
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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The cataclysm that unfolded across Faradras casted a formidable shadow, its repercussions rippling across the vast expanse of the Eastern Fringe. Dozens of worlds, once vibrant spheres of existence, were reduced to desolation as the insatiable Hive Mind endeavored to reclaim lost biomass.

In an alternate timeline, these planets might have flourished, but now, they stood as hollow shells, bereft of any semblance of life—testaments to the relentless march of annihilation.

Trillions of lives, extinguished in a macabre dance, bore witness to the magnitude of the tragedy. Their demise, a terrible toll exacted in the pursuit of a voracious hunger.

Amidst the cosmic turmoil, fleets, stalwart defenders confronting the storm unleashed by the Hive Mind's restorative endeavors, crumbled under the weight of unrelenting destruction. The once-mighty armadas, now but remnants, bore silent witness to the ferocity with which the cosmic balance was disrupted, leaving behind a canvas of desolation and loss.

In the grim twilight of Acteron Prime, the Lord Sector Benicio Argentum found himself shackled by desperation, compelled to send forth a fervent plea to the Segmentum lord in the face of the malevolent Hive Fleet Kraken. The lingering fear of potential Saiyan presence on other planets forced the ruthless adaptation strategies employed in Faradras to cascade across the Eastern Fringe. The resultant brutality unfolded as a cruel symphony—Tyranid numbers swarming with insidious persistence, fortified defences amplified, and horrifying bioforms inflicting terror upon defenders.

As the silence of the Imperium's response loomed, each fleeting moment became a merciless toll in the form of bloodshed—a harrowing hemorrhage orchestrated by the relentless Tyranid advance. Fangs and claws gnawed deep into the very fabric of the galaxy, leaving a wake of devastation that transcended the mere physical realms.

Defences, once stalwart bulwarks against cosmic calamity, crumbled beneath the inexorable onslaught. Entire subsectors teetered on the precipice of complete consumption. Imperial vessels, valiant but outnumbered, waged a desperate struggle to stave off the encroaching tide.

From every corner of the Acteron sector, soldiers were conscripted, thrust into the forefront of a war that threatened to devour not just worlds, but the very essence of resilience within the hearts of the imperiled defenders.

The aftermath of the unfolding calamity began to cast its ominous shadow, revealing the tangible repercussions. The proof of the Saiyan might, a resolute exhibition witnessed during the Siege of Faradras, now emerged as an unmistakable feat for all who faced the relentless onslaught of the Hive Fleet Kraken.

In the unfathomable depths of the Eastern Fringe, where the cosmos appeared an intricate tapestry of chaos, some beings cast their gaze upon a seemingly inconspicuous world. Nestled in obscurity, a beacon flickered amidst the turbulent currents of the warp. Six individuals, embodiments of immense power, channeled this enigmatic light, drawing the attention and machinations of ruinous entities hungry for dominion.

Within the warp's tumultuous embrace, nefarious plans began to coalesce—a brewing tempest poised to unleash a battle for supremacy, all in the pursuit of claiming these Saiyan entities for their own.

Yet, amidst the cosmic intrigue, a revelation of unparalleled astonishment unfolded for the myriad travelers navigating the currents of the warp. Thousands of vessels beheld a new luminosity, radiating alongside the imperious glow of the Astronomicon—the light of the Emperor of Mankind.

The majority, wary and apprehensive at this unforeseen celestial event, pondered the implications with caution. However, among those more audacious, fueled by an indomitable spirit of adventure coursing through their veins like molten lava, the event beckoned as both opportunity and the promise of the unknown.

With trepidation gripping their hearts and expectations soaring to unprecedented heights, those intrepid souls issued the command for their vessels to chart a course toward the newfound light piercing the cosmic darkness. Its brilliance, akin to the bane of daemons, held the power to repel the encroaching Shadow in the Warp that threatened to devour more and more systems within the Acteron sector.

As their vessels sailed through the warp, guided by the radiant beacon, the passage of time stood as the sole arbiter, steering these adventurers toward the cusp of reality. Ears attuned and eyes fixated, the galaxy held its breath, anticipating the moment these beings would materialize at their destination. The call of the Ōzaru reverberated, stirring the very fabric of the cosmos, heralding the advent of a new era.


Within the tightly-knit formation of vessels navigating the currents of the warp, a formidable ship of ancient design stood resolute. Its imposing frame bore the marks of time, windows concealed, weapons dormant, as a lifeline within the Immaterium enveloped it—the Gellar field, a technology of bygone eras, preserving humanity's fragile existence amid the chaotic warp.

Inside the ship, soldiers moved with measured precision, their every step under the watchful gaze of a stern commissar. She scrutinized them with an unyielding determination, seeking any subtle hint of taint that might threaten the sanctity of their journey. A hundred had already faced the cold judgment of her bolt pistol, and the grim reality foretold that more would inevitably follow in the days to come.

This, a somber toll, was the price exacted upon humanity for venturing through the treacherous warp—a testament to the perpetual struggle against the insidious forces that lurked within the shadows of the Immaterium.

Within the cruiser, en route to the enigmatic Faradras system, Inquisitor Jezebel maintained her vigilant stance in the ship's command center. An intriguing message had reached the choir of Astropaths, a directive from Jezebel urging them to remain watchful for any signs emanating from that distant realm.

In the warp's ethereal expanse, where every sensation reverberated with dissonant echoes, they all bore witness to the mighty roar of the Ōzaru—a cataclysmic event that unraveled the focus of many within the ship.

Despite their desperate attempts, the litanies sung in the throes of desperation proved powerless to shield the souls of those aboard from the corrupting whispers that loomed in the dark corridors of the Immaterium.

Yet, undeterred by the perils of the warp, Inquisitor Jezebel's fascination with the unfolding events in Faradras only deepened with the passage of time. The emergence of a new beacon within the beleaguered system fueled her curiosity, compelling her mind to be fully immersed in the unfolding enigma that awaited on the horizon.

As the cruiser treaded through the warp, nearing the conclusion of their third week of travel, a new message resonated within the ethereal currents. This time, a plea for assistance emerged—a call echoing from the beleaguered system. The ships within sought repairs, and Imperial troops, stranded upon the Saiyan planet, yearned for salvation.

With a mind ablaze with anticipation, and a fleet poised for action, the Inquisitorial Fleet closed in on the planet destined to alter the fate of the galaxy forever. The looming encounter held within its grasp the potential for both salvation and upheaval, as the warp's turbulent currents carried the envoys of Inquisitor Jezebel toward a cosmic juncture pregnant with uncertainty and profound change.


Much akin to Bann, the three Saiyans received detailed briefings in their respective cities. Rucule, standing in the desolate aftermath of Argonas, confronted its inhabitants with a somber countenance as they shared tales of profound loss. Too much had been sacrificed for his previous folly, and the time had come for him to ascend to his rightful position as their ruler.

Embracing his newfound responsibility, Rucule assumed a role central to the city's reconstruction. Unlike Bann's protracted meeting, Rucule's resolve shortened the deliberations, focusing on swift and decisive action. His formidable figure soared through the remnants of Argonas, laboring tirelessly by carrying massive stones with seemingly effortless strength. Amidst the debris, he aided in the creation of vast tombs for the fallen, setting an example that spurred the entire city into unified motion.

Inspired by his unwavering dedication, the inhabitants rallied to the cause. Together, they maneuvered through the wreckage, initiating the arduous process of reconstruction—a testament to the resilience that burgeoned within the once-shattered city.

Aprit, distinct in his approach, appointed his women as advisors, allowing their counsel to guide him as he attentively listened to the needs of his population. Promising swift resolutions, his mind, however, remained entangled in concerns, particularly the looming specter of chaos that cast a shadow over his warrior's judgment.

The weight of a lapse in judgment, especially given the newfound awareness of the perils surrounding him and his comrades, bore heavily on Aprit's shoulders.

Following an extended meeting with the people of Carontes, he sought solace within the comforting presence of those he regarded as his women. Amidst their care and gentle touch, a balm for his troubled mind, he believed that within the warm embrace of such enchanting companions, the answers to his plight would unfold.

In the aftermath of her own tumultuous actions, Ramela struggled to uphold a facade of stoicism, acutely aware of the suffering wrought by her lapse of judgment during the battle. A pervasive guilt, entwined with a reluctance to assume a leadership role she deemed herself unfit for, weighed heavily on her conscience.

'If only I could have maintained my sanity back then,' she lamented within the confines of her inner thoughts. The passing hours seemed to stretch endlessly for her, with minutes feeling like protracted hours and hours akin to languorous days within her burdened mind.

Haunted by the faces of nobles and what she believed was an accusatory gaze in their eyes, Ramela found herself paralyzed by shame, reluctant to unveil her countenance. The perceived deficiency in her strength stifled her, making even the simple act of showing her face a formidable challenge.

Within the recesses of her tortured thoughts, Ramela grappled with self-condemnation. 'It is all because I couldn't control myself... I wish I could have been just better.' Tears threatened to cascade from her eyes as she surveyed the faces of ordinary people witnessing the collapse of their world. The once-glinting brilliance of hope had vanished into the abyss.

The silent suffering she endured spared her from their screams—a testament to the strength she eventually displayed and the earnest efforts she invested to rectify her previous errors. It was an unspoken understanding, acknowledged by both parties.

'I'm sorry, I didn't want any of this,' she conveyed silently, her eyes betraying a sincerity that resonated with some of the elders who could perceive the truth. Before them stood not a formidable leader, but a young individual burdened with a responsibility far too immense.

Yet, despite the weight, she became their harbinger of a new dawn, a beacon of unwavering resilience amidst the encroaching shadows.

Amidst the labyrinthine streets, Ramela traversed the echoes of the populace's words, a solemn pilgrimage she had insisted upon, intertwining the nobles, leading figures, and the common folk. A call for unity resounded, and within a lengthy procession, each soul unburdened their hearts, entombing their laments within the ruins of the city.

The time for mourning gradually yielded to the imperative of reconstruction and a shared determination to flourish once more.

As the night descended, Ramela, grappling with an internal turmoil on the verge of overwhelming her, streaked across the sky in a luminous trail. Her destination held the promise of solace, for there existed but one person who could impart the sense of comfort she desperately sought.

The subdued glow of the city's lights illuminated the once-grand square of the palace of Redentia as Ramela landed, casting a somber hue upon the scene. What had been a bustling fleet of transport ships and fighters now stood diminished, a mere shadow of its former self. Long faces and heavy hearts pervaded the atmosphere as the populace mourned their losses and reconciled with the harsh reality that had befallen them.

Ramela's presence, however, commanded a different energy. As she moved through the square, the people, still grappling with grief, straightened their backs and showcased their respect. None dared to lack in acknowledging the Saiyan girl who, in silence, made her way into the palace.

Ignoring the servitors and individuals traversing the halls, Ramela honed in on the distinct energy signature of Bann's ki, seeking the solace and comfort that only he could provide in these trying times.

'He should be here,' urgency propelled Ramela through the corridors, the knot in her throat constricting the air. Unfazed by formalities, she entered with eyes brimming with a profound sense of longing.

Within the room, Seleri's peaceful figure lay above Bann, who rested on a couch. His gaze, a blend of surprise, concern, and affection, lingered on Ramela's face and body language. 'It seems like both of them were deeply affected by this,' he reflected inwardly.

With a whispered inquiry, "Hey Ram, what brought you here?" Bann gestured for her to maintain silence, directing her attention toward the slumbering Seleri. The weight of unspoken emotions hung in the air as they navigated the aftermath of their shared trials.

Ramela, her emotions restrained but evident in her quivering voice, nodded eagerly, traversing the distance with silent steps. As she approached Bann on the couch, she whispered, her voice laden with both eagerness and vulnerability, "I need you... I... I saw today the faces of all the people that were affected by what happened..."

Kneeling with both legs near Bann's face, she moved her head towards his neck, an intimate gesture. Her trembling hand started caressing his face, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. "...they'll suffer because I couldn't control my emotions... because I was weak and dumb... because I can't do things like you or big brother..." Her voice carried unwillingness and bitterness.

Unable to bear her self-deprecating words, Bann turned his head sideways, gently raising her head through her hair with a free hand. The gesture held a silent reassurance, a gesture meant to dispel the shadows of doubt and self-blame that lingered in Ramela's heart.

"Stop saying such things about yourself, Ram. It's not your fault what happened. It's because of you, because of us, that this planet could even sustain all these people alive, that all of them saw another day." Bann's words carried sincerity as he tried to alleviate the weight of self-blame that burdened Ramela's heart. However, the hurt and need reflected in her eyes caused a twinge of pain in his own heart.

"Tell me, what can I do to make you understand this? To make you stop crying." Bann's eyes, the formidable black orbs that could command nations and instill fear in the hearts of exemplary men, now gazed at Ramela with a warmth and love so profound that, for a fleeting moment, it eclipsed the pain that gripped her soul.

Responding to his comforting gaze, Ramela brought her lips to his face, conveying her need for him through a series of tender kisses. Between each kiss, she murmured, "I ... need ... you." With her heart in her mouth, she leaned in closer, whispering the words in a final kiss, "I need my man." Their lips sealed together, engulfed in a passionate kiss that stole their breath away.

For Ramela, the night held a yearning to escape the solitude of her thoughts, seeking solace in the arms and lips of the man she had come to love. In this moment, she wanted to feel alive, to hear his words that would affirm her capabilities and dispel the shadows of doubt. For tonight, she sought the reassurance that only Bann, her chosen partner, could provide.


15 chapters in advance on my Patreon. \Sr_Devoxero

Ramela holds no respect for Seleri!

And trouble is on the way towards Faradras.

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