
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Saiyans Unleashed.

Before the chap starts, I want you to give those power stones so it can help the novel.

That's all, enjoy the chapter!


In the cosmic expanse, the very tapestry of space itself quivered under the unyielding onslaught unleashed by the harbingers of doom—avatars of war, the Saiyans. Designated as the chosen race destined to conquer the stars, they emerged as the formidable conquerors amidst an unending sea of adversaries. The small stars flickered, igniting and vanishing in a rhythmic dance, marking the emergence of ki—the life force, the very essence of the Saiyans that made its grand debut in the galaxy.

With each passing second, the relentless torrent of ki blasts became a symphony, orchestrating the demise of millions of bioforms. The colossal bio-ships—krakens and prowlers alike—succumbed, torn asunder in the wake of the Saiyans' destructive prowess. The resounding echoes of their power reverberated through the cosmic canvas, leaving trails of radiant energy that painted a vivid tableau in the void.

As the Saiyans flexed their muscles, unleashing a force potent enough to shatter mountains with casual ease, the once-hardened and evolved carapace of the Tyranid bioforms proved futile. Crafted to withstand the trials of the galaxy, it crumbled before the universal might of the Saiyans. The kinetic force they generated was a testament to their indomitable strength, rending the Tyranids defenseless and insignificant.

The once-desolate void now bore witness to the aftermath—a celestial graveyard filled with debris, remnants, and innards of colossal bio-ships scattered like cosmic confetti. The vast space, originally capable of cradling an entire planet, transformed into a deadly arena where the Saiyans stood with pride. They embodied paragons of destruction, their silhouettes surrounded by the radiant glow of unleashed power.

Swift as the thunder, the Saiyans moved at speeds imperceptible to the simple eye, leaving in their wake a tableau of destruction. Onlookers were left awestruck by the cosmic ballet, discerning the aftermath—trails of destruction, scattered innards, body parts, and explosive ki eruptions. Each Saiyan traversed thousands of kilometers in mere seconds, their movements akin to ethereal dance steps, choreographed by the very forces of the universe. The cosmic symphony continued, an intricate dance of destruction echoing through the vast void, where the Saiyans stood as the unrivaled maestros of war. Ever prideful warriors.

"YES! COME FORTH, BUGS!" The exhilarated voice of Rucule reverberated through the confines of his mask, his eyes wide open, bloodshot orbs reflecting the primal fervor within. His expression mirrored that of a feral, untamed beast, his senses heightened even in the vacuum of space. With every kick, punch, and crushing blow, he left a path of destruction in his wake, his enemies too sluggish to muster any resistance, torn asunder by the Saiyan giant.

The sensation of annihilating his adversaries, even in the face of overwhelming numbers, proved intoxicating for the behemoth of destruction. A maniacal smile played upon his lips, concealed behind the breathing mask, radiating pure malice and sadistic pleasure. His armor bore witness to the gruesome aftermath, adorned with the fluids of vanquished foes—those unlucky enough to splatter over it in the void of space.

'MORE! I WANT MORE OF YOU! GET SQUEEZED!' A relentless chant echoed in his mind, his thoughts a maelstrom of sheer pleasure as he unleashed years of restrained fury and battle lust upon the hapless Tyranids. The very core of his being resonated with the overwhelming desire for more, an insatiable thirst for destruction.

His ki, a manifestation of his will, surged in response, unleashing terrifying pulses that engulfed a radius of dozens of kilometers around him. Within this ominous sphere, everything succumbed to vaporization. Each throb of his heart echoed as another pulse, propelling him like a comet deeper into the heart of the Tyranid fleet lines—a force of nature, unstoppable and insatiable in its pursuit of devastation.

Unlike Rucule's unbridled aggression, Bann and Seleri navigated the vast dead zone with a graceful swiftness. Their expressions oscillated between solemn determination and the arrogant confidence befitting seasoned warriors. In a mesmerizing display, they unleashed a relentless barrage of ki blasts every minute, illuminating the desolate space. Their targets were the colossal bio-ships and the countless life forms enveloped within, as well as the swarming drones. The void came alive with flashes of energy, creating openings for Aprit and Ramela to engage the Tyranids in close combat, their movements akin to unstoppable juggernauts captivating the attention of the alien menace.

Functioning seamlessly as a well-coordinated machine, the group successfully thwarted the Tyranid's initial onslaught, preventing the extraterrestrial invaders from advancing further. The hive fleet found itself stalled, unable to penetrate the formidable defense erected by the five Saiyans.

Observing this celestial clash from the space station, the onlookers, once captives now wielding weapons, witnessed the godly prowess of these beings who had liberated them. Morale soared to unprecedented heights as a mix of surprise and awe painted their faces. With only a handful of drones and a couple of bio-vessels able to bypass the dead zone and enter the space station range, the entirety of the hive fleet grappled with the five Saiyans, who had effectively become the bulwark preventing the Tyranids from encroaching upon Faradras.

The freed individuals, now entrusted with the station's weapons, marveled at the spectacle. The five Saiyans, akin to divine beings, held the line against the hive fleet, exhibiting a potency that matched, if not surpassed, an entire Battlefleet. Amidst the chaos, the macro cannons of the destroyer and corvette escorting the Blazing Feather focused on eliminating those Tyranids that managed to bypass the dead zone. The undeniable truth unfolded before them—five Saiyans stood resilient, their might echoing that of a formidable armada, and they did so without breaking a sweat.

In the commanding hub of the Blazing Feather, Gannicus maintained a stoic countenance, fully aware that his eyes were not the sole witnesses to the unfolding cosmic clash. The gravity of the situation etched lines of contemplation on his face, recognizing the intricate dance between the Saiyans and the Tyranids, a celestial ballet with the fate of Faradras hanging in the balance.

Meanwhile, within the colossal and grotesque confines of the Tyranid hive ships, the hive mind orchestrated the next wave, concocting a strategy to counter the Saiyan onslaught. It delved into the creation of vessels specially engineered to endure the overwhelming firepower unleashed by the Saiyan quintet. The hive mind's paramount goal was to curtail the irreplaceable loss incurred with each vaporized biomass. A tactical response in a desperate bid to staunch the hemorrhage.

Deep within the bowels of hive ships—krakens and prowlers were undergoing augmentation to better align with the current exigency of the hive fleet. The hive mind, ever calculating, held back the subsequent wave, meticulously biding its time to pinpoint the opportune moment for unleashing this enhanced breed. Every preparatory measure taken was a bid to assess the resilience of these newly forged creatures against the relentless Saiyan onslaught.

Despite the urgency to harvest the abundant biomass on Faradras, the emergence of the Saiyans posed an unexpected opportunity for the hive mind. The prospect of acquiring the genetic essence of these formidable beings proved too tantalizing to resist. A deviation from the primary objective, but an irresistible chance to assimilate the genetic marvels that the Saiyans embodied into the Tyranid genetic repository. The hive mind navigated a delicate dance between necessity and opportunity in its ceaseless pursuit of evolution and adaptation.

As Bann's gaze penetrated the vastness of space before him, the daunting magnitude of the Tyranid numbers unfolded. An ocean of vessels, a nebulous mist that embodied billions of drones, extended as far as his eyes could perceive. The sheer scale of the Tyranid swarm momentarily arrested his frenzied Saiyan mind, ushering in a rare pause where his human consciousness grappled with the overwhelming spectacle.

'Mother of God, how in the hell are we supposed to stem this tidal wave?' His eyes were drawn to the colossal silhouettes of the Devourers, massive entities spanning 16 kilometres, and the Razorfiends, formidable giants at 8 kilometres in length. These nightmarish figures, numbering in the millions, stood sentinel around the gargantuan hive ships, each of which reached a staggering length of 30 kilometres, the largest among them.

A dryness settled upon his lips, but Bann, with unyielding determination, fortified his resolve. Amidst the overwhelming sea of Tyranid vessels, he persisted in unleashing barrages upon the nearest ships, conjuring miniature suns that rivaled the size of moons, hoping to create pockets of havoc within the relentless swarm. The vastness of space became the spectator of a cosmic battlefield of unprecedented size never seen in the whole Acteron Sector before, and Bann, with gritted teeth, carved fragments of cosmic chaos against an insurmountable foe.

The essence of the Saiyans resonated in a primal, violent hum, echoing through the vastness of space as they propelled themselves forward, heedless of any environmental concerns. The backdrop of the cosmic void intensified the eerie symphony of their unleashed power. Though their taunts found no audible expression in the vacuum, the energy of their words served to amplify their fervor, resonating with the cosmic winds that carried their essence.

Bodies and minds alike reveled in the ongoing massacre, each life harvested acting as a surge of power that resonated through the very fabric of their being. The echoes of their laughter reverberated through the void, creating an otherworldly cadence that seemed to harmonize with the destructive ballet of energy that unfolded around them. The shiver of excitement manifested not only in their movements but also in the subtle flickers of their auras, pulsating in tandem with the violent rhythm of the battle.

Their tails, ever entwined around them like an additional limb, became instruments of destruction. Aprit and Ramela, utilizing their entire bodies, moved with a fluidity that defied the apparent chaos of the space battlefield. Creatures several times their size were dismantled with almost balletic precision, showcasing not only their raw power but also the finesse with which they harnessed it. The protective ki bubbles enveloping them became ephemeral shields, shimmering with an iridescence that added an ethereal quality to the melee.

Amidst the cosmic chaos, their laughter and joyous remarks remained exclusive exchanges between Saiyans, their voices unheard in the vacuum but interwoven with the cosmic symphony of destruction. The very essence of their Saiyan blood reveled in the embrace of battle, satisfying its age-long thirst for the battlefield. The celestial canvas painted with the remnants of vaporized bioforms and the radiant energy of the Saiyans bore witness to a spectacle that transcended the boundaries of mere conflict, embodying a cosmic dance between warriors and the forces that sought to challenge them.

"THIS IS WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED HAHAHAHAHA!" Ramela's euphoric declaration reverberated through the silent void of space, a manic symphony echoing her insatiable thirst for destruction. Like a berserker unleashed upon the cosmic canvas, she surged forward, her every movement a testament to the relentless force she embodied. Limbs sought anything untouched by her prior onslaught, a primal desire for annihilation driving her unquenchable thirst for more.

In the wake of Ramela's chaotic dance, the casualties mounted, millions succumbing to her might within the initial minutes of the celestial warfare. Yet, this spectacle of devastation only fueled her fervor. Her muscles, yearning for release, itched for further carnage, and her ki, an extension of her indomitable will, expanded outward, colliding with the formidable psychic presence meticulously woven by the hive fleet. The ensuing clash unleashed ripples that reverberated through the psychic fabric, causing grimaces of pain among the psychically sensitive beings scattered around Faradras.

Ramela's primal roar, a manifestation of the Saiyan ozaru's indomitable spirit, resounded across the galaxy, stirring the very warp. Her laughter, a crazed crescendo, echoed through the cosmos, taunting and challenging any worthy opponent to step forward. The almighty Saiyan spirit, seeking validation, called out in defiance, an echo that reached far beyond the immediate battlefield. All eyes, even those distant and unknowing, were drawn to this celestial performance.

The Shadow on the Warp, usually an oppressive force, felt the impact of the collective Saiyan roar. The primal energy radiating from Ramela, Aprit, and Rucule surged through the cosmos, a challenge that transcended the boundaries of the material and psychic realms. As the trio tapped into their primal essence, their spirits projected a cosmic defiance—a declaration that echoed through the vast expanse, beckoning any formidable force to stand against the undeniable might of the Saiyan race.

Seleri and Bann, deeply engrossed in their relentless assault on the ceaseless wave of Tyranid adversaries, found themselves gradually succumbing to the primal ki call resonating from their companions. The overwhelming energy pulsating through the vacuum of space echoed with the indomitable spirit of Saiyan warriors, penetrating the very fabric of their consciousness and adding an ethereal layer to the cosmic battlefield.

Fueled by an irresistible urge that coursed through his veins, Bann, feeling the mounting pressure within him, unleashed a charged ki blast. The release was not merely a discharge of energy; it was a cathartic eruption that sought liberation amidst the chaos of battle. In a grandiose display of Saiyan might, he brought both hands forth, manipulating the energies around him. The very essence of space seemed to quiver in response to the latent power harnessed within his being.

With an unwavering focus, Bann set his sights on two colossal hive ships, titanic structures that dwarfed entire planets, their lengths surpassing a staggering 25 kilometers. The purpose behind the impending attack was as clear as the cosmic void itself – to unleash widespread destruction and orchestrate a cataclysmic explosion at the very heart of the Tyranid fleet. The anticipation hung in the air as the charged energy pulsated, a manifestation of Bann's raw might and determination.

Then, with a voice that defied the cosmic symphony, Bann roared into the abyss, sending ripples through the fabric of space.

"FINAL FLASH!" The proclamation echoed through the vast expanse, and in response, a colossal column of yellow ki, an embodiment of pure destruction, materialized. Its dimensions, akin to an entire continent, moved with unimaginable speed towards the unsuspecting hive fleet. The Tyranid forces, caught unawares, could not mount a defense quickly enough. Thousands of ships crumbled in the wake of the destructive force, while millions upon millions of drones met an instantaneous demise, their essence evaporating into the void.

Time, as if reluctant to witness the unfolding spectacle, momentarily stretched. The hive fleet, thrust into a surreal pause, beheld the annihilation of not one or two but a staggering twenty hive ships. The ensuing explosion, comparable to the obliteration of a gas giant, unleashed shockwaves that rippled through the cosmic tapestry. Within the immaterial realm of the Warp, a psychic scream reverberated, marking the hive fleet's synapse with an ephemeral disruption. The very essence of the Tyranids quivered in the wake of the Saiyan's unparalleled display of power, leaving an indelible mark on the unfolding cosmic saga.

As the cosmic maelstrom unfolded, Seleri, in tandem with Bann's spectacular display, harnessed her Saiyan prowess to unleash a colossal rose-hued sphere of pure destruction. This celestial manifestation, akin to a comet of cataclysmic energy, hurtled through the void with unrelenting force. The impact, echoing behind the Tyranid hive fleet, created shockwaves that reverberated through the very essence of space, leaving a cosmic scar in its wake.

The colossal sphere, an embodiment of destructive beauty, crashed with a resounding force, deepening the chaos sown by Bann's Final Flash. The hive fleet, already reeling from the loss of numerous hive ships, now faced an additional onslaught that further compromised the intricate synapse connections vital to the hive mind.

The hive ships, not merely biofabric structures but also crucial synaptic command nodes, crumbled under the devastating assault. The tendrils extending from these colossal vessels, facilitating the hive mind's unity and control, were severed in an explosive release of energy. The synapse link, already disrupted by the psychic scream in the Warp, suffered a profound rupture as these vital command nodes succumbed to obliteration.

The ripple effect within the hive fleet was palpable. A great loss cascaded through the Tyranid forces, leaving them momentarily disoriented and vulnerable. Seizing the opportune moment, Ramela, Rucule, and Aprit surged forward, capitalizing on the strategic chaos induced by the dual onslaught of Bann and Seleri. The Saiyan triumvirate embraced the window of opportunity, channeling their indomitable might to bring forth further destruction upon the already beleaguered Tyranid fleet.

In the vast cosmic dance between Saiyan power and Tyranid resilience, the scales tilted with each explosive display, leaving an indelible mark on the celestial canvas. The battlefield, now bathed in the remnants of annihilated Tyranid vessels, bore witness to the relentless fury of the Saiyan warriors, who pressed forward as the architects of chaos amidst the cosmic abyss.

In the aftermath of the cataclysmic display of Saiyan might, Gannicus, bearing witness to the blinding brilliance unleashed by Bann and Seleri, recoiled in sheer disbelief. His eyes widened as if incapable of comprehending the celestial inferno that unfolded before him. Hastily covering his eyes with his arms, he instinctively took a step back, the radiance of two smaller suns casting an ethereal glow across the Faradras System.

A stunned silence enveloped the Blazing Feather, its escorts, and the space station, as the shockwaves from the monumental explosion rippled through the fabric of space itself. The physical repercussions of such unfathomable power were visibly evident, resonating as palpable tremors.

As Gannicus tentatively lowered his arms, the once-blinding brilliance now painted the celestial canvas with an eerie glow. Yet, the respite was short-lived, for the echoing screams of Astropaths and navigators within the ship shattered the silence. Recoiling from the sensory onslaught, Gannicus, though bearing a numbing pain in his head, couldn't afford to divert his gaze from the unimaginable spectacle.

Faradras, nestled beneath the cosmic theater of Saiyan supremacy, suffered under the radiant onslaught. The once-blue sky now bore witness to a celestial blaze, an artificial daylight crafted by the otherworldly energies released by Bann's Final Flash and Seleri's destructive sphere.

The aftermath, however, unfolded into an even more ominous revelation. What ensued was not merely a localized shockwave but a cosmic resonance that reverberated through the very essence of the surroundings. Boreal lights danced in the sky, a manifestation of the cosmic disruption that transcended the boundaries of the visible spectrum. Even in the daylight, the captivating auroras painted a mesmerizing display across the canvas of space, an unintended consequence of the overwhelming release of energy.

Systems, not immune to the magnitude of the unleashed forces, faltered in the face of the cosmic upheaval. The unexpected repercussions echoed beyond the confines of the battlefield, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the interconnected web of celestial bodies within the Faradras System.

In the resounding aftermath of the celestial detonation, a testament to the Saiyan's indomitable might, the universe itself seemed to quiver. It was a stern reprimand to the hive mind, an unequivocal proclamation of disdain for the feeble resistance the Tyranids had presented. The Saiyans, now bathed in the ethereal aftermath of their cataclysmic assault, regarded the remnants of the once-mighty hive fleet with contemptuous eyes.

Defiance echoed through the cosmos as a collective roar emanated from the Saiyans, challenging the very essence of the Tyranid hive mind. It was a challenge not only of physical might but a declaration that the Saiyans would not be halted by anything the hive fleet could muster. The very fabric of the void seemed to vibrate with their determination.

As the echoes of defiance reverberated, a chilling response brewed within the Tyranid swarm. The hive mind, ever adaptive and relentless, prepared to counter the Saiyan onslaught with a retaliation born from the darkest reaches of the cosmos. The stage was set for a clash of cosmic proportions, as the Saiyans, fueled by their battle lust and unwavering resolve, stood ready to face the impending Tyranid onslaught. The cosmos itself held its breath, a momentary pause before the impending storm that would determine the fate of Faradras and the clash between Saiyan supremacy and the inexorable force of the Tyranids.

It was time for the Tyranid retaliation.


15 chapters in advance on my patreon /Sr_Devoxero

The attacks made by the Saiyans are lore accurate by the way. This is what they can do if they don't bother adding ki piercing into their attacks.

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