
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs


A.N: sorry for not uploading this week, I made a mess in my job and had to spent the whole week trying to fix it.

Now that everything is fixed, expect the regular update rate.

On another note, Webnovel took down the book cover :(

F for Pandora.


[Planet Faradras, Acteron Sector, Ultima Segmentum. 991.M41]

The dawn of the third day after the Imperial Guard descended into the Feudal World of Faradras was one that brought with it changes and an uproar.

The plain and normal lives of the many inhabitants of this world were thrown upside down while they heard the many spokesmen announcing the changes that were decided the night before.

Although few knew the truth of who was now ruling the whole planet, many couldn't help but wonder what was the reason behind it. Still, their lives continued so after acknowledging what was expected, the majority remained expectant to more information.

Others saw the opportunity to make a coin for themselves as they joined in the efforts to start building roads, bridges and whole villages from the ground. Those that weren't comfortable with their previous lives, saw this as a chance to do something.

The kids that could always be found on the fields playing around and cloud gazing were now called into the towns and city squares to be tested and wrote down their information. Mostly to be later on put into the new schools that were about to be built and open.

More scholars were called into the cities and nobles' houses as they were informed of the assignment they would be doing in the meantime. As they wouldn't only replicate the technology, but advance the society of Faradras in every aspect they needed.

However if there was someone, or better said, something that was left in the dark amidst the whirlwind of changes, that was the Ecclesiarchy.

Although Bann recognised their threat, he couldn't short the need that the local population would undoubtedly demand. Not when the ruinous powers could make a fest on the confused minds of the many inhabitants of this planet.

Thus, the preachers eyed with wary eyes the things going around them, while they smelled the undergoing current. Already preparing themselves for whatever was about to come.

Though none in Faradras were more stirred than the various noble houses in the capital cities and grand cities. With Bann announcing his engagement with Aurora Fennetos in Redentia, hastening the local nobles to fight over his last remaining spot as wive. Aprit who took four concubines in Flandria - another capital city that housed many noble houses - and spent two entire days filled with debauchery.

And last but not least was Rucule, who last night also announced the two wives he would be taking for the time, and throwing a feast alongside their families. In a banquet away from the eyes of his companions.

Thus, announcing the start of the Saiyan Dynasties.

At least from the side of the males, as Ramela returned at midnight and went directly to her bed, looking in a loop at the only message that her mother left her. While Seleri spent her night mingling with the population, hid in robes with keen ears to hear what made Bann so fascinated with the humans.

And with the only results of her taking a liking to the honey wine, and working as a thug for the tavern keeper as payment. Grumbling in annoyance while kicking away the poor souls of those who felt drunk.

By the time morning hit the Saiyan base, Bann was finally again in the place as he chatted with Cielo about the female guardsmen he kidnapped. While Ramela was slowly waking up.


The light footsteps of Seleri entering the base made both Bann and Cielo look in her direction while they saw the lavender-haired girl throwing at side her robe while muttering some words under her breath.

"...stupid human, how dares he to try and pat my head while saying I am a loli?..." She grumbled while clenching tightly her fist.

'I am not a loli, I am yet to grow up.' She said to herself while letting out a sigh. She then looked up at the two figures that were eyeing her and asked with a plain tone "What are you looking at?"

Bann who was in a good mood after getting a beautiful woman to call his wife gave her a grin while saying "Good morning to you too, and nothing, I was checking out who'd come. There are things I need to speak with you all about after all."

Seleri couldn't help but furrow her brows and ask with exasperation "There's always something you want to talk about with all of us, just use the scouter and that's it. Ugh." She made a beeline towards her room, not before giving a venomous glare to Cielo who remained stoic beside Bann.

The latter seemed stunned after hearing Seleri's words and couldn't help but scratch the back of his head as he exclaimed out loud "Oh, I forgot I could do that, god damn It I'm stupid." He then clicked various times on his scouter until he connected the device with his whole squad.

Carrasping his voice he announced, "Good morning to y'all, although I wanted to announce this to everyone in person, the current circumstances don't allow it, although on another note I wish to know where are you two Aprit and Rucule." He asked with a frown on his face.

He hasn't seen Aprit in three days ever since he stayed back in that city. While Rucule flew away from the station after rejecting his order.

"Still, that is for later, what I want to tell you all is that I have already picked my first wife and I am on my way to pick the next one alongside other concubines." When Bann said such words, he heard something breaking in an adjacent room where Seleri walked to a few moments ago.

"Since the plan is already in motion, we need to now ensure our continuing. Please come here later on so we can discuss further how we'll be organising from now on. That's all." Turning off the scouter he let out a sigh, while he snapped his head towards the sound of two people approaching.

As if a stampede was on its way, Ramela and Seleri appeared on the arch door that led to the room with bloodshot eyes.

"Who's the slut you've taken as wife!?" Seleri inquired with hate in her tone.

"HOW IS THAT YOU ALREADY PICKED YOUR WIFE!" Meanwhile, Ramela screamed almost hysterically, her puff red eyes showcasing she spent the night crying.

Seeing the tempestive attitude of both females, Cielo stood up and moved away from Bann while the latter gestured with his hands as he exclaimed with a gentle tone "Chill out."

Yet when both Saiyans remained on their spot with worse looks on their faces, Bann started explaining "First of all, there should be a congratulation on your part for my engagement. That's rude of you both."

His words seemed to add fuel to the fire as Seleri ki spiked up and her muscles tensed. Seemingly ready to pounce at Bann.

Quickening his explanation he said "Now, we have already spoken about this. Since Ramela seemed so enraptured by Aprit, we thought with Rucule she would be staying with him."

It was now Ramela's turn to have her ki exploding as veins appeared on her forehead while tears streamed down her face.

"And who told you two to decide for me!? AM I NO PERSON FOR YOU TO EVEN BOTHER ASKING?!" She exploded while she in a moment appeared in front of Bann, grasping him from his spandex.

Seeing her so distressed made Bann stunned. Throughout all the years he saw her being so close with Aprit that not only him, but Rucule too thought they would have ended up together.

With honest intrigue, he asked her "Don't you like him? I thought you wanted to be with him." His onyx eyes stared directly at hers.

Ramela lowered her head as she closed her eyes with pain while muttering "I did, but he didn't like me back and wanted someone that was away from his grasp." When saying the latter part she quickly glanced at Seleri. Making Bann even more dumbfounded.

Letting a sigh, he brought both hands towards Ramela's shoulders as he told her with a sincere tone "I am sorry Ramela, I should have asked you this question instead of assuming. This kind of thing won't happen again." Ramela still maintained her head lowered while she simply hummed an "um" in response.

"You can take whoever you want as your husband or wife. I will speak with your bro-" He couldn't continue with his words as Ramela raised her head and looked at Bann with furious eyes while she exclaimed.

"YOU THINK I WANT A WORM AS A HUSBAND?" Her eyes were lit with the fire of indignation as she continued "I EXPECT AT BARE MINIMUM SOMEONE THAT COULD STAND EVEN A HUG OF MINE!" With those words, she let out Bann as she huffed away in annoyance.

Passing Seleri who looked at her with curiosity. Yet before leaving she turned around and said to Bann "Congratulations on taking a useless human as wife. I hope she doesn't die while you fuck her and get the kids you want."

And then disappeared from everyone's eyes, leaving behind a frowning Bann and a more appalled Seleri, who seemed pleased with Ramela's choice of words.

"You should raise your standards, Bann, if not me it should have been Ramela instead of a human," Seleri said while resting on the doorway as she looked at Bann with a smug expression on her face.

He closed his eyes as he released the sigh he was containing. Falling into the poorly made couch in the room.

"You both don't seem to understand what kind of situation we are in." He raised his head as he stared at Seleri, pointing his finger at her "You for example won't accept anyone who is beneath you. Even if I were to kneel right now in front of you, you wouldn't hear a word and simply kick me away."

Hearing his words, Seleri's smuggish face faltered while her cheeks flushed, yet she answered to him "Why don't you try it?" Although her face was red as a tomato, she challenged him.

Bann had to give a double look at her while he listened to her words. Raising on his feet he asked her warily "Would you?"

Staring at his eyes Seleri felt like dying inside while outside she simply said "Try it."

He slowly walked towards her, and just when he was about to get on his knees, he received a kick from Seleri who shouted at him "You fool! If you have tried it before I would have gladly accepted! Now you have a woman." She then eyed Cielo at one corner and spat out with rage "And who knows how many more you are thinking to add."

She then turned around and walked away. Without saying another word.

Bann who received the kick on his chin couldn't help but clutch on the place while he let out a swear "God damn It."

Cielo who looked at everything that happened with strangeness as she couldn't understand a word, quickly approached Bann while she asked with apprehension "Have you been hurt? Did she hurt you badly?"

Feeling the warmth and soft hands from Cielo on his face, made Bann stare at her with appreciation while he let out a sigh and answered "I'm okay don't worry. It hurts more the pride than anything."

Cielo still eyed where Seleri kicked him with concern while she helped him to get on his feet.

"Though I'm oblivious to what you've been discussing with those two women, you shouldn't let yourself be treated like that." She told him with a soft tone while she stared dazedly at his face while still caressing his jaw with her hands.

Looking down at the battle sister and her caress, Bann couldn't help but let out a grin while answering to her "If I get to be treated with your care like this, then I wouldn't mind the rough handling of the Saiyans."

As Cielo looked at his grin with flushed cheeks, she couldn't help but retrieve her hands as she noticed her actions. Yet to be stopped by Bann who said to her in a low tone"Hey, don't let your treatment be done halfway." His grin never disappeared.

It was nice after all to receive the soft care of a beautiful woman.


A.N: 9 chapters ahead in my patreon.



Saiyan women does have strong personalities....

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