
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

The Warp.

After spending more time than he first expected, Bann was finally able to find the void suit in the frigate of the Empire that was called "The Blazing Feather" which was the personal ship of the Inquisitor and his acolytes.

A big ship for a simple man, in Bann's opinion was a waste but such was the reality of this universe that he simply shrugged it off. It was a problem of the Imperium after all.

Eyeing the same corridor he has been using until now, Bann gestured to his teammates of their arrival. Slowing down their speed and hasting them to stand beside him, Bann let out Augusta from his grasp and opened the metal doors.

As soon as they rushed inside and slammed the door shut, they were met with a sight that piqued their curiosity, yet repulsed them at the same time. The expansive corridor stretched out before them, shrouded in shadows and illuminated dimly by flickering candles that cast eerie shadows on the rusted metal walls. The atmosphere was so gloomy and ominous that it seemed to be straight out of a horror movie.

Augusta who took off her helmet, looked pissedly at Bann who during the flight grabbed her by the tummy.

And although she understood why he had done it, at the extreme speed they flew, it was sure to put her in danger if she ever slipped. Still, that didn't mean she didn't feel repelled by his touch or his presence.

"This place is horrible." The voice of Seleri could be heard as she eyed with clear disgust the corridor.

"It's certainly rustic, but I can't say anything since our base is in no better condition hehe." Rucule laughed as he eyed around. His eyes land on the previous slaves looking at them with intrigue.

Saving the question for later they followed Bann as he walked forward while he spoke "It doesn't matter if it's horrible or not, this place works which is the most important aspect of it."

Ramela who looked around couldn't help but wonder "Are we going to live here?" She wasn't against such an idea, but she wanted to train and with such a tight place she didn't believe she would be able to.

Bann tilted his head sideways while he explained with an unsure tone "Kind of, this place has many tools that could help us defend this planet, while also having a hangar bay, its industrial complex, and other things that enable it to produce weapons, ammunition, and small ships."

"But we cannot train in it." Rucule pointed out.

Bann nodded his head "Exactly, we have all the space we want outside but we wouldn't be battling long enough before we need to take a breath again." He let out a sigh of frustration.

His body was aching for another training. The previous battles didn't even work as a warm-up.

As they continued walking the corridors of the space station, the Saiyans couldn't help but notice the amount of people that were still alive in it, with Seleri pointing this out "Didn't you clean this place from its previous owner? What are all these people?"

The looks of surprise along reverences were slightly bothering her as she wasn't accustomed to such.

Bann sighed while he answered her "Most of these people were previous slaves, the rest were workers that maintain this place functioning, so I cannot afford to kill them."

With a simple "Oh" Seleri then shut her mouth and continued eyeing around.

Sometime later, they found themselves standing in the Royal Chamber of the station. The room had been thoroughly purged of the blood and corpses that had once littered the area. Despite the best efforts to restore the space, remnants of the violent altercation still lingered, scars etched into the walls as a testament to the tumultuous event that had taken place. Yet, nobody bothered to take notice of the damage, for their eyes were all fixated on the massive window that overlooked the planet and the sprawling docking bay.

There they all looked over the three ships docked in the various corridors that connected the hangar bay with the space station.

"Those are the ships, each one of them still had some personal in them but they are waiting for the troops on the planet." Bann gestured while stepping forward.

Putting both hands on his back he faced the window while he continued "Their weapons are powerful, well some of them if none of us is careful could even take one of our limbs without effort."

"And how do you know that?" Rucule asked with a confused expression.

Bann snapped his head in his direction and said with a grin "Just look at the size of those batteries. Hehehe" Making Seleri groan in annoyance and Ramela looking at loss.

Rucule only chuckled at his words yet he stared intently at the ships "I like their designs." He commented.

Bann nodded as he agreed "I do too."

"They could be better." Simply said Seleri while Ramela looked around the Royal Chamber.

"So we're not going to destroy those ships and wait until the sisters of Cielo get their bums into them and yeet away." Bann turned around once again as he announced.

Looking at his face Seleri asked while tilting her head "If you have already decided, then why did you bring us here?"

At her question, Rucule and Ramela turned to stare at Bann with curiosity. There would be a reason for making them do such a travel until here.

Bann walked away from the window and motioned to one side where various couches of black leather could be seen facing each other alongside a coffee or tea table.

Sitting himself in one of the couches, he patted beside him to Augusta to follow him. While the Saiyans take a seat around him.

He then motioned to Ramela to turn on her Scouter as he said "You'll be needing the live translator for this." She obeyed as she did what she was told and looked at both Bann and Augusta.

After taking a moment to look at them with a serious look, Bann started with a low tone "There's something important that we need to address, a thing that I believe may pose a threat to not only us but our children too."

Seeing him acting so serious and speaking about a threat, made even Seleri eye Bann with more seriousness as she heard him with attention.

"I've come into the knowledge of the existence of a parallel reality called 'The Warp' a place where the beliefs and emotions of every being in the reality take form. One that seems to be filled with horrors and creatures such as daemons, gods, and other kinds of entities, am I right Acolyte?" Bann turned around and asked Augusta.

Who until then had a solemn look on her face as she kept hearing Bann's words. Everything he said until now could have been considered heretical, not because of what he said, but for knowing it.

Yet realizing she couldn't judge them by the Imperium standard she gulped down as she nodded her head "That's indeed the case. The warp can taint the soul of every mortal being, that means even you four cannot escape its clutches if they ever get a grasp of you."

Rucule who was now sitting at the edge of the couch couldn't help but ask "And how do we know if the warp taints us?"

Eyeing the tall man, Augusta answered him with a solemn tone "It is only necessary for you to witness a creature from there to be tainted by the warp. From then on it is only upon you and your faith in the god-emperor to be able to withstand its rotting in your soul." She wasn't able to continue as Bann stopped her with his hand.

"We do not need a god emperor whatsoever to be able to withstand the warp, remember that our training does enhance our mind and spirit, thus we shouldn't be like the normal humans that fell into its clutches." Bann explained them while giving them a warning "Though that doesn't mean it won't be able to lure you. Acolyte, tell them how the whispers of the warp work."

Bann had to bite on his tongue to simply not say everything he knew about the warp, mostly because it would be weird for him to know such a thing. Just saying all of this was enough to make his teammates be surprised.

Augusta who was looking at their eyes, cast her gaze downwards as she grasped her hands "I... I don't know that well in regards to how the wicked lure the humans into their grasp." She then raised her eyes to meet Bann's "But my master has told me they use whatever we wish in our hearts to promise us what we long for."

"Wait." Seleri who looked until now with strangeness couldn't help but ask "But how do we know if it's affecting us? I mean, we're Saiyans after all." Her voice sounded unsure.

Bann looked over her and asked, "You're talking about our might?" Seleri nodded as she answered "This is not about might, we're talking about beings that can put us against each other, that could snare our children and corrupt them. It's more complicated than simply pulp daemons to ashes."

Augusta nodded her head with fervour as she added "Each time we deal with chaos cultists and daemons from the warp, we have to cleanse the places or even destroy entire villages. Their taint is beyond what you can imagine. The things that a normal person is capable of doing when possessed or corrupted are far beyond the most evil and gruesome things you can fathom." As Augusta spoke those words, her face contorted into an expression of disgust and terror, visible to all those around her. The intense emotions she conveyed were unmistakable and left a lasting impression on the listeners.

"That is why they burn those witches as they call them, though they have another name, psykers. They are humans or other beings that can use the warp to channel powers of a wide variety, am I right Acolyte?" Bann asked while he gave Augusta a knowing smile.

The latter gulped down as she nodded "That's indeed the case, the witches are people who showcase supernatural abilities. Just like how you fly or throw energy with your hands. They too are capable of feats like those." Just when Seleri was about to interrupt her, Augusta continued.

"However, the witches are prone to be possessed by daemons each time they use their abilities. And once they are possessed, it's up to fate for their worlds not to be invaded through them by the daemons." There was a hollow look on Augusta's face as she said this.

Bann who inspected the woman until now gestured with his hands as he explained "The Acolyte here is a psyker. One that seemed to have been trained to be safe around, right?"

Augusta looked at Bann with a complicated expression as she slowly nodded her head "Indeed. I am a sanctioned psyker. Someone the Imperium has deemed as capable of using my abilities." When Augusta said that there was a clear look of sorrow on her face that it was clear for everyone to see.

"And what happens to those they don't deem as capable of such?" Asked Rucule with intrigue.

"I don't know... when we were taken by the black ship they separated us and left us in the dark for months. That is until they judge our abilities and our will." She went silent after saying this.

It was Bann who once again took the lead as he answered in her stead "They are probably killed, I assume since that's what they do with the witches."

"So we have to take care of these witches and the warp, right? Is that all you wanted to talk about?" Asked Seleri with a raised brow.

Bann shook his head and gave a side glance at Augusta while he explained "I wanted to introduce you to it, but here our friend will be helping us to delve deeper into the warp."

Seeing the maniacal smile on Bann's face made the Saiyans feel a chill down their spine as Rucule couldn't help but ask "What are you planning?"

With a ruthless glint in his eyes, Bann answered him "We're going to practice with the warp, and if it's possible. We're going to gaze into it." The guttural laugh of Bann alongside his words made Augusta look at them with horror written on her face.

The consequences of individuals like them succumbing to the nefarious and corrupting forces of the ruinous powers were simply unfathomable. The potential ramifications and aftermath of such a fall were so severe and far-reaching that she could scarcely comprehend the extent of the damage that could be wrought upon the galaxy. The mere thought of such an eventuality was enough to send shivers down her spine and fill her with a profound sense of dread and foreboding.


A.N: 7 chapters in advance (And more to stack up) in my p~atreon alongside the two first +18 scenes.

7 chapters in advance on my Patreon.com/sr_devoxero


A saiyan falling into the hands of Khorne would be game over for the whole galaxy. Don't you think?

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts