my mind with its ceaseless barrage.

I found myself immersed in a constant stream of joy, pain, misery, hate, happiness, and love, experiencing the tumult of humanity's collective consciousness at all times. Despite the Warlock's warning, it was impossible to fully comprehend the magnitude of this newfound ability. It was an unrestrained cacophony that threatened to drive me to madness, if not for the soothing chants and litanies I recited in my mind to maintain some semblance of sanity.

'Even though the Warlock has told us beforehand, it is simply too insane to properly grasp my head around.' 

Casting a glance towards the wooden bedside table where my clothes lay, I slipped my feet into the silk slippers and touched the cold floor. With a deep breath, I gathered my waist-length golden hair and began to fashion it into a high ponytail, using the sunlight filtering through the window to assess my appearance.

Before donning my clothes, I hummed a song I had learned in the Order—one that spoke of the trials and rewards of devotion to the Emperor, and the duty we must fulfill.

With my leather belt secured around my hips, I cast a swift glance towards the bed before making my way out of the bedroom and towards the dining room. Outside, cherubim and servoskulls flitted through the corridors, each engaged in its own task.

'I wonder why he doesn't like them?' The question lingered in my mind as I recalled Bann's aversion to these mechanical beings. Without fail, he always insisted they remain at a distance, prohibiting their presence in any room he occupied.

As my footsteps echoed along the wooden corridors, I glanced briefly at the intricate ornaments adorning the walls. Upon reaching the dining room, I halted in surprise, my eyebrows raised at the unexpected sight before me.

Seated at the large table, surrounded by a plethora of dishes, were the seneschal Aurora Fennetos and Ramela, the Saiyan companion and one of Faradras' saviors. The atmosphere between them crackled with tension, their gazes locked in a cold standoff. Meanwhile, Ramela voraciously consumed food intended for at least seven people.

Aurora, dressed in a modest yet comfortable white dress, had her hair elegantly tied in a bun, revealing love bites and other marks adorning her neck. My cheeks flushed at her boldness, diverting my gaze towards the Saiyan girl. Clad only in black spandex, her figure left nothing to the imagination, adorned with similar love bites and marks on her neck, arms, and even glimpses of them on her thighs as she raised her leg into the tapestry of the seat.

Despite their serious expressions, both women exuded a radiant glow that caught my envy. 'It must be nice... I hope to experience that soon,' I thought to myself, feeling a pang of longing.

They were both stunning, each in their own unique way, yet shared a common aura of joy and contentment. And from the looks exchanged between them, it was evident they knew who was responsible for the other's blissful state.

"Good morrow, Ms. Fennetos, Ms. Ramela," I greeted them with a deep sigh, entering the room with a sense of resignation.

The two paused their silent competition to acknowledge my presence. "Morning, Ms. Sterna. How fared your slumber?" Aurora inquired, her voice laced with genteel concern.

Ramela nodded in response, her attention consumed by the task of gnawing on a bone.

Taking my place at the prepared seat, I replied to Aurora, "Though sleep eluded me due to restless dreams, I find myself surprisingly invigorated this morning. And what of your night, Ms. Fennetos?" Despite my reluctance to broach the subject, I inquired out of courtesy, seeking to alleviate the tension that hung thick in the air.

Aurora's countenance radiated with warmth and sincerity, her captivating smile adding an ethereal quality to her already mesmerizing beauty. "The night proved to be quite splendid, an unexpected delight that I welcomed with open arms." She shared, her voice tinged with longing as her hands tenderly caressed her abdomen.

Ramela's gruff growl punctuated the conversation, her attention momentarily diverted from Aurora's gesture as she forcefully cracked a bone, the sound echoing through the room. She slurped the marrow within, her expression betraying unmistakable discontent.

As I observed their interaction, a sense of foreboding crept over me. 'If they cannot reconcile and communicate, the harmonious vision I beheld in my dreams may remain but a distant hope,' I pondered, turning my attention to the meager fare before me. Despite its simplicity, I savored each bite, grateful for the nourishment it provided compared to the austerity of convent life.

With the rhythmic clinking of our cutlery echoing throughout the dining room, a palpable tension settled over us like a heavy shroud as we partook of our meal. An uneasy silence hung in the air, broken only by the steady rhythm of our chewing. Then, as if drawn by some invisible force, our attention was drawn to the source of the approaching footsteps, a presence that seemed to cast a shadow over the room, stifling the very air we breathed.

A figure emerged, adorned with locks of lavender cascading down her shoulders—a sight that filled me with a mixture of dread and resentment, for this was the individual who had once brought about my demise, the one whose presence I despised most on this planet. Hastily, I closed my eyes, willing myself to remain composed, to resist the urge to be consumed by hatred that threatened to engulf me. 'Don't let it bother you,' I repeated to myself like a mantra, 'don't allow yourself to be consumed by hate.' With each breath, I sought to regain my composure.

"Hmph" A derisive scoff pierced the silence, followed by her disdainful words. "That beast wastes no time sinking its fangs into you, does it? I wonder how long it will be until it does the same with her," she remarked, her words like barbs aimed at the heart of our uneasy gathering. Sensing the weight of various gazes fixed upon me, I quickened the pace of my mental chants, desperate to shield myself from the onslaught of emotions threatening to engulf me.

Swallowing hard to dislodge the heavy knot lodged in my throat, I reluctantly opened my eyes and directed my gaze towards my plate, determined to continue eating despite the churning turmoil within me. Each bite felt like lead in my mouth, my appetite vanishing under the weight of her presence.

'Control yourself, Cielo,' I admonished myself silently, 'she won't go anywhere, and you must restrain your negative feelings.' Keeping my eyes fixed on my food helped to mitigate the discomfort her presence evoked, yet the sheer contempt and loathing simmered within me, threatening to consume me from within.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, a sudden gulp caught my attention before Ramela's voice cut through the silence. "You're just jealous that it wasn't you. Don't worry, though, I'm sure he'd be after you. After all, I don't think neither my brother nor that brat had it in them to go after you," she remarked in a tone laced with playful banter, punctuated by the sound of her voracious munching.

Another scoff resonated in the room, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of a chair being shifted as Seleri voiced her thoughts, "I'll be damned before I share the man who fathers my children." With a swift glance in her direction, I observed her gathering various plates of food to her side.

Despite the tense atmosphere, a grin tugged at my lips. 'Well, in that case, you'll be even more damned than you already are,' I mused internally, unable to suppress the ironic twist of fate between what I had seen in my dreams and the words spoken now.

With a newfound resolve, I vowed to hold onto her words, determined to make her regret them. I refused to allow my negative emotions to gain the upper hand, opting instead to observe the unfolding dynamics with keen interest.

"Well, you'll either end up as an old hag alone or settle for a human male, because there's no way I'll be leaving Bann," Ramela declared with unwavering resolve, her gaze fixed squarely on Seleri.

Seleri returned her companion's intense stare with eyes brimming with emotions, the depths of which remained a mystery to both Aurora and me.

In the midst of this charged exchange, Aurora and I remained silent, our voices drowned out by the palpable tension emanating from the two figures. Their disregard for our customs and etiquette was evident as they lounged with legs raised on their chairs, devouring their food with the grace of thugs.

"What about you, woman? You wouldn't mind sharing Bann with Ramela, would you? Do you think you could keep up with him?" Seleri's tone dripped with sarcasm as she directed her gaze toward Aurora, her eyes brimming with contempt.

Aurora maintained a façade of impassiveness and courtesy, attempting to conceal her reaction from the rest of us. However, I couldn't help but notice the subtle clenching of her fist around her silverware, a telltale sign of her inner turmoil. "I will be a dutiful wife to my fiancé, and I will support him in every way he needs me. He is more than enough of a man for that."

'If only you knew...' I couldn't help but think, feeling a pang of sympathy for Aurora as I watched the two Saiyans grimace at the mention of the word 'wife,' their eyes shooting daggers at the ruler of this city.

Seleri narrowed her eyes as she spoke, her voice dripping with scorn, distaste, and loathe. "Aren't you a helpful little human? Just remember, you're lucky to have been chosen as the wife of a Saiyan, let alone Bann." Her words cut through the air like a knife, and her gaze bore into Aurora with such intensity that it seemed capable of piercing through her.

'She's certainly not the one who is little,' I couldn't help but think to myself as I observed the stark contrast between Seleri's petite frame and Aurora's voluptuous and matronly figure.

Aurora's expression hardened at Seleri's words, and she spoke with evident discontent. "Have I wronged you in any way, Ms. Seleri? I do not ecall uttering any foul words towards you to warrant such clear enmity from your end." Despite the intimidating stare she received from the lavender-haired girl, Aurora remained steadfast, puffing out her chest defiantly.

A dangerous smile spread across Seleri's lips as she responded, "Oh, I'm simply reminding you of your luck. You're nothing more than a simple and feeble human woman, serving your purpose and nothing more." Her words cut through the air like a dagger, not only stinging Aurora but also causing a pang of discomfort within myself. Meanwhile, Ramela continued to eat her food, seemingly unfazed by the tension in the room.

It appeared that Ramela shared Seleri's sentiments.

Before Aurora could respond, I turned my gaze to the girl who had once been the cause of my demise and addressed her with a sharp tone. "There's no need to lace your words with venom to hide your jealousy. It's surprising that with all the power you possess, you can't find the courage to speak your mind to Bann." My words seemed to stun Seleri, her eyes widening in disbelief as I continued. "But worry not, you, along with Ms. Ramela and Ms. Fennetos, will stand by Bann's side, raising a family and protecting what belongs to you. In the meantime, try to be more bearable and likable to the rest of us."

Taking a deep breath, I cut the last remaining piece of food from my plate as silence descended upon the room. My gaze remained fixed on my plate as I savored the final morsel, feeling the seconds stretch out like an eternity and the drops from the vase of juice moving at a snail's pace.

I could sense the eyes of the three females on me, their silent scrutiny weighing heavily. With a gulp, I finished my breakfast before delicately cleaning my lips with a piece of cloth. Clearing my throat, I addressed them, "I can assure you all that if you were to communicate with each other and strive to improve your relationships, it would bring great joy to Bann and create a positive environment for your children to be raised in. One that won't bring doom upon us all, if you catch my drift." 

Standing up and meeting the gaze of each woman with resolve, I bid them farewell, ignoring the hateful glare of Seleri. "Now, I hope you all have a good day. It was nice to see you and share breakfast together."

My footsteps echoed through the silent dining room as I made my way to the double doors. With a final glance back at the three women, I closed the doors behind me, leaving behind their silent stares to greet only the wood of the doors.

Placing my forehead against the doors, I let out a long, weary groan, closing my eyes as I thought, 'If he's not the one doing it, then I shall be. Sigh, my only hope is that everything works out as He's planning it.' The idea of these kinds of conflicts becoming a regular occurrence weighed heavily on my mind, leaving me feeling uncertain as I prayed for the Emperor's guidance.

'Cielo, you fool! How dare you question whether the Emperor is right? Of course he's right!' I scolded myself inwardly as I navigated through the palace corridors, making my way towards the building that currently served as the barracks for my Order.

I would need to seek guidance from my fellow sisters, and perhaps the Legatine could help me to reflect upon my thoughts and actions.


15 chapters in advance on my patreon./Sr_Devoxero

Yeez, these women are a serious thing man, I wouldn't want to be at their bad side.

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