
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs


After doing a little showcase of power, Bann sat with the nobles and started stating the improvements they would be giving to Faradras.

Be it by modernising the cities and towns while also stepping into a technological era, to the talks concerning the education of the masses. He made his stance clear regarding the needs that this world would have once they approached a certain milestone.

He then proceeded to explain the importance of the psykers in their future society, although it was heavily met with disagreement looks and disgust at the notion. Yet they could only accept his words.

For more than forty minutes he spoke with them and explained what he expected not only for Redentia but the whole planet itself.

"And so we reach the last point, there are currently two other male Saiyans alongside me who are - and would be - in the age of taking women to increase our numbers. We do expect females from your noble families to be given so we can tie our lineages and deepen our relationship with Faradras." Bann explained while the nobles looked at each other. Many with doubtful looks as they couldn't believe the notion of a xenos species mixing with humans.

"But aren't you a Xenos? How could you impregnate a human?" Aurora couldn't help but ask Bann with a raised brow.

"Aside from our tails and other... features, we are like your regular human. Although we are vastly superior in every aspect you may think of." He answered her with confidence and arrogance as he tapped his finger on the armrest of a wooden chair that was given to him.

Aurora sat more comfortably on her seat as she leaned forward and asked Bann "So, if you take a noblewoman and have a children with her, would you give her a world for her family? As you mentioned you'll be conquering worlds from now on."

"Interested in reigning over a world, Ms. Fennetos?" Bann asked with amusement at her clear interest, "But answering your question, yes that would be indeed the case. Each Saiyan would be given a world to hold into alongside his family, for all of us would be princes."

His word seemed to not only pick Aurora's interest but all of the nobles too. Many of them have been raised among the nobility of the Imperium of Mankind and seen the amount of extravagances that planet governors enjoy.

That wasn't without saying the importance their families would be getting by holding control of an entire planet and its resources. What was offered was far beyond what they could even dream of.

"Not only that, but given the ties with us you'll end up having a being of our might or even higher protecting you." He sweetcoated them.

Aurora remained silent as she eyed Bann with the same icy look she always showcased. Yet her mind was in a roar as she thought over the implications and possibilities such a decision may represent.

"Of course, we'll be picking from the women you'll be presenting, as we cannot waste our time just breeding around, there's much to be done and I'm sure our enemies will not sit idle in the meantime." Bann pressured the nobles as he let his eyes roam over Aurora.

After hearing the various murmurs Bann finalised with his pondering and decided to act "Miss Fennetos, I wonder if you're married or engaged?"

Aurora who was still debating over couldn't help but be stunned by his words and said out of reflex "Excuse me?"

The woman was simply too far into her machinations that her mind was left unable to process what was said.

"I asked if you're either married or engaged." He told her while giving a toothy grin.

'The decision has already been made for me.' Aurora realised while also sighing in relief. Mostly due to Bann doing the job of bringing out the issue "I am not, sire. I'm still marriageable and without suitors."

"How could that be? A woman of your charms is someone that could easily make nations wage war for your hand." Bann asked while pondering why was the reason behind it.

One needs to be blind to not see the beauty and sexiness the woman oozed.

"She is but a thorny rose, milord. Someone better to enjoy from afar rather than catch with your hands. Least you bleed for it." A man among the nobles voiced out while trying to answer Bann.

Some whispers of agreement resounded through the chamber while the answer made Bann let out a smile laugh. It was clear that many have suffered under the woman and have been wary since.

"I am a woman of worth, Lord Ventus. I do not expect less for me than someone worthy of." Said Aurora while giving a glance to the man.

"And could I be a man of such worth, miss Fennetos?" Asked Bann with amusement. The moment he asked her in regards to her availability it was already sealed the fate of Aurora.

"That you seem to be, sire." Aurora answered him with courtesy. Making a smile appear on Bann's face.

Tapping the armrest once again Bann raised his voice "I'm going to hold another meeting with you all later on, but this time we'll be working to start doing our job. So I'll be waiting for no less but all to bring forth all the information at your hands in regards to the functioning and production of this city and the surrounding lands."

His deep voice echoed throughout the chamber while the nobles followed his steps after seeing him standing up.

"My team should be speaking with the other cities by now. Ensure that the Imperial guardsmen hunt down those orks in the meantime." Bann then turned to look at Aurora and said to her "And miss Fennetos, I hope to speak with you later on, in private."

Saying that, Bann floated once again to the ceiling and in a flash, he disappeared from the chamber. Making all the present feel like a weight was lifted from their shoulders. Some fall into their seats out of relief.

Others simply raise their hands behind their heads as they look over each other with disbelief.

"It is clear that a new era has begun in our world, we cannot do anything against it so let's ensure that Redentia is up to the task and secure its longevity. " The sudden voice of Aurora echoed throughout the chamber as her tone was firm and cold.

Although many wished her words weren't true. They could only bow their heads and accept their fate.

Thus, the reign of the Saiyans started in Faradras.


Far above the sky over Redentia was Bann raising towards the stratosphere. His goal was a clear one after remembering one important thing regarding the proceedings in the Imperium.

As the atmosphere tinned, Bann took a deep breath and raised his speed. Docked alongside the now more clear space station of gothic design, was a kilometer-length ship of beautiful design under Bann's opinion. It was escorted on both sides by two other ships of lesser length.

'Should I destroy those ships? But if I do that then there won't be a way for the battle sisters and remaining troops to leave the planet.' Bann pondered over as he continued approaching the space station.

With the change of government, there was a need for someone to dispatch the man who was sitting on the throne of this world.

After spotting a long corridor bay, Bann accelerated in a moment and without any further thought, penetrated the thick walls and armor of the space station. Sounds of alarms reached his ear as the pressure in the corridor was decreasing at an alarming rate while Bann moved towards one of the pressurized doors and made his way inside.

'It's nothing but a scratch.' Bann said to himself after giving a brief thought of the reparation someone would do later on.

Once he turned around he was welcomed by the sight of stunned and terrified people who looked scrawny and abused. Their hollow eyes and wrinkled skin showcased the clear mistreatment they suffered.

Seeing the collars around their necks made Bann understand who they were 'Slaves.' He assessed while a clear frown appeared on his face.

Not giving them a second glance he made his way into the space station while he was reminded of the grim dark nature of the universe he was in. The smell of wax and other mixes he didn't wish to know, invaded his nostrils as he looked over the scouter beside his eye and followed the path it scanned.

The metallic sound of his footsteps was dimmed by the constant blare of the alarm. Until he finally saw some armed individuals making their way towards him.

They didn't voice out a halt order and just opened fire against him with their lasgun. Bann quickly dispatched them while using just a ki beam from his free eye.

As he entered one of the central corridors of the space station he faced more resistance from the stationed troops while some other fellas that looked like Imperial Navy Officers exited the adjacent cabins while firing their weapons at him.

Bann halted his steps for a moment after killing a disgusting officer with a particularly ugly face. What made him stop was the overwhelming negative ki he felt inside the cabin he stepped out. Moving the door with his hand he took a look inside and saw a woman with furry ears shaking. Her back and limbs were filled with cuts, bruises, and scars.

She was the origin of such negative emotions that made Bann a little bit uncomfortable. "Hey, do you understand me? That guy is dead." He told her.

The abhuman just stayed in her position while she hugged her legs, still giving her back.

Closing his eyes Bann used his mind and just like the many times he used the trick with his Saiyan teammates, he spoke to her mind 'You're okay now, I've killed that guy. Remain here for the meantime since it's going to be dangerous outside.'

The woman stopped shaking as she turned her head and looked over Bann with widened eyes. He just nodded at her and exited the cabin.

Eyeing the door of the various other cabins, he stopped his mind from wandering and simply shook his head 'It would be solved once I kill the planet King or whatever he may be. Then I would take care of these fellas.' Bann decided to step up his speed.

It was when he saw a large group defending a gate that he knew he reached his goal, swiftly dispatching the defenders he stepped inside and was welcomed by more lasers fired at him.

Soldiers, servitors, and sentry guns opened fire at him while the man he was looking for was cowering behind his loyal guard.

"Enough." Bann simply murmured under his breath as the world froze and everything seemed to stand still.

Moving in front of the man who had a mix of fear and anger on his face, Bann looked down at the expensive clothes and well-fed visage of the man. His silver hair was a mess his blood-shot eyes were frantic open. He was carrying in one hand a light bolt pistol, while the other held an energy weapon.

Resting his hand on the crown of the man's head. Bann applied a small amount of force before it was crushed. The time seemed to resume as a bloody explosion bathed the room and everyone turned to look at the origin of it.

There they saw a scene that left them horrified and stunned. The mirrors that looked over Faradras were painted in blood while the figure of the 6'5 tall Saiyan clad in his armor was grabbing by the bloodied skull and the spine of the Lord Commander Kalos. Who's remaining lay at the feet of the barbarian.

"There's a charge of administration now." Bann's cold and deep voice sends shivers down the spine of the soldiers present.

Eyeing the hundred of individuals in the chamber he muttered "...And none of you is welcome in my station..."

What followed his words were cries of agony and desperation as Bann slaughtered without mercy almost every individual in the chamber. Leaving behind only a handful of survivors.

The ebony-marbled floor was covered in crimson blood, and hundreds of bodies were scattered around alongside their innards. The smell of blood, shit, and piss was nauseating.

Only a tech-priest from the Adeptus Mechanicus alongside four other servants were spared, yet they were kneeling before Bann who was sitting on the fancy throne of Faradras. Eyeing the planet.

His eyes were calculating, and a plan that would turn upside down the whole galaxy was brewing in his mind.


A.N: 5 chapters in advance (And more to stack up) in my p~atreon

P~atreon.com/Sr_Devoxero for more chapters in advance.


Hello there!

Yesterday ther wasn't any upload since I've went straight to bed after work.

Don't be a construction worker in summer, is horrible.

anyway, here is the chap! let me know your thoughts!

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts